Fan Fiction

Sukor journey to love

Precap veer joins in with sukor sughraat its chakor first day as rajvnashi haveli daughter in law chakor makes kheer and kamal praises her and gives the ancestral bangles to chakor as a gift veer tells suraj to put the bangles on chakor..

Sukor have a deep eyelock and start to look away…
Suraj gets a phone call…
Laaksh;is true did u get married..
Suraj;yes but he told u..
Laaksh;veer khanna the only guy in the world that controls u…
Suraj olv veer im gonna…?
Laaksh;we were best friends and i cant believe u never told me anything about the marriage and ur wife come later to meet me…
Suraj;il try…
Kamal;suraj come and sit down…
Suraj;iv got to go!
Suraj sits down and frowns at veer…
Veer;so now maamu got married when will they have babies…
Chakor feels ashamed and looks down…
Suraj gets red and embarssed..
Arjun;veer u have sed enough come on lets go…
Kamal and tejswani looks on…

Tejswani grabs sukor and makes them hold hands…
Tejswani;suraj beta chakor beta i know the circumstances that u got married in but now u are husband and wife this is a very special relationship and i want both of you’s to try fufiling this relationship…
Sukor nod thier heads…
Chakor gets a phone call…
Kaustri;chakoriya how r u…
Chakor;mai im fine but im very scared?
Kasutri;i understand chakoriya but that’s ur sasural u have to try to make ur marriage work r the family members good to u…
Chakor;everyone is so nice to me tejswani maa kamal papa bhagya di and espeically veer…
Kaustri;and what about suraj…
Chakor;mumma he seems ok but i need to get to know him…
Kaustri;betiya im so proud of u for trying take care of urself bye il see u tommrow at the bekfera ritual…
Chakor;bye mai…
Chakor;tejswani maa il help u in the kitchen…
Tejswani;there’s no need please ur a new bahu we cant let u work so soon….
Veer comes and grabs chakor…
Veer;maami come with me..
Veer takes chakor to her room…
Bhagya brings suraj to the room and asks veer to come with her…
Bhagya and veer run of…
Veer;mumma the plan worked maamu and maami r alone hopefully they talk…
Bhagya;i hope so…
Tejswani;did the plan work…
Bhagya;yes mumma…
All 3 smile…
Kamal;did the plan work…
Bhagya veer tejswani;yes!!
Kamal;hopefully they form some kind of bond niether of them talk to each other…
Sukor hesitate to look…
Sukor turn to each other…
Suraj;chakor, r u happy with what has happened?
Chakor;r u happy?
Suraj;this is all that stupid vivaan fault…
Chakor;this is all imlu fault if they loved each other then they should have sed…
Bhagya tejswani and kamal creep up to sukor room…
Bhagya;i can hear them talk..
Kamal high fives bhagya…
Suraj;correct absolutely correct!
Tejswani;i cant hear much?
Bhagya;quiet mumma!!

Chakor;why do we have to bear the consequences of thier actions…
Suraj;ik i will never forgive vivaan for this i came bk on request for his wedding and i ended up getting married myself…im still in shock..
Chakor;me to i came bk from training for imlu wedding but i ended up getting married myself..
Sukor laugh about thier situation…
Sukor;our lives sound like a joke…
Kamal;i can hear laughing im sure they will be at the girlfriend boyfriend stage by now…
Bhagya;papa it dont work like that… we hardly know if they r at the friend stage or not…
Tejswani;kamal jee this is not our generation by having one convo the bride and groom become lovers for life it doesn’t work like that anymore..
Kamal;ok calm down…
Suraj;so what do u do…
Chakor;i was in mumbai training for the asian games which is held next yr i also have a degree in civil rights education…wbu…
Suraj;wow!!i did accounting and papa wants me to join the company i also was training in delhi…
Sukor hear whispering at open the door…
Bhagya kamal and tejswani fall on the floor..
Sukor olv they were spying on us!
Suraj olv ik what to do so they never earsdrop again…
Suraj winks at chakor and signals her…chakor understands…
Suraj;u guys here u should have come in anyways chakor was on her phone and i was in the washroom and im going out with laaksh so no1 wait up for me bye…
Sukor smirk…
Bhagya;suraj wait…
Chakor;veer was calling me 10 minutes ago il go find him… chakor walks of…
Bhgaya;all the work went in water chakor was on the phone meaning sukor didnt even talk to 1 another and papa there u were thinking that they r on the boyfriend girlfriend stage?
Kamal;stop bullying me shall i call veer…
Bhagya;seems like u forgot papa im his mother?
Suraj meets up with laaksh who offers him alcohol…
Suraj olv i cant have any otherwise mom will kill me…
Laaksh;since u got married uv given up everything already…
Suraj;its not like that hears what happened vimli ran away so to save family reputation they made me get married and vice verser for chakor she was forced to…
Laaksh;how can that vivaan do that and bro looks like u r on the same boat…so what happens now like do u talk n that??

Suraj;yesterday we never sed a word but today we asked each other what we do n that…
Laaksh;is she ur type…
Suraj;well she is very good looking but i need to know much more…
Laaksh;what does she do..
Suraj;she got a degree in civil rights and is a marathon runner she has an undefeated streak and is preparing for the asian games…
Laaksh;suraj she seems to good r u…here atleast have a glass…
Suraj drinks in one gulp and starts asking for me…
Payal (friend of chakor rings her)
Payal;miss laal u forgot ur best friend since coming back to azzadganj…
Chakor;payal i got married..
Chakor;vimli ran away to save family reputation mai and baabu requested me to marry suraj and it was the same situation for him…
Payal;but u practically know nothing about him..did u talk to him…and how is the family do u getalong with them…
Chakor;the family is sweet they made me feel that i was part of that family since ages and veer bhagya di small son is so cute we already made friends…
Payal;what about suraj though!
Chakor;yesterday we didnt say a word but today we asked each other what we do and he has a degree in accounting…
Payal;should have asked more mrs suraj…surely u know more
Chakor;payal!? im not use to that all yet… and veer came yesterday he kinda made us do a indirect introduction veer told me suraj is 27yrs in age and he is lazy he likes the color black and he likes partying he sounds the total oppsite to me! Maybe im not his type…
Payal;so ur telling me veer who is now ur nephew ruined ur sughraat and how do u find suraj…
Chakor;he saved it otherwise i would never know so much about suraj and he is good looking but i need to know more…

Payal;atleast one thing is solved that u dont have anything negative to say ideally ur mai baabu may have considered this rishta if they went through formality etc so now that u r married try to make it work…
Chakor;thanks for the motivation and il try making it work…i will try my best i cant let mai baapu tejswani maa bhagya di and kamal papa down..
Laaksh;surely u must know more about her than her name…
Suraj;yh veer came in and indirectly made us give a intro but bro he sed all the wrong things he said mom and di prayed for me day and night for me to pass i like partying and drinking and im lazy? that is the worst thing any1 can say…but l learnt chakor likes white her fav food is pizza she enjoys running and she is 24yrs old..
Laaksh;veer was right about u and chakor seems like a nice girl… if u ask me i thinku should put some effort in and make ur marrige work take her on a date try to get to know her dude shes ur wife and i cant believe u let veer ruin ur suhagraat it only happens once…
Suraj;il try to make it work il put some effort in..suraj gets a bit drunk..
Tejswani worries for suraj as its late…
Bhagya;where has this boy gone let him come home..
Kamal;dont worry u guys go he will be bk soon chakor will wait for him wont u beta kamal winks at bhagya and tejswani and they understand…
Kamal and tejswani leave bhagya takes chakor to her room…
Chakor is shocked to see roses everywhere…
Bhagya;enjoy and iv set ur stuff up chakor bhagya runs out…
Chakor waits for an hour…
Chakor; ??who takes this long its 7 hours since he left…
Chakor feels tired and slowly falls asleep..
Suraj reaches homedrunk and goes in his room..
Mahiya plays…
Suraj looks at the room decorated and sees chakor fast asleep on the edge of the bed…suraj goes closerby chakor… he smiles looking at her and tucks her hair in… chakor wakes up by suraj touch…
Chakor;what time do u call this?
Suraj;dont worry im bk did u miss me that much…
Suraj sits besides chakor who feels very anxious…
Suraj;ur so hot..
Chakor;excuse me!!
Suraj touches chakor hair…

Suraj;we r husbandand wife now we have to except eachother i mean we have to start from somewhere and cant i praise my wife look at this room its decorated for us… suraj gets closer to chakor but chakor tries to avoid suraj…chakoe gets up but suraj grabs her waist…
Chakor;suraj i agree we have to accept each other but this is to much i dont feel comfortable..
Suraj gets really close by chakor…chakor smells alcohol…
Chakor;ur drunk???
Suraj laughs…
Chakor;this is not funny…
Suraj is tipsy and slips
Sukor fall on the bed mahiya plays…
Suraj holds chakor tightlyand falls asleep chakor tries hard to release herself but cant as suraj grip is really hard chakor hesitates but falls asleep..
Bhagya tejswani and kamal peak through the Window…they see sukor sleeping in each other’s arms…
Kamal;i told u they were at the boyfriend girlfriend stage???
Tejswani;shut up kamal jee i bet suraj came home drunk and hassled chakor today is her moodikay and i dont want her stressed…

Sukor go to chakor house for a post marriage ritual suraj learns more about chakor

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