Summer Palace Horror SS Ronakshi,Mehrya, Asya, Drikshit, AdYa SS Part5

Aliya’s phone rang.She looked at the screen.
She attended the call.
Aliya:Aditya…Are you alright?
Aditya:Yes,I am alright.How are you?

Aliya:I am fine after seeing you now.You did’nt reach home yet.So I got scared.
Aditya:I did’nt go back home.That’s it.
Aliya:But why?
Aditya:If I go back home my parents will ask ridiculous questions about the ghost I saw.They won’t believe me.
Aliya:Then where are you?

Aditya:I will tell you later.
Aliya:Is Yug with you?
Aliya was relieved.
Aditya:Aliya…I want to meet you.
Aliya:Yes sure Aditya.
Aditya:But only you.Because I can’t face anyone.No one believes me.Only you believe me.They will make fun of me.
Aliya:Ok Aditya.Only I will come.Tell me where I should come.
They continued talking.

Aliya went near the others happily.
Aliya:Aditya called me now.We had a video chat.

All were surprised.
Aliya:Yug is with him.

All were relieved.
Alekha:Thank God..Yug is safe.
Aliya:Aditya wants to meet me.
Karan:Only you?Why only you?I find it weird.

Aliya:Yes,only me.Because he can’t face anyone else.
Everyone becomes dull.
Aliya:So I am going alone.Bye.
Aliya walked out.
Zoya:Don’t worry guys.Atleast they are safe.
Alekha:Why Yug is not calling me?

Rohit:Must be embarrassed to face you also as he followed Aditya’s footsteps.
Alekha became dull.

Aliya reached the area Aditya asked her to come.
Seeing Aditya she became so happy that she embraced him.
Aliya:Aditya…I missed you a lot.
Aditya:I also missed you a lot Aliya.

Aditya’s teeth grew bigger and without Aliya’s knowledge he bit her neck during their hug.
He took his hands off her.She fell down dead.Aditya lay close to her and sucked her blood.

Aditya got up with a smirk.His face has turned scary.

Aditya:I am sorry Aliya.I am not your Aditya.Your Aditya is already dead.
Her body disappeared in the thin air.

All are worried that Aliya is also missing.
Mehek:Now I feel that it was not Aditya’s phone call.It may be a planned phone call to trap Aliya.
All were stunned.
Rakshit:It could be possible.
Rohit:It may not be any ghost.It may be a human killer…
Mehek:A dangerous killer who is after our life.But who?
All were scared.
Drishti was reminded of her dream where a killer was trying to stab them.Understanding that Rakshit held her hand to soothe her.
Rakshit:Drishti..calm down.
Drishti kept silent.

Sonakshi:But how can it be someone else who called Aliya when Aliya herself saw Aditya on the phone screen?They had a video chat.
Asad:This is so confusing and complicated.

Zoya was in her room.Suddenly light went off and a white form appeared in the darkness.
She got scared.She realized that the person has covered his whole body with white cloth.

Zoya:Who is that?
There was no reply.
She went near him.
Zoya shivered:Who are you?
Suddenly that person tried to squeeze her neck.She screamed.Asad who came hearing her scream pulled her out of that man’s grip saving her.
Zoya embraced him in fear.

They looked back.That man was not there.
Zoya:Asad…we missed the killer.We could not catch him or see his face.
Asad:It’s ok Zoya as more important was to save your life and you are fine.Khuda Gawah.

Zoya:Hey Allah…who was he and why he tried to kill me?
Asad was upset.

Asad-Zoya informed this incident to their friends.All were scared.
Mehek:Shaurya..please don’t stop me.I should reveal them the truth.
Mehek:Somebody even tried to kill me.Shaurya only saved me.
All were shocked.
Drishti:My scary dream is turning true.
Everyone looked at her.
Sonakshi:What did you see in your dream?
Drishti:I saw somebody killing all of us.
All were shocked and scared.
Drishti:Rakshit…now also do you feel that my dream is just a dream?
Rakshit was silent.

Sonakshi:Why somebody is after our life?What did we do?
Alekha:I can’t understand one thing.Is the killer a ghost or a human being?

After some time…

Shaurya went near Mehek.
Shaurya cupped her face in his hands:Are you alright Mehek?Now because of the recent incidents I am scared.
Mehek:I am fine Shaurya.When you are with me what can happen to me?
Shaurya looked at her emotionally.
Shaurya:Mehek,I can’t lose you.Promise me that you will never leave me.
Mehek:I will never leave you Shaurya.
She pressed her lips on his cheek.
They looked at each other emotionally.

Rohit could not sleep thinking of Sonakshi.
Rohit:Sona gets nervous fast.I am sure that she is restless now thinking of the recent incident.She needs me now.
Rohit enters Sonakshi’s room.As he expected she saw her with open eyes.
Sona:Rohit…this time…?
Rohit:I knew that you are worried now.
She was silent.
Rohit:So I decided to sleep near you to give you courage.
She smiled.
He lay next to her.He caressed her romantically.Both were lost in each other.

They looked at each other passionately.

Is either Rohit or Sonakshi possessed by an evil spirit who is determined to kill the other?Will one of them die?

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