Fan Fiction

Sukor- In Love with a Billionaire Girl (Chapter-1)

Hey everyone!! I was sitting idle and suddenly this story came in my mind so thought to write it before it disappears from my mind. Hope you’ll like it.


Khanna’s Mansion , London

Bhagya was sitting on sofa looking at some magazines.

Shikha: Mam the breakfast is ready

Bhagya: I’m coming you go and call Arjun and Chakor from their rooms for breakfast

Shikha: yaa Mam

Shikha went from there to Chakor’s room. Chakor was sleeping when Sakshi came and knocked the door.
Her sleep got disturbed by the knocking sound.

Chakor: * what the hell *

She got up from bed and opened the door and saw Sakshi there.

Chakor: what ??

Shikha: Mam Bhagya Mam is calling you down for breakfast.

Chakor: huh! tell her I’m really sleepy and I’ll have my breakfast afterwards now go

Sakshi went to Arjun and called him for breakfast. Arjun came down with his laptop and sat on the table.

Arjun: good morning baby

Bhagya: good morning…Shikha didn’t you call Chakor

Shikha: Mam I called her but she told that she wanna sleep and will come afterwards

Chakor’s room

Chakor was tossing and turning on her bed. She got up and took her phone from the table and sat in her bed taking one pillow on her lap and started doing something in her phone. The battery of her went down.

Chakor: aaahhhh what the hell….first of all that Shikha came to wake me up in the early morning and now this battery went down….Oh God what’s happening today

She kept her phone in charging and came down. She sat on the table and told one of the servants to bring her breakfast. The servant brought her breakfast and she started eating. Bhagya and Arjun were talking about business and stock market etc. etc. .

Chakor: mom dad atleast you both can stop these talks on table….and I think no one cares about me

Arjun: no princess it’s nothing like that we care about you….so now tell me what you want

Chakor: just now I want you to stop these business talks on the table

Bhagya: but princess it’s really important to talk….so Arjun what were you saying…

They both started again. Chakor kept her one hand on her forehead and took a fork and started eating her sunny-side-up.

Chakor: * aahh not again *

Chakor looked at Arjun and Bhagya and they were still busy with there talks. Suddenly Chakor said

Chakor: I’m pregnant

Bhagya: what??

Chakor: just joking…plz continue

Arjun felt bad seeing her. So he started talking with her.

Arjun: btw princess your college starts tomorrow right

Chakor: yaa

Arjun: so how are you feeling about it

Chakor: I don’t know but I’m really excited how will be the first day

She said in excitement. Bhagya  too joined them.

Bhagya: Chakor princess your college starts from tomorrow so why don’t you go shopping and buy some clothes and heels…what say

Arjun: yaa after all everyone should know that she is Arjun Khanna’s one and only daughter

Chakor: wow mom nice suggestion….I’ll just go and call Tina we’ll go shopping together

Saying this she ran to her room. She sat on her bed and took out her phone from charging and called Tina.

Chakor: hey Tina what were you doing

Tina: nothing just had my breakfast

Chakor: Tina let’s go shopping today

Tina: yep amazing idea…and what about Riya

Chakor: O gosh I really forgot about her…you call her tell…ok byee

At Rajvanshi Haveli , India

Tejaswini: want are you doing Kamal ji pack you bags fast we have to catch the flight for London….I’m going to see Vivaan and Suraj wether they have started packing or not…till I come you complete the packing or else…

Tejaswini went to Vivaan’s room first.

Tejaswini: Vivaan have you finished packing

Vivaan: ji badi ma

Tejaswini: good I’ll go to Suraj’s room I’m sure he must have not started packing yet

She went to Suraj’s room then.
Suraj was watching a cricket match when Tejaswini entered.

Tejaswini: I was knowing it…Suraj now stop watch T.V. and pack your stuff (angrily)

Suraj saw that her anger was at top and turned off the Tv and jumped out of his bed taking a bag and packing his things.

At Lal’s house

Kasturi: Imli let me help you

Imli: no maai I’ve packed my bag…and where is bapu I want his passport or he will forget

Kasturi: your bapu has gone out to buy something but I know where’s his passport I’ll give it to you

Kasturi brought the passport and gave it to Imli and went from there.

Imli: * I’m so happy today…we are going to London….thank god bapu works for Kamal Narayan and is his most trusted man that he he too told us to come with them to London….Bade Malik will get help in his business and I can meet Suraj babu everyday *

KN Tejaswini Vivaan and Suraj Sat in the car and left for airport. They reached the airport and were waiting for the Lal family to come. Imli Kasturi and Bhuvan came there in a taxi and they all boarded the flight.

Precap: off to London


So hey guys this is my new story I hope you all like it and plz comment and share your opinions abt the story.


Standing alone is better than being with people who don't value you.

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