Fan Fiction

Swalak : Arranged to be Mine (Episode 3)

Swara’s pov ~

“Swara, beta come down. Guests are here.” My mom said in her normal cheerful tone.

“Okay mom.” I said mocking her tone.
Note :- I was not happy with whatever was going on at my house. But some things you have to do for your loved ones’ happiness.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time and headed downstairs. Let me just put it straight, I was nervous. Nervous as hell. I don’t know why! I mean it was all clear in my head. I was not going to marry him . . .whoever he was. . .

I came downstairs and saw a guy sitting idly observing the kid playing beside him. I assumed he was the one.

Others were busy among themselves talking. . . Or so I thought. They were probably looking at us from corner of their eyes. I sighed and shifted my gaze at him. He seemed to realize my presence and looked up at me.

At that moment everything just froze. . . I couldn’t believe what I just saw. . .or rather who I just saw. The one I was supposed to marry was Laksh Maheshwari ?

I mean seriously mom and dad had to be joking ! I wasn’t really an admirer of him, but the Indian girls where like crazy for this so called most eligible bachelor.

He looked up at me with those big eyes of his.

“Hi. . . ” I said extending my hand for a hand shake keeping a big smile on my face. My heart was actually beating fast.

In return he just kept on staring at me like I was an alien from another planet. Huh?

“Um. . .hi ?” I said this time louder.

“Oh! …I m sorry . . uh….hi ” He said.

No handshake ? Rude!
But anyway ~ It’s not like I m gonna marry him. . . I reminded myself.

We just stood there looking at the surroundings like they were very attractive and important.

“Swara beta. Why don’t you show Laksh around ?” My dear mother said.

This is the last time I m doing anything for my mom! I thought and plastered a fake sarcastic smile on my face.

“Yeah. Sure.” I said getting up and gestured him to follow me.

As I headed outside I heard those annoying giggles from the back. . . I so hate this whole ‘Arrange Marriage Concept’ !

“So do you believe in this Arrange Marriages ?” I asked Laksh while taking him to the garden. He was really quite since he arrived.

“No I dont believe in marriages at the first place.” He said.

“Me too. But if you are so against it then why did you agree to meet me at the first place ?” I asked out of curiosity.

“I can ask you the same question.” He said grinning.

Point. . .

“Well my parents forced me. In fact the whole idea of getting me India from London was to get me married. Can you believe that ?.” I said a little dramatically.

“Really ? Well my family dragged me here from the airport itself. I m sure you cant beat that!” He said as we made our way back to the living room.

The noisy room became all quiet as we entered the room. They just stared at us. Mom looking at me to hear a ‘yes’. That wasn’t happening. I got the same look from everyone except the little kid.

I knew what I had to say. I also knew Laksh too wasn’t ready for this.

“So what you guys have thought ?” Laksh’s mom asked.

“I already consider you as my daughter.” She added.

Wait . . . No !!!

“Aunty. . . I. . ” I couldn’t continue the sentence. Seeing everyone so happy and hopeful I didn’t have the guts to say no. I looked at Laksh for help.

“Maa. we . . uh. . ” He came to rescue but stopped in between.

“Itna bhi mat (Don’t get so shy). Is it a yes ?” My dad asked.

“Yes…” We both said together.

Wait. . .what the hell did i just say? And why?!

It took a second for me to process what just happened. But before I couldn’t say anything else my mom jumped from her seat and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.

“Oh my god. I m so happy.” She yelled at my ear.

Laksh just stood in shock.

Why did he just say ‘yes’ ?

This was going to be bad. .


A super short episode. Actually I have my exams on Tuesday. So hardly got anytime.
Anyways they said a ‘yes’ .

Will they be able to take their words back or continue with the marriage thing ? Keep reading to find out !
Please comment if you like this ff and want me to continue it or not.


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