Fan Fiction

Swara be serious sometimes episode 7

Recap -marriage completed…..
In maya enterprise
All business associate are except Dp and sanskar. … it’s time 10:55 am
Mr kapoor -this time Mr maheshwari didn’t come
Mr mehra-must be on the way .
Rahem (maya’s pa )-if he comes on time ..then it’s good ..otherwise he will loose it
A bmw comes outside maya enterprise driver comes out and stand beside the car..a girl sitting back side opens the door through kicking by foot…she step out wearing jeans which is folded like cappery and wearing sleeveless mini top..a servant bend and unfolded jeans as straight …girl forward another servant made the girl wear jacket. …girl went towards the lift ..inside lift a man is standing holding a tray in which cold coffee jar and watch is kept. ..

Girl takes the coffee jar and extended her left hand and servant tie watch in her hand. …by sipping coffee girl enter the conference hall and throw jar towards the servant. ….and sir on chair…and wish her
Rahem -mam this are quotation files
Girl- Maheshwari groups
Rahem -mam he is on the way might be here at any moment
Girl- what’s opportunity cost
Rahem -price of next best product
Girl- whose next one
Rahem -Mr kumar
Girl- project goes to Mr kumar

Kumar-mam plzzz wait for sometimes dp he is much better than us
Girl- maya doesn’t wait for time…time waits for maya…..rahem ji who is next one
Rahem -Mr mehta
Maya-project goes to him
Kumar-mam you have given it to me
Maya-maya doesn’t like who raise questions on my decision. …….goes
As maya goes Dp and sanskar enters
Dp-sorry we are late because of traffic
Kumar-u are very late project was given to Mr mehta

Sanskar looks at watch it’s 11:02
Sanskar -dad we are only two minutes later only
Kumar-tell everything about meeting
Sanskar -interesting. ..miss maya if I didn’t made you to wait for me then change my name
While going back Sanskar mood is off while going he see Swara and Ayush having golgappa competition. …sanskar stops the car and comes towards them…and see Swara cheating Ayush by throwing golgappa
Sanskar -Ayush baby I have important work with your sister. …..go to my car driver will drop you to house
Swara try to say but
Sanskar -if you say something I will tell your brother that you are cheating on him
Swara-bye ayu tell mom i will be late

Ayush -okay swaru di
As Ayush goes Sanskar back hugs her Swara shocks
Swara-what are you doing
Sanskar -i told you na I will teach how to rape it’s also a process
Swara-shameless fellow leave me
Sanskar tightly hugs her

Sanskar -bro what are you waiting for make golgappa but in one plate
Swara -my tummy is filled
Sanskar -but I am hungry
Sanskar starts drawing pattern swara become restless ..sanskar forcefully make swara to feed him
Sanskar -i am also full let’s go somewhere else
Swara-no way not with you
Sanskar -jaan don’t be so cruel with innocent boy

Swara-innocent my foot you are an ugly man…
Sanskar -and u are my ugly princess
Swara-get loss
Sanskar -i love to get loss with you
Swara-are you mad
Sanskar -for you
Swara -stop irritating me
Sanskar -then come for a date with me
Swara-in your dreams
Sanskar -i have no problem
Swara stamp her foot in ground and sit on bike sanskar also sit on bike
Swara-hey get down from bike
Sanskar -how will I go my driver left
Swara-okay but don’t touch me sit little away
Sanskar does but when bike starts he came close and tightly hugs swara and place his head on swara’s shoulder
Sanskar -baby I love this ride …..waooo o

Swara-sanskar be in your limit
Sanskar -baby I didn’t crossed my limit. ….if you want I can
Swara-shopping irritating me
Sanskar -swaru jaana
Swara stops bike
Swara-look mm comes get down
Sanskar -you also come na
Swara-no way
Sanskar takes her bike keys swara gets down and try to snatch the key but sanskar advantage of height. …..swara is totally frustrated so comes close to sanskar and from her figure she start playing with sanskar face
Sanskar -wha…….what are you doing

Swara push sanskar and show his belt on her hand. ..sanskar panic and bring his hands down Swara snatch the key through belt on him
Raglak is seeing all this they bust in laugh and comes to swasan
Laksh -nice move sister in law
Swara-thanx okay bye
Ragini -swara come inside na it has been years you spend time with your sister
Swara- so come to badi we three spend good time
Sanskar hits his shoulder with swara ‘s shoulder playfully
Sanskar -spend some time with us also
Swara-di jiju bye I have to me a client

Ragini become sad…..sanlak notice it
Ragini -okay but please visit here some times and bring Ayush also I didn’t get opportunity to stay with Ayush
Swara-sure di bye
Its all was noticed by Shekhar
In Gd mansion
Shekhar comes happily as he won any war….
Sumi-what happen Shekhar why are you so much excited
Shekhar -sumi we are promoted

Sumi-what u mean
Shekhar -we are going to become grandparents
Sumi also become happy at that tym swara and Ayush comes
Shekhar -it’s good news Ayush….I should be careful for everything specially about food and all
Swara-why are you pregnant
Ayush-so di think he has gas trouble
Shekhar -no……I am going to become grand father …Ayush you are going to become mama…are u happy
Ayush -in this small age I am going to become uncle
Sumi-swara beta till your sister delivery in think you should stay at mm with Ragini
Swara-mom please I won’t go to that place
Sumi- why swara…everything was sort out all forget that day also
Shekhar -beta forget it all and move on tomorrow you will come with me to mm
Swara-no way dad
Shekhar -angrily Swaraaaaaaa

Swara -same tone…never that day I promised to myself. ..before fulfilling that promise I won’t go their. ….and dad you can forget everything but I can’t forget anything. …never ever….goes angrily
Shekhar -sumi is told you na she will not forget that insult so easily. .she is upto something
Sumi-i am praying to god she won’t go to wrong path
Ayush-who are you
Shekhar and sumi turn as see raglak standing tears are flowing from Ragini’s eyes
In maya organisation
Sanskar has came to meet that time maya is insulting a worker very much and goes
Sanskar -how cruel boss you have
Worker-hey how dare you to say anything against maya madam. …she is our boss she can say anything to us

Sanskar -why she has no right to abuse you
Worker-she has you know for us she made a good and complete facilities house and our children’s are studying in international school and fixed deposit on their names .medical facilities etc
Sanskar -interesting maya you are the one whom I like to meet

Sorry frnds I am very bad in describing romance and love
Recap -sanskar and maya first meet….sanskar kidnapping swara for date. ….


I am very talkative. ..can't stay silent for long

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