Fan Fiction

You Are Stupid And I Am Idiot (SwaSan ts) by Marsuu Shot 1

Hello guys!! This is Mars with ts. It will have 2 or 3 shots. I will give update regularly so it will end soon. These are stories which are asked by readers so I will give these simultaneously with ffs.
So this story is after six months leap. Don’t think me out of mind as I m going to make such a serious tract don’t know what. Actually there are so many serious stories on this tract so tried something different. Here it will be shown that both swasan were responsible for their Separation. Hope so u will enjoy it.
Let’s begin:

You Are Stupid And I Am Idiot
(SwaSan ts)
Shot 1:
The story begins after swara dance on dewani mastani. She is hurt that she is humiliated and her husband and in laws didn’t said anything. She is trying to overcome all these feelings. Laksh is still not found. Swara is living in badi.

Night (8:00pm)
Pluto Hotel:
Room No: 405
A man is sitting on the couch and there is wine glass in his hand and bottle is lying in front of him. He is completely drunked.He take out his mobile. He is Sanskar Maheshwari.
Sanskar: time to call wifey.
He dial swara’s number and place phone near ear.
Swara is going to her room after dinner when her phone rings. She signed as it’s sanskar.She received the call.
Swara: yes Sanskar
Sanskar: hello sweetheart.

Swara: u r again drinking??
Sanskar: yes baby okay I want to meet you.
Swara: what???
Sanskar: yuppp come to Pluto hotel room no. 405 I m waiting.
Swara: I m not coming at this time.
Sanskar: u have to come otherwise I will come in badi and pick you in my arms and bring you here. I would love to do that.
Swara thought that he is drunken and can do that also.
Swara: okay fine I m coming.

Sanskar: that’s like my good girl.
He cut the call and again got busy in drinking.

Ragini saw swara talking on phone so she asked
Ragini: swara whose call it was?
Swara: hmm nothing I have to go out it’s important.
Ragini: everything okay?
Swara: hmm plz handle ma baba if they ask.
Ragini(confused): okay
Swara took her purse and went out.

Swara is standing on road. Wind is blowing and it’s cloudy as if soon it will rain. She is looking for taxi.
Swara: don’t know what this idiot have to do with me at night.
She said irritatedly as there was no taxi.
Later she got cab and went to hotel.

Pluto Hotel:
Swara came inside after paying the cab driver. She went to reception and asked
Swara: excuse me I want to meet the person in room no. 405.
Receptionist: wait mam
She checked and saw that Sanskar has already told to let her in.
Recp: mam u are swara maheshwari?
Swara(confused): yes how u know?
Recp: sanskar sir has already told us about your arrival u can go and meet.
Swara: okay thanks.
Swara went to lift and then 4th floor.

Room No: 405:
Swara found that door is already open so she slightly push and it open and she came inside. Sanskar saw swara and gives his devilish smile.
Sanskar: Lock the door(ordered)
Swara saw him then lock the door and went near couch. Before she could speak, sanskar point towards the chair infront of him and said
Sanskar: take seat madam
Swara roll her eyes and sit on chair.
Sanskar offer her drink.Swara raised her eyebrow. Sanskar understand and said
Sanskar: ohhh don’t worry this is soft drink I know my wife is super sanskari that she didn’t drink alcohol so special for you.
Swara took the glass and took the sip.
Sanskar: so you know why I called you here???
Swara shook her head in No with confused puppy face.
Sanskar(shook his head): tch tch don’t look at me like that I feel something something(pout).
Swara smiles seeing his expression. He is looking so cute with his messy hairs wandering on his forehead.
Sanskar: I called to talk to you personally.

Swara: ohhh
He got up from couch and went near swara. He stood next to her chair and said
Sanskar: get up.
Swara give him confused look but still stood in front of him.
Sanskar: we will talk but…..
Swara: but???
Sanskar lean and whisper huskily in her ear
Sanskar: let’s go to bed(winks)

Swara: sure.
Sanskar bend to pick her but stumble as he is drunken.
Swara: leave it I will go myself.
Sanskar: no I will take you.
Swara: you can’t stand yourself then how u will pick me.
Sanskar pout and look at her from head to toe.
Sanskar held her waist and went to bed. He made her lie on bed and lie beside her.
Sanskar: u r not afraid of me??

Swara: why would I be??
Sanskar half lean on her.
Sanskar: what if I do something???
Swara: so
Sanskar: yeah we had done already many times so never mind(casually)
Swara blushes.
Sanskar: u know why I called you in hotel??
Swara: no
Sanskar: so that only we can talk alone. I don’t want any outsider to tell us what we should do. We had created problems so we should solve without strangers.
Swara: right.
Sanskar’s face was very near to swara so he moved back and said
Sanskar: u don’t like alcohol smell wait.

He take out mouth fresher from pocket and used it.Again he lie on swara.
Sanskar: tonight I m not going far from you so alternative hihi.
Swara smiles.
Sanskar: okay coming to point. We are separated bcoz of me or you??? Noooo Its bcoz of us.
Swara’s eyes got filled with tears.
Sanskar place his finger on her lips

Sanskar: shhhhhh don’t cry today plzz.
Swara wipe her tears.
Sanskar: U hurted me and I hurted you.
U left me alone I insulted you then u choose your sister and I also did same and let you get humiliated infront of everyone. We both are wrong.
Swara was not knowing what to say. He is right whatever he is saying.
Sanskar: and the biggest reason of our separation is our EGO. Mr and Mrs Sanskar Maheshwari has big ego problem.
Swara chuckes.
Sanskar: u left me so u r stupid and I let you go so I m idiot.
Swara smiles. Their face are almost touching each other. They are able to feel each other’s heavy and hot breathe.
Sanskar join his forehead with her and their lips are inches apart.
Sanskar: I miss you

He whisper as his tears fell on swara’s face. Swara was not able to bear more. She hugged him tightly and whisper
Swara: I miss you too
Sanskar smiles and kiss her head.

Sanskar pull her more to him and she hug him tightly and lie on his chest. There was comfortable silence between them. In the room light was dim but it’s raining outside and they can hear thunderstorm.
Little later, Sanskar said
Sanskar: shona u r sleeping??
Swara: no
Sanskar: I want….
Swara: what??
Sanskar(whisper): I want to love you.
Swara saw him. His eyes are heavy due to hangover but still it shows his craving for her. Even she want him.
Swara didn’t said anything just place her lips on his. Sanskar kiss her back and both were lost in each other forgetting everything.
Are they separated???

Are there any misunderstanding between them???
That they hate each other???? Which they always claim when ever they met earlier. They both know that this is the most stupid joke which they crack every time.
Sanskar remember how nikil was close to Swara. He kiss her harshly while swara mourns his name.
Sanskar: you are mine say to your friend that be away from what is mine.
Swara: i love you Sanskar.
Sanskar: I love you soo much Mrs Sanskar.

After long passionate love making both slept hugging each other.

To be continued….

Precap: Sanskar forget what all he said in drunken state????

So first shot is over most probably next will be last so plzzz leave your views. Let me know whether u all want next part i will give tomorrow itself if u r interested.
Thank you
Take care


Love Helly Shah Hellyholic SwaSanholic Riansh🥰 My wattpad I'd is mars_111

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