Recap imli feels humiliated after tejswani taunts imli media report chakor has married suraj imli burns seeing suraj holding chakor she hugshim and talks about the child…
Kaustri and bhavan come…kaustri;imlu we have come to take u for post marriage ritual…bhavan grabs imli and leaves…chakor;mai baapu please dont do this…tejswani comes down and gets angry…tejswani olv what can u accept from these cheap baasti people chakor who is so pure thier doubting her but this larkhi they findso pure who got pregnant before marrige and is putting the paap on my son! Imli smirks and leaves…imli olv rot for all i carechakor mai baapu see u for who u really are…chakor;mai baapu please dont do this chakor falls on the floor…suraj notices chakor and stands by her he gives his hand to help chakor but chakor pushes suraj and runs of to her room…chakor;mai baapu i cant believe u think i did all this i would never do this to imlu…aryan (friend of suraj phones him)aryan;suraj how r u ur all over the news channels u married chakor i thought u hated her…suraj;business is always bigger than hate…i need to go! Aryan olv what is suraj upto? suraj walks up the stairs and hurts his hand on the staircase he starts to bleed suraj enters the room and sees chakor sulking…chakor wipes her tears and notices suraj…chakor;
i didnt have any intention of marrying u and imli is gonna be the mother of ur child u should be with imli not me what will ur child be known as will i be the maasi of that child or the step mom of this child how can i leave with u knowing me nd u will never love each other nd u will always love imlu i know ur not happy with me and im not happy with u suraj i want a divorce…chakor notices suraj blood and tries to find the first aid box chakor holds suraj hand and delicately aids suraj wound suraj shivers and gets a weird feeling by chakor touch suraj stares at chakor mahiya plays…suraj olv these eyes show me innocence?…suraj;then what’s all this why r u bothered seeing blood…chakor;its call humanity somthing which people like u never appricate…suraj twists chakor wrist…suraj;marriage is not always about love the love can form later nd i have no intention of separating from u…suraj throws chakor on the bed…suraj;the only way u will get rid of me is if i die but even then il make sure that u will be known as chakor suraj rajvanshi? chakor;
u may not want a divorce but i do i have no intention staying with u and u can’t stop me…suraj olv she will ruin everything if she gets a divorce i have to think if somthing…suraj;fine if u dont divorce me il free the baasti from bundua giri but if u leave me il do something that the whole of azaadganj will never forget…the choice is urs if u work for me i will free every single person and will make sure everyone gets thier fair share on bread and water….chakor olv azaadi all my life iv dreamed of this moment but is this the price if i stay with suraj he wil free everyone one my goal will be complete but in return im selling my self to a beast…chakor closes her eyes…chakor;i agree but if u dont free anyone then…suraj;i may be many things but i never bk down from a commitment…suraj smirks and leaves…suraj leans on the balcony he sees some kids play and smiles…suraj olv i cant believe im gonna be a father a small little child will be around the haveli and will be calling me papa…kauatri;feeds imli and conducts the post marriage ritual vivaan comes…vivaan;if the ritual is done im here to take imli bhavan tells imli to go imli leaves with vivaan…imli notices all memories of chakor have been erased by bhavan and kaustri that were of chakor…imli olv chakor next il make sure that i erase u from the whole of azaadganj…vivaan;imli i cant see that suraj thinking my kid is his do somthing as i cant tolerate this nonsense anymore…imli reaches the haveli she notices suraj smiling at the kids..imli olv im still young i can have many children? but buchua im doing this so that chakor lives her life in hell forever…everyone in the baasti knows suraj hassome form an attachment with children…and once he learns his so called buchua is dead becoz of chakor he will kill her?…vivaan leaves to deal for his gun factory business…vivaan olv i will need to get all the bunduas on my side so i can make them create my guns! Imli walks up the balcony she holds suraj hand…imli;suraj soon our buchua will be in the haveli! Chakor walks out her room to find suraj so that she can tell him that she wants to see him destroy and tell the baasti that everyone is free from bundua giri…imli pretends to cough…suraj notices chakor.suraj;chakor take imli down and serve her some food and water! Imli smirks perfect…chakor takes imli…imli pushes chakor and loses control she falls down the steps and hurts herself…imli;suraj! My buchua…imli faints…suraj;imli! Suraj runs down…chakor;suraj? suraj lifts imli and calls the doctor…the doctor tells suraj and chakor to step outside…ranjana olv must be some fake drama…tejswani olv fake drama?they both slam thier room doors…chakor notices suraj worried she walks by suraj and touches his shoulder…chakor (hesitates)sur..
Suraj dont worry imli and the bacha will be fine…the doctor comes out….doctor;im sorry mr rajvanshi we couldn’t save the child…suraj is shocked he holds thr doctors collors…suraj;what do u mean dead how can u delcare my child dead…chakor;suraj let go chakor helps the doctor…doctor;please take care of imli jee she has gained consciousness but is weak…the doctor leaves suraj;my child!suraj and chakor walk in imli smiles imli olv i swear on my buchua life my buchua left becoz of this chakor i will seek revenge from her…imli stands and slaps chakor suraj is shocked…imli;happy u got what u wanted u couldn’t stand my happiness that u throwed me down and killed my child ur a muderer…chakor;what are u talking about i didnt push u…suraj stares at chakor in anger imli hugs suraj chakor feels anxious seeing imli and suraj chakor cries and walks away suraj pushes imli and grabs chakor hand…imli;suraj were r u going r u gonna forgive the muderer that killed our child…suraj;this is between me nd my wife…ragini overhears and laughs…ragini olv what is all this happening since both of my bhabhi’s came in the house thiers a new scene everyday minute…imli smirks and wipes her tears…suraj locks his room door suraj pushes chakor against the wall and holds her arms…suraj;is it true i know u want revenge from me…chakor;no i didnt do anything i would never kill anyone especially my sisters child! Ididnt do anything…suraj sees the truth in chakor eyes…suraj olv i dont want to believe the words out ur mouth but ur eyes r telling me that ur screaming the words of ur innocence…suraj lets go of chakor suraj leaves his room…chakor sits and cries…suraj drives fast he takes out an alcohol bottle and thinks of the child dying suraj reaches home bk drunk…imli sees suraj and instigates him…imli;suraj i want justice for my buchua! I cant tolerate chakor getting away scotch free she was jealous i was the mother of ur child…suraj;jealous but me nd chakor dont like one another…imli;what r u talking about she always wanted u look how she swapped the brides she got u nd then she realised that im carrying ur child she wants u all by herself that’s why she killed our buchua…suraj;chakor! Suraj storms of in anger imli smirks.
Precap will suraj understand even in a drunken state that chakor is innocent suraj starts to understand and see the good in chakor whilst imli plans against chakor start to fail
Awesome . Hate imvan & chakor’s parents. Interesting precap, glad that suraj will understand chakor. Waiting for next
Thank u suraj will start to see why chakor follows the right path
Amazing! hate imli. Love Suraj’s love for children. Suraj is starting to trust Chakor. Looking forward to next part.
Thank u suraj trusts children more and il update soon
Amazing update! Will you write about an engagement party where everyone praises chakor as a wife and elder daughter in law of Suraj? Maybe Suraj can gift her a nice black saree etc or a mukh dikhai rasam for chakor. All this to put imli down but to show chakor is the beauty, brains and the class out of both sisters.
There needs to be more post wedding rituals?
Glad u enjoyed it and iv taken ur point to consideration thank u for recommendation
nice update waiting for next. Stupid Vimli n Bhuturi
Thank u imli is the villian in this ff
love this so much i love how teju sipports chakor and how suraj is finally seeing chakor is a loving girl who wouldnt harm a fly nd that imli b*t*h her plans are failing so good to read wen she fails update soon!
Thank u glad u like it alot
wow love this ff love how suraj is starting to deep down like chakor he sees her pureness wheras imli the vamp plans r failing only if serial showed this cant wait for next update
Thank u glad u enjoyed it
amazing di please write on watpad love this ff its better than the serial really enjoyed it imli is so cheap as ususal i love how u portayed her cheap from the beginning unlike serial who are forcing us to beleive she is devi
Thank u so much i dont right on watpad
amazing superbe update please update soon love this ff alot
Thank u for commenting and iv updated
wen u update soon lovely suraj already falling for chakor he agreed to free bunduas as he wants her
Thank u il update soon