Categories: Fan Fiction Original

Suspense is over (Episode 17)

Meera draw the face for Ranvijay by assuming his features at the same time Ranvijay feels someone inside the hut and says “Come out chakra “.The girl comes out and says “Sorry bhaiyaji ,I came to keep the rafio “.He says “Radio “.Chakra runs out .Ranvijay checks and closes the hut and opens the turban covering his face .Meera completes her drawing and keeps it near the mirror.Ranvijay sees his face.the drawing and the face were 95 % similar .

Meera says “Mr.Ranvijay ,I know that no one would have seen your face but I assume you in this feature “.Ranvijay says “In this village I won’t leave anyone to know my identity “.he hears some noise outside and comes out covering his face .Surya sees the far away land and says “One day I will defeat that Ranvijay and brings the sambalpur under my control “.Amba comes and says “Surya I don’t want to hurt you but Ranvijay is conquering sambalpur by his love “.Surya shouts “Mummy ” and leaves the place

Ranvijay sees some of the people brutally wounded ,he comes in front to help them ,he sees blood all over and asks some one “What happened Papu “.he says “They were wounded because they refuses to work extra time in zamindar’s field .Ranvijay shouts Gagu and the horse comes .he says “Today I will end this ” and runs in his horse .Meera sees Zamindar beating people .she comes out of house and shouts “Stop it you don’t have any rights to behave in this way “.

Ranvijay sees Meera arguing with the Zamindar and sees her with dome respect .Zamindar says”You are new to this billage you dint know about us “.Meera sees people stopping her but she says “No this us very cruel practice and I will inform the police “.Zamindar laughs and says “Do if you can do anything ?” and leaves .Ranvijay smiles .

people goes by talking about Meera’s courage and the crowd leaves. Meera feels something and sees The side where Ranvijay is standing .he mingles in the crowd and goes from there .She goes inside .she sees her chacha worrying about her and asks her to leave as soon as possible because the zamindar is very cruel person.Meera says “No I won’t “.Ranvijay thinks “She is very brave but there is opportunity for her to get inside danger ” and de ides to protect her in all circumstances.

Meera sees the house’s front portion fully covered with dust and mud ,she shouts at the people .They says “Shahib asks us to do so “.She sees her house surrounded by mud and dust .she sees some people talking among themselves that “This will be the result of her courage “.she sees her Cgacha worried and shouts seeing Surya coming .He laughs at her ,Meera takes hand full of diets and put it on Surya’s face .The surya points pistol on Her.Ranvijay comes and saves her .he sees her fainted and says “Look if you try to touch her you must first touch me ,”.Surya fumes .

After some days ,Meera seespice to her house and searches for something ,she asks them explanation.The inspector baldev says “We got information that Ranvinay comes to stat here in night “.She says “Inspector sir,mind your own language “.He laughs and tells “He only said in front the village that you are his responsibilities “.Meera and her chacha stands insulted.

Meera’s cgacha takes her to zamindar’s house and says “Please forgive her “.Meera stands without responding.Zamindar says “I lime to make her as my daughter in law to set goals ,will you accepts the proposal “. Chacha says “But sir ,she is “.Meera says “yes ,I will marry your son “.Zamindar doesn’t expect this and laughs and says the servant to prepare for wedding .He says “You must stay here only “.Meera smiles and dies her plan.

on the day of wedding ,Meera was taken to the temple on the way ,she sees people staring at her,She shouts “Tell your bhaiyaji Ranvijay yo come and protect me if he can ,asks him to keep his words he said that I am his responsibility “.Ranvijay hears this and folds his hand in anger.Meera gets ready for marriage and takes a pile of poison and mixes in milk .Amba sees this and gets worried .

precap:Meera dies pheras with Surya ,she thinks “You have made mistake zamindar and pays for this “.


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