Fan Fiction

Stuck With Her (SwaSan Short Story) Chapter 1 Blackmail by Marsuu

Stuck With Her (SwaSan Short Story)
Chapter 1: Blackmail

Sanskar hurriedly came as someone was bagging at the door of his flat crazily. He opened the door only to see his patient swara, totally drunk and leaning on the side wall for support. ” swara!!! What are you doing here??” He asked looking at her condition. Her hairs are left open and she is wearing knee length frock. She blink her hazel doe eyes several time while looking at sanskar. ” i..ummm” she searched for words to give him answer. ” swara!! It’s midnight” sanskar again said. Swara stood straight but stumble.

Sanskar quickly held her waist to prevent her from falling. ” please accept my request” she pleaded making puppy face. ” Go to your house, you are not in senses” sanskar said moving little back leaving her.
” noooooo first say yes to marry me, i will be good wife promise” swara winced keeping her hand on throat swearing her words. Sanskar signed at her stubbornness. She tip toed and peep inside the flat, then she enter inside while sanskar was still at the door totally pissed off from her behaviour.

Sanskar took her mobile to call the driver as it’s number of times swara had came and he has to call her driver to get her back. Before he can dial the number, another figure appear and he was fully drunkard laksh.
” swara” he almost shouted giving deadly glares to sanskar. Swara didn’t care for him and was busy in admiring the designs on walls. ” you are a blo*dy cheater” he said moving inside. All the while sanskar was watching their drama.

” shut up laksh” swara said coming close to him. ” i love you and now you are after this man” laksh pointed towards sanskar while sniffing. ” you never loved me it was time pass for you” swara protested. ” but now it’s not time pass i really love you” laksh said as his eyes turn red due to alcohol affect.

” nooopppppp i don’t belive you” swara said angrily and the next moment laksh pull her closer holding her shoulders. ” leave me” swara winced in pain. Sanskar didn’t like the way laksh was treating swara. Yeah! He has no feelings for swara but still it’s not a respectful way to deal with a girl. ” laksh and swara, if you want to do all this then get out and do but not in my house” sanskar said trying to get rid of them. ” no touching only seeing” swara sing pushing laksh away. Sanskar couldn’t help but smile at her antics.

“sankuuuuuu please marry me i love you so big much” swara stretched her arms on either side while stumbling. Sanskar’s face turn serious ” stop all this swara, i will never marry you because i don’t love you” sanskar sternly said and swara’s already dizzy eyes got filled with tears.

Laksh started laughing listening to them ” yessss you deserve it swara!!! You will never get love because you used so many boys” laksh blurted and swara was crying by now. She is not in senses still it hurt her. Sanskar’s rejection and laksh’s bitterness made her feel suffocated. ” i never used anyone, they themselves come to me and even they were doing time pass like you” swara said sternly. Her throat is almost dry. ” yeah it was time pass for me and very soon i will find more pretty girl than you” laksh accepted and chuckle.

” can you both leave please” sanskar shouted getting frustrated. Swara stare him for few seconds and ran out. For a second, sanskar’s heart sink but he ignored it. Laksh also left after swara. Sanskar close the door and signed in relief.

Sanskar rest on the sofa as his thoughts went back to a month when all this started. Swara is a daughter of shekar Gododia who is owner of Ivy Hospital, where sanskar is a doctor. Basically, shekar is sanskar’s boss. One month ago, shekar consulted sanskar about swara’s addiction and started her counselling and medication with sanskar. Swara started developing her feelings towards him as they met several times and now he has become her crazy love which she wants at any cost. It’s normal that swara get drunk then come to sanskar’s house and plead him to marry her.
Sanskar was intially shocked but he everytime rejected her proposal because he don’t want a careless wife like swara. He ignore her and her confessions. Sanskar got up from the sofa moving towards his room to grab some sleep after all the mess.

Swara enter inside the huge hall of gododia mansion. She is literally tired of crying, shekar who was working in the hall got shocked to see her condition. He got up and made her sit beside him. ” why don’t he understand my love dad” swara whisper placing her head on shekar’s shoudler. “who??” Skekar asked as he has no idea of what she is talking. ” i love sanskar but he don’t love me, i wants to marry him dad” swara started crying. Shekar silently listen to her as she told how much she pleaded him to marry her but everytime got his rejection. ” i will leave alcohol for him” swara mumble before her head got heavy and she drifted to sleep. Shekar now got it why now a days swara was trying to learn how to be good wife. ” if swara will marry sanskar then she will leave drinking moreover, she will be happy to get what she wants” shekar thought to himself. ” sanskar will marry you very soon” shekar said with a smile on his lips then he picked swara and made her sleep comfortably in her room.

After three days, it’s Sunday evening and swara is lying on the sofa munching chocolates. She stopped drinking in these days. She got some panick attack but her determination to win sanskar’s love by becoming good girl overpowered it. She is lazily staring at the t.v. screen when the beeping sound of her mobile caught her attention and she lifted her head to see the caller. The next moment, she jumped from the sofa as it was ” sanskar calling” she skipped her several heart beats as sanskar called her for the first time. She is excited and nervous at the same time. Swara received the call with her shivering hands.
“hello” she said controlling her inner turmoil. ” hi swara i want to meet you” the blank voice of sanskar came from other side. Swara’s mind got clouded with queries like why he want to meet her and where?? She took deep breath and asked ” where?”
” at the park near your house” sanskar told her. ” ohh” she reacted. ” I’m waiting” he futher said. ” okay i will be there in five minutes” she quickly said and cut the call as sanskar said okay.

” what happened swara???” Shekar asked coming down stairs. ” dad sanskar wants to meet me” swara said happily and ran out of the house. She was not knowing whether he wants to talk about medication or her proposal but she hoped it should be second one. ” he has to meet you after all he can’t afford to lose his job” shekar smirk while thinking about his meeting with sanskar.

” you have to accept swara and marry her” shekar ordered sanskar as he went to meet him in hospital. ” but i don’t love her and she is so young to me” sanskar tried to explain shekar because he know they won’t be compatible with each other. Swara is ten years younger to him and it’s a huge difference. Moreover, their living style is different. ” i don’t care i just want my swara to be happy” shekar said completely blind in his daughter’s love. ” sorry sir i can’t accept it” sanskar replied sternly. ” within 2 days if you didn’t accepted swara’s proposal, get ready to lose your job” shekar blackmailed him with an evil smile. Sanskar was numb and shekar left from there.

Sanskar’s job is his first priority and he had got it with great efforts. He can’t lose it as he know it’s really difficult to get a new good job. He thought alot for the whole night and came to conclusion to accept swara’s proposal for now.

Swara came inside the park breathing heavily. She wandered her eyes to see sanskar when she spotted him in the corner. She guped her saliva and moved towards him with baby steps. ” sanskar” she called from back as she reached near him.
” hmm hey swara” sanskar turn towards him giving her a fake smile. ” you as..ked me to come here” swara asked playing with her fingers. ” yeah i want to tell you that..” Sanskar stopped for a while and swara is curiously listening to him ” that i will marry you” as soon as these words left sanskar’s lips, swara felt different sensation in her whole body. She didn’t thought for a second and hugged him tightly. Sanskar closed his eyes as anger build in his heart. He didn’t hugged her back but swara is so overwhelmed to notice it.

” thank you so much and i love you” swara loudly said breaking the hug. Sanskar just give her a plain smile. After few minutes, she asked ” now you started loving me??” Her question held so much of innocence that sanskar avoided eyecontact. “umm..yeah little bit, may be i will completely fall for you in the course of time” he casually said. ” i will try my best to be good wife and will not give you any chance to regret this decision” swara said genuinely and she mean these words. ” i should give this good news to dad” swara said and sanskar nodded her head. Swara ran from there while sanskar stare her retreating figure. ” you both father daugher did wrong by blackmailing me!!! Now i will show you hell after marriage swara, be prepared” he thought. Sanskar never knew when his sweet nature became such a devilish but he won’t let it go that easily.
To be continued……

Precap: ” Betrayal”

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Love Helly Shah Hellyholic SwaSanholic Riansh🥰 My wattpad I'd is mars_111

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