Surprise party after recovering. #Riansh OS

Hello guys. Here is a new os that I wasn’t expecting to write it, but yeah I need to write it so much. It could be a short one and with few or no pictures at all. It is is just a thing that I want to convey with it my feelings to someone here. You will know her inside the os. Do tell me your opinion on the comments. 

So let’s start. 

Vansh’s POV starts:

I didn’t have seen Riddhima that happy before.

I didn’t have seen her that excited from so many times.

She was very broken and upset from a month, but now she is being very very happy.

I didn’t have imagined that Riddhima could love one of her friends in that way.

Actually, sometimes I start to feel jealous from this friend of her as she really loves her so much and I starts to feel that she could love her more than she loves me!

But yeah I still understand the difference from her love towards her friends and her love towards me.

I’m really so happy seeing Riddhima happy with the recover of her friend Aarushi.

Riddhima has suffered a lot when Aarushi was ill.

She wasn’t thinking about herself or about her health that it is also terrible.

She was just thinking about Aarushi and how she could do anything to cure her.

She was paining a lot.

Actually, she wasn’t eating when Aarushi wasn’t that fine!

She is very stubborn.

Actually, both of them are very stubborn as also Aarushi does things like that.

I feel that I talk with two little children!

Anyway, I’m happy now that everything got fine with Aarushi and that means that it is also got fine with my Riddhu.

Now, Riddhima and I are planning a surprise party for this little girl.

I could observe Riddhima’s excitement and I’m also excited.

I hope that Aarushi could like this surprise.

I’m sure that she will like it as at the end Mr. and Mrs. Rai Singhania are the ones who have organized this surprise.

Vansh’s POV ends.

Riddhima’s POV starts:

I’m super super happy.

My happiness is very high.

I can’t imagine that my lifeline and chocolate chip is fine now.

Yeah she is my lifeline.

I know her before even I know Vansh so she is the one that deserves to be my lifeline.

Yes I love my Vansh to the core, but my love to Aarushi is different.

She is my cute little friend.

She is my little sister who I love her the most.

She is the one who I don’t need to fake my feelings while being with her.

I know that she will never judge me.

I always feel while talking with her that she is my elder sister not me!

Maybe because I own that child inside me that makes me acts exactly like children!


I think Aarushi is the one who could verify that!

Anyway, today I have decided to surprise her and express to her how much I love her.

I hope she could like the surprise and I could see her lovely smile that melts my heart.

Riddhima’s POV ends.

Riddhima and Vansh have planned everything in the way that Aarushi likes it.

They have entered her house by their own ways when she wasn’t there and they have arranged everything and they kept waiting for her until she could come.

They kept waiting for her until she has arrived.

She was a little tired because of the long day at college.

But then all her tiredness has got vanished when she has turned on the lights and found Vansh and Riddhima in front of her.

Vansh and Riddhima at the same time: Surprise. Congratulations for your recovery princess.

Aarushi was being very happy and she was smiling so much.

She was looking more cuter when she smiles.

She has a very cute oval face.

She has a lovely brown eyes and long black hairs that gives her the look of a princess.

Those lovely glasses that she wears it gives her the look of an angel.

She is really a chocolate chip like Riddhima has called her like that.

She is an angel that has came this world by mistake.

She has just came to make everyone’s life so beautiful.

She was being surprised seeing the decorations done with her favorite two colors which are black and golden.

She was smiling so much seeing everything done in her favorite stuff.

She has rushed to Riddhima and has hugged her a very long and warm hug.

Aarushi: How you got able to do all those stuff in that short time?!

Riddhima: Come on yaar at the end I’m your cutie pie so I have to never miss this occasion. Congratulations for being recovered my lifeline. It is the best happiness for me my lovely little child.

Aarushi has smiled hearing Riddhima calling her little child.

Riddhima has also smiled seeing Aarushi smiles.

She has played with her cheeks.

Riddhima: I adore this lovely smile. Keep smiling my chocolate chip.

Vansh: Can we stop this cute friendship love moments and let’s start the surprise.

Aarushi: Just a second, does there is still other surprise?

Vansh: Of course dear. This is just the beginning.

Riddhima has given Aarushi a dress to wear it.

Riddhima: Wear this dress and get back to us. It is with your favorite color.

Aarushi: Oh! The black color, right?

Riddhima: Of course darling.

Aarushi: I’m so excited to try it.

Riddhima: So go now.

Aarushi has gone to wear the dress.

This was the design of her dress.

She was really a princess.

She has gotten out while wearing the dress.

Vansh and Riddhima were amazed seeing her looking that stunning.

Vansh has made her sit on a chair written on it her name.

Then Riddhima has disappeared for some minutes.

Afterwards, Aarushi starts to hear Riddhima’s voice while starts to see pictures from the screen.

Riddhima’s voice: If I starts talking about this angel, I will never stop. This girl is my life. This girl is one of my great and most close friends to me. Yes we don’t meet a lot. Yes each one of us live very far from the other, but still we think about each other. Still we care so much about the other. If I got ill, she feels about me and it is the same goes for her. I always feel on her. She can’t never ever hide anything from me because she knew that she has a swear on my life.

Aarushi has smiled.

Aarushi: Because you are crazy my love.

Riddhima’s voice: I’m hearing you by the way and I will not spare you. Actually, you aren’t less crazy than me because you also have given me the same swear, remember?

Aarushi: Of course, because you are a very stubborn girl.

Riddhima: Just like my chocolate chip or to be accurate you are the one who is like me because I’m the elder na!

Aarushi and Riddhima’s pictures were appearing on the screen.

All their funny moments, all their cute moments, all the things that they have done it together were being on the screen.

Aarushi’s smile was very noticeable.

Riddhima’s voice: I will never forget any of those lovely moments Aarushi. Everything we have passed it together will never be forgotten. You were always here for me. You have never left me when I have needed you the most. You always make me smile so much. You always tease me and irritates me so much! You always enjoy seeing me being annoyed.

Aarushi: And I will always do that.

Riddhima has smiled.

Riddhima’s voice: And I still like it by the way. Your stubborn always drives me crazy, but still I know that you do that because you love me. Still I know that you will always take care about yourself for me because you know that I’m useless without you my lifeline. You are my cute little child who never got able to lie on me because she knew that I will catch her very easily. You are my innocent Aarushi. You are my fighter and the most strongest girl. You are my brave girl who has passed this tough situation and has got more stronger from it. I promise you Aarushi that I will always be with you. I promise you that I will keep supporting you till my last breathes. I love you so much my best friend.

At this moment, Riddhima has gotten from her hide place while she was holding Aarushi’s favorite cake which is chocolate cake.

Riddhima has left it aside and has given Aarushi a very warm and long hug.

Riddhima: I promise you my little child that we will do so many stuff with each other. We will never leave each other’s hands and we will keep supporting each other till the end. I promise you that I will always get all my child behaviors just on you!

Riddhima has winked at Aarushi.

They have smiled.

Vansh was also smiling while seeing their smiles.

Then they have seated together to cut the cake.

They were so happy with Aarushi’s recovery.

They have taken pictures together and enjoyed their time.











The end of the os. I hope you like it. This os is for my lovely and dearest @AarushiSoni. It is just a way to express to her how I love her so much and how I’m happy that she is fine now. I hope that one day we could meet so we could really take pictures together. Riddhima here was just me. Everything she has said is what I want to say to my dearest Aarushi. This will not be the last os that I will talk on it about my dearest friends as this is just the beginning. I’m planning other ones including one of each of those friends who are blessing to me. I hope you all have liked this os and do tell me how it was on the comments. I will be waiting for all of yours comments. So please keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback on the comments section below. 


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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