Fan Fiction

The Survivors (raglak and swaron )chapter 14

Hi everyone. I am back. Sorry for being late but this i had tests and this chapter got deleted. This episode will show raglak moments.
Chapter 14
Ragini and Lakshya were not where the others had left them. The smell of rot and difficulty in breathing caused them to move. They headed back towards the enterence but took a left turn instead of going straight. Now they were standing on a cliff from where the whole settlement could be observed. Lakshya thought that maybe the bergs had attacked observing from the same spot. There was something burning a few cottages away from the one where Sharon, Swayam and the teenager had gone. Its hungry flames devouring the thing. Ragini first stared at the fire, then at Lakshya and then again at fire. She remembered how flames had feasted on her dreams, her desires, her future plans.But the difference was that flames weren’t ordinary. They were sun’s flames. She also remembered her and Lakshya’s first informal convo. What a conversation it was. In the battle ground, amid the dead and injured, with sun bidding his farewell.

Lakshya and Ragini are standing in a battle ground. The war was on and both had come to check the injured soldiers and collecting the dead. It had been three months since Ragini and Lakshya had met. They hadn’t talked much but about the army and supplies.
Ragini : yes.
Lakshya : can i ask you something?
Ragini :ya(she thought it must be something about the war).
Lakshya: (looking at the dead) you knew that you will have to kill and see lots and lots of people dying in front of you. You also know that you will have to live with guilt when you are unable to save even if you did your best. Then why u chose to be a military nurse?
Ragini was shocked. She hadn’t expected this. The one who always talked about serious topics was now asking the question she often heard when she declared that she wanted to become a nurse who was helped the army.

Lakshya : if u don’t wanna answer then don’t.
Ragini : no. Its not like that. Bit i just wanted to hear your reason first.
Lakshya : well i asked first. But sonce i wont get answer till i tell, i give up. I chose military because i wanted to protect our country.
Ragini: my answer is somewhat same. I wanted to protect people. To help them heal. So i decided that i would be a nurse. But when time came, i thought that being a military nurse will inable me to protect country as well as people as i will be protecting the people who will be protecting the country.
Lakshya : you mean two targets with one stone.
Ragini :no. Two targets with one bullet.
They both smiled at that

Ragini was pulled out of her thoughts by a call from Sharon.
Swayam and Sharon had give it a thought and had found that it would be best to discuss whether or not involve Karthik and the girl(which he had reffered as Naira) in their reamaining journey. They decided to find raglak but i turned difficult as they didn’t knew where had they gone. Finally Swayam spotted the two and reached their with Sharon ans she called Ragini.
Precap : will Karthik and naira be part of jouney?

So guys hope this was long. The coments are decreasing chapter by chapter. You can give your suggestions in form of coments or as a post on my wall.

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