Fan Fiction

Swabhimaan-Meghnal & Nairan FF- Chapter 12

Wednesday evening Arjun came for his piano lesson with Karan. They were half way through their session when Meghna came in with snacks.
Karan: Thank you Bhabi.
Meghna placed the tray on the table.
Karan: Arjun this is Kunal Bhaisab better half , my Bhabi. Bhabi this is Arjun.
Arjun took Meghnas blessing.
Arjun: Hi Bhabi.
Meghna: Aaw, hi Arjun. You don’t need to take my blessing from my feet.
Meghna put forward her hand: Always simple and handshake or hug has plenty blessing.
Arjun shook Meghnas hand: I’ll remember that next time.
Meghna: Good.
She said with a big smile on her face.
Meghna: How are the lessons going?
Karan: Very good , Arjun learns really well and quick.
Arjun: Karan Bhai is a good teacher.
Meghna: I’m happy you’re both enjoying it.
Kunal: Meghna!!
The three hear Kunal calling Meghna from his room.
Meghna: And on that note, I’ll leave you two to it.
Meghna left the room.
Arjun: Karan Bhai , how long have Kunal Bhai and Meghna Bhabi been married for?
Karan: A few weeks now.
Arjun: Bhabi seems really nice.
Karan: She is, we all love her a lot but Bhai loves her the most.

Meghna walked into their room to see Kunal stretching.
Meghna: What are you doing? And why did you call me?
Kunal: I’m stretching and I called you to stretch with me.
Meghna sat on the dressing table chair.
Meghna: Why would I stretch?
Kunal: We need to practice for the dance on Friday, for the sangeet.
Meghna: We can just wing it.
Kunal: Wing it?
Meghna: Yes , we don’t need practice.
Kunal: Well I know I don’t maybe you do.
Meghna got up from her seat and stepped towards Kunal.
Meghna: Excuse me?

Kunal stopped closer to Meghna.
Kunal: You sing well but dance…? Maybe not your strong point.
Meghna stepped closer to Kunal.
Meghna: Is that a challenge?
Kunal stepped closer to Meghna and they were only a few inches apart.
Kunal: Are you up for one?
Kunal got his phone out and played the song and put his phone to one side. The speakers played tHe song and Kunal held Meghnas waist, pulling her closer. Meghna held his shoulder. Kunal let a hand out and Meghna held it. They swayed along to the music. They twirled and jumped and danced together. Holding and letting go of each other. At then end both were facing one another with their foreheads touching and hands held side by side.
Whistling and clapping came from the door.
Arjun , Karan, Dadaji and Nirmala were at the door.
Arjun: Bravo!
Dadaji: What a performance!
Nirmala came and held both Meghna and Kunals cheek: You guys did really well.
Karan: I’m already everyone will love it on Friday.
Kunal: Well thank you everyone! We’re here all week.
Everyone laughed.

Arjun: I should be going.
Karan: Sure , next session on Saturday?
Arjun: See you then.
Arjun said bye to everyone and left with everyone else following behind.
Meghna was also about to go when Kunal held her saree.
It was only Meghna and Kunal in their room now.
Kunal: And where are you going?
Meghna: Downstairs , it’s almost dinnertime.
Kunal pulled Meghnas saree making her twirl around and bump into Kunals chest.
Meghna: What are you doing?
Kunal: Nothing.
Meghna smiled: You’re not going to let me go ,are you?
Kunal: Well , if you give me a kiss I will.
Meghna kissed Kunals cheek.
Kunal: That’s not where I wanted the kiss.
Meghna kissed his forehead.
Kunal: Meghna…
Meghna made her way to Kunals left cheek kissed him there and whispered: That’s all you’re getting!
Meghna pushed Kunal and left the room.
Kunal spoke to himself: You’re all I ever wanted and needed.

Friday at Meghnas office:
It was 2pm and everyone was getting ready to go home as they all had permission to leave early for Radikas Sangeet. Meghna was packing her bag when she saw Rohan sitting at his desk in his office all alone. Meghna walked downstairs and saw Kunal, Radika and Yuvraj talking.
Kunal kissed Meghnas cheek: Hey , how’s your day?
Meghna smiled: It was good.
Radika: You look like you’re deep into your thoughts.
Yuvraj: Is everything okay?
Meghna: Could I ask you both something?
Yuvraj: Of course.
Meghna: Would you invite Rohan to the Sangeet?
Yuvraj: Who’s Rohan?
Kunal: Meghnas new manager.
Meghna: It’s just that he’s new to the city and he hasn’t gotten the opportunity to make friends.
Kunal: That’s true, the only people he really knows is me and Meghna.
Yuvraj: Then let’s invite him.
Radika: Let’s go.
The four of them went into Romans office.
Rohan: Hello Kunal.
Rohan and Kunal shook hands and hugged.
Rohan: What brings you here?
Kunal: Rohan , this is my college friend Yuvraj.
Yuvraj: Hi Rohan.
The two shook hands.

Kunal: And this is his fiancé Radika.
Meghna: Also one of my best friends.
Radika: Hi Sir.
Rohan: You work downstairs?
Radika: Yes , I’m here to invite you to mine and Yuvrajs sangeet ceremony that’s taking place later today.
Rohan: Oh , it’s your party everyone is going to.
Radika smiled: Yes.
Rohan: Well , firstly congratulations to the both of you and I’ll be happy to come.
Radika&Yuvraj: Thank you.
Rohan: Thank you for he invite.
Yuvraj: You’re most welcome.
Radika: The party starts at 5pm.
Rohan: See you there.
Kunal: Catch you later Rohan.
The four of them walked out of the office and then out of the building. Kunal and Meghna got into the car and headed home.

Kunal, Meghna and Karan walked into the venue and headed to Yuvraj and Radika who were at the front. They greeted and exchanged compliments.
Meghna: You guys look absolutely stunning.
Radika: Us? You two are the power couple!
Yuvraj: Seriously loving the outfits guys.
Kunal: Thank you guys.
Karan: Congratulations to the both of you.
Radika&Yuvraj: Thank you Karan.
While chit chatting Yuvraj noticed Rohan walk in.
Yuvraj: Rohan!
Rohan looked at Yuvraj who was with the rest. Rohan made his way to them.
Karan: Bhabi, that’s your boss?
He whispered leaning in towards Meghna.
Meghna: Yeah , that’s him.
Karan: I see.
Rohan greeted them and passed flowers to Radika.
Radika: They’re beautiful, thank you.
Rohan: You’re welcome.

The men stayed chatting while Radika took Meghna around to meet the other guests.
Karan was looking around the room when he noticed a girl glaring at Kunal , he looked at Kunal and then back at the girl who didn’t seem to notice Karan.
Karan(mind): Why she looking at Bhai like that?
Karan went next to Yuvraj.
Karan: Yuvraj , who’s that girl?
Yuvraj looked in the direction Karan was directing his head at.
Yuvraj: That’s Niha, she’s a girl that went to our college.
Karan: Do you see what I see?
Yuvraj: The way she’s glaring at Kunal?
Karan: You do see it then.
Kunal and Rohan were talking and laughing and took no notice of Karan and Yuvrajs conversation.
Meghna and Radika came back to her group and Karan stood next to Meghna.
Karan: Bhabi , stay close to Bhai.
Meghna was confused: Why?
Karan: Just.
Meghna: Okay.
Kunal put his arm around Meghnas waist.
Karan smiled: Maybe Bhai will keep close to you.
They both laughed.

Radika and Yuvraj danced on stage and then introduced Meghna and Kunal.
Yuvraj: Thank you all for being here , we hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.
Radika: Next we’d like our dear friends Kunal and Meghna , also known as Mr&Mrs Chauhan to take the stage!
Yuvraj: Let’s give it up for the power couple!
Everyone cheered as Kunal and Meghna got on stage, Karan was cheering the loudest along with Rohan. Karan looked at the Niha who was now glaring with disappointment. Karan smirked.

After all the dances, they all sat together to eat. It was a round table; Rohan, Kunal, Meghna, Karan, Radika and Yuvraj.
While they were sat down Karan saw Niha approach their table, she had a glass of wine in her hand. She was about to spill the wine onto Meghna who was unaware, Karan got in front of Niha so the wine spilled on Karan instead. Everyone directed their attention to Karan. Meghna got a handkerchief and dabbed the wine away.
Kunal: You should watch your going Miss.
Niha threw a death stare at Kunal. Kunal pushed passed Niha and came next to Karan.
Kunal: Karan , you okay bhai?
Karan nodded.
Meghna: Guys,
She looked at Yuvraj and Radika
Meghna: We around go.
Yuvraj understood as he knew about Karan: Sure, we understand.
Radika: Thank you guys very much for coming.
Meghna: I’ll see you on Monday.
Kunal: Bye.
Karan: Sorry guys.
Yuvraj: Don’t be silly.
Rohan: Driver safe.
The trio left.

Karans room:
Karan changed into his nightwear. There was a knock at the door, it was Kunal and Meghna.
Karan: Come in.
Kunal took a seat and Meghna picked up Karans stained clothes.
Karan: Luckily they’re the same colour so it’s not noticeable
Kunal: That girl just dropped it and didn’t say anything, not even a sorry.
Meghna: Who was she anyway?
Karan: Her name is Niha , she also from your college.
Kunal: Really? I never seen her before.
Meghna: Me neither.
Karan: That makes sense.
Kunal: What do you mean?
Karan: The whole night she was just glaring at Bhai and then threw the ugliest looks towards Bhabi.
Meghna: What?
Karan: Yeah , and I saw her come with her drink , I’m certain she wanted to spill it over your saree Bhabi.
Meghna: Why would she do that?
Karan: I think she’s jealous of you and Bhai.
Kunal: Oh my gosh, I know he she is now.
Karan: Really?
Kunal: I never thought about it before but I remember I’d find notes in my locker with the initials N.V. I thought it was a prank my friends were playing on me.
Meghna: It was her?
Kunal: Yeah, I’m sure of it.
Karan: I guess she had a crush on you.
Kunal: Oh well , I have who I love so she can back off.
Meghna shook her head: We’ll probably see her at the wedding.
Karan: Ugh, let’s hope she understands you guys are together.
Kunal: Let’s hope she does, it’s getting late, let’s head to bed.
Karan: Goodnight guys.
Kunals&Meghna: Goodnight.
The couple left Karans room and went to theirs.

Rohan was sitting in his room looking at the picture of his wife.
Rohan: I miss you.
He held the frame tight in his hand.
Rohan: I’m going to make things right. I promise.

In my story Rohan is played by Karan Jun draw a day Arjun is played by the boy who plays Ashok is Ashok Samrat, I forgot his name!

Hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and commenting!

Precap: Unfortunate event for Arjun, Khyati comes home.

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