Categories: Suhani Si Ek Ladki

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 3rd April 2015 Written Episode Update

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 3rd April 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Soumya talking to Suhani about Yuvraaj. He stands behind and hears her. Soumya leaves. Yuvraaj asks Suhani why did she help Soumya. He asks why did he not scold Soumya. He says he scolds her to correct her. She says I know you did not scold her as you are acting, but Soumya wants my help, if I don’t help, she will doubt on me. He holds her hand and goes to clear the kajal. He says you are feeling bad for Soumya. She says not for Soumya, what she did for me it was….. She goes.

Rags is angry and tells Dadi how Soumya spoke to her. Soumya comes and scolds Rags. Rags says you stop it. Soumya says Dadi knows me, and she knows I was in stress. Soumya apologizes to her. Dadi says fine, next time there should not be such mistake. Menka laughs on Rags and Dadi hugs Soumya.

Ramesh talks to everyone and Yuvraaj asks him to call Soumya. Anuj and Saurabh are hungry and Suhani says Soumya will manage. Soumya comes and asks what happened. Yuvraaj says Sharad and I are going out, take Snoopi for a walk, Ramesh is busy in kitchen. She asks Saurabh or Anuj to take him. Saurabh and Anuj are also busy. Sharad asks Soumya to take him for Yuvraaj’s sake. Yuvraaj asks whats the problem. She says fine and takes him. Pratima asks Suhani to cook as everyone wants to have her hand made food.

Soumya could not control Snoopi and Anuj helps her, asking her to manage on her own. Anuj says Suhani manages snoopi well and asks her to take care of Snoopi. Menka sees them and worries that Soumya will steal her husband. He asks Anuj to come and he leaves. Menka thinks why was Soumya talking to Anuj, is she making option to trap him if Yuvraaj does not agree. Soumya takes Snoopi out. Suhani looks on. Suhani asks Saurabh what does he want. He says Khakra. She says its over. He asks her to make it, as it will save them. She says fine, I will make after cooking.

Rags comes and he asks how did she come there, did she forget the way to room. She says very funny. Rags asks Suhani is she troubling Soumya. Suhani says you don’t have any right to ask me, why should I tell you what will I do, you worry for yourself, if I write your doings, it will be more than book, I have to cook now, and asks her to help. Rags leaves.

Soumya takes Snoopi and she says they make me maid, which even Krishna did not make her. Other dogs come and bark. Snoopi barks and runs. She shouts. Sharad and Yuvraaj come and see Suhani in kitchen. Yuvraaj says he wants some healthy food, he did not eat anything in morning. She says Soumya will make pasta salad for him. Sharad smiles. Ramesh leaves saying he won’t work under Soumya. Sharad asks is Suhani jealous. Yuvraaj laughs. She says I know you both came for tadka. Sharad and Yuvraaj cough and leave.

Soumya comes back home. They see her and Sharad asks why is she so angry, where is snoopi, where did she leave him. Yuvraaj says I will ask. Rags tells Dadi that Suhani is planning something, she always helps everyone, why is she not helping Soumya. Menka says does anyone help Sautan. Dadi says she said right. Menka says thanks Dadi. Rags asks her to stand at door. Menka asks is she watchman. Rags says go. Soumya comes and tells Dadi that some dogs attacked her, and she saved herself. Rags asks where is snoopi. Soumya says he has run away.

Yuvraaj comes and says what….. She gets tensed. He asks is she mad, where is Snoopi, answer me. Saurabh, Anuj come and ask why is he angry. Sharad looks for Snoopi. Ramesh says snoopi is not at home. Suhani asks what happened. Sharad tells her about Soumya leaving Snoopi. She gets worried. Soumya says she was very scared. Saurabh calls her insensitive. Soumya argues and calls them insensitive to scold her for a dog. Yuvraaj says mind your language Soumya, and your tongue too.

He says Snoopi is our family member, I won’t leave you if you talk like this, just shut up. Sharad and Suhani look on. He says you did this second time, last time when the fish came and you put in drain. Saurabh asks how can he give snoopi to this irresponsible girl, its his mistake. Yuvraaj says yes, its my mistake to trust her, I won’t talk to her. She says talk to me with respect, I told you I won’t be able to do this work. He says you don’t do anything well. She says she is not maid to cook or take dogs out. He smiles and says you chose this life, and looks at Dadi. He says lets find snoopi and leaves. Soumya gets angry. Dadi looks at her.

Suhani gets snoopi back home. Yuvraaj and everyone get glad and Yuvraaj hugs Suhani.

Update Credit to: Amena


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