Categories: Suhaagan

Suhaagan 3rd August 2023 Written Episode Update

Suhaagan 3rd August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Payal shows revengeful attitude towards Bindiya. Burning a photography of Bindiya, she promises she will take the revenge with her own sister. The animosity arises a new plan in her head. She plans to blackmail Krishna emotionally in his Suhag rat as Krishna still has some emotional and soft corner for Payal. Here, Baldev can’t sleep anymore for some issues in his digestive system. Baldev is taunted by Indu as he believed too much in Bindiya. Baldev emphatically says he hasn’t done any mistake to choose Bindiya for his son and oneday Indu have to accept his decision. Indu clearly says she won’t accept Bindiya as her daughter in law. Baldev emphasizes oneday Indu will accept Bindiya as the perfect daughter in law.

In the midst of the night, Payal video calls Krishna and shows her crying face.

Krishna can’t process what’s going on but he doesn’t cut the phone. Cutting all the floral decoration, he comes outside taking his mobile phone. He tries to connect with Payal in the call and suddenly meets with Baldev. His father asks him the reason of going outside in this odd time. He makes some false excuses to go outside.

Taking the car, Krishna tries to connect with Payal, but she obstinately behaves with a dramatic attitude which makes Krishna more worried. Payal asks the auto driver to take her to the Gomoti bridge. Krishna suddenly remembers that once Payal said to her she doesn’t know the swimming. Though the phone is connected with Payal, but she doesn’t give any reply to increase the tension of him.

Indu comes Bindiya to ask what did she say to Krishna, for which Krishna has gone outside. Indu rebukes for her foolishness and blames Bindiya. Though she tries to tell her the truth, but Indu has been already tensed for her own issue, so Bindiya doesn’t her anything. She lets Indu go in her room. Fails to finding any other things to do, she opens the television. Suddenly, she notices in the television Krishna is requesting the polices for let him go to the Gomoti bridge. Krishna couldn’t go there because of the political issue. But police gives him the permission and he runs towards the Gomati bridge. Bindiya also decides to reach there.

Krishna roams around the dark road only to find out Payal, he continues screaming with his name and follows the sign which she left in the way. Payal reaches to the Gomati bridge and pretends to sacrifice her own life. Collecting all the left sign, Krishna also follows the road of Gomoti bridge. Suddenly, he notices Payal is standing on the top of the bridge. Krishna observes Payal from a distance, but he fears to go near to her. If his presence makes her more fired.

Precap : Payal pretends to sacrifice her own life, meanwhile, Krishna saves her. They both are seen by Bindiya in their proximity.

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