Swaragini 15th August 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Swara asking Sanskar why did you fight with Laksh, as Ragini slapped me. Sanskar says it is between brothers, don’t interfere. He kisses on her cheeks and thanks her for the tender. Swara asks if it was your new style to thank. Sanskar says yes, and asks why did you asked me to change the bid. A fb is shown, Swara recalls seeing Ragini taking pic of tender quotation. Sanskar says I don’t want to go in this weather. Swara asks him to go and get Parineeta pic published. Ragini awaits for blackmailer’s call. Door bell rings, someone gives bouquet for Durga Prasad. Ragini gets a message asking her to get the bouquet as it is having instructions for her. Ragini runs to get the bouquet, just as Swara is about to pick it. She then gives bouquet to Durga Prasad. Swara looks on.
Ragini talks to blackmailer and says I can’t hurt my family. Blackmailer makes chotu cry….Ragini cries and agrees to do whatever he says. He tells Ragini that he has kept something in the drawer. Ragini is shocked. Later Ragini comes to kitchen. Swara says sweet is ready. Ragini says I will add Elaichi. She adds powder in the hand blender. Swara asks did you grind it. Ragini gives the blender. Swara smells it. Ragini gets worried. Swara says I like its smell and adds that powder in sweets. Ragini is shocked and teary eyes. Swara says lets go and give kheer to everyone. She asks her to come. Ragini feels apologetic and says I am doing this for our brother. Someone is keeping an eye on me 24 hours, else they can harm our chotu.
Ragini brings kheer and gives to everyone. Annapurna, Durga Prasad, Laksh, and Adarsh eats it. Swara serves kheer to Sujata, Ram, Sanskar and Utara. Ragini comes to Swara and gives her kheer. Swara asks her to eat it. Ragini refuses and asks her to eat it. Swara says I thought we have patched up. Sujata asks her to give Ragini’s kheer to her. Swara makes Ragini eat it and hugs her. Ragini goes out of room and spits the kheer. Later in the night, she sees everyone in deep sleep because of the drug. She is apologetic and takes Swara and Sanskar’s pic. She thinks what he is thinking to do, what is going on in his mind. She keeps the pics in envelope and throws from window.
In the morning, everyone wake up. Sujata says I had a deep sleep yesterday night. Sujata sees pics in the newspaper and asks Annapurna to see. Just then some persons comes there and says raas leela of bahu in Maheshwari family. They show Swara’s pics with Sanskar, Laksh and Sahil. They say we will take tender back from you. Swara takes the newspaper. Person says that she will give explanation now. Sanskar says she is my wife. Media persons points finger at Swara’s character and says she had trapped two sons of the house and is involved with third person. Laksh says we were fiance then. Swara says I am very happy with Sanskar. Durga Prasad tells that Swara was saved by Sahil sometime back in an accident. Ram supports Swara. Swara shows the original pic and says these pics are morphed. Durga Prasad refuses to get the tender. The people apologize to him and goes. Sanskar takes newspaper from Swara’s hand and says these are morphed. Sanskar says I will find out. Sujata says Parineeta is behind this. Ragini shouts no…and says I don’t thinks he is behind this.
Ragini asks the blackmailer who is he? She says I can’t do anything more now. Blackmailer turns to show his face.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
What is going on!!!! This is just so strange just want to know who the blackmailer is!!!
Adarsh is the blackmailer….pari is alive.
OH MY GAWD I cant i just cant plzzzz let this be over fast!!
Ragini isn’t wrong she can’t tell anyone what is going on or else her brother will be killed. Shes watched 24 hrs… I just hope Swara investigates more to find out without Ragini telling her. And hopefully they all understand that Ragini was being a hero she was saving a life.. and Laksh should support Ragini even tho she hid all this from him.
she isn’t wrong at all Rids….just 1 thing, she had taken wrong decision once parineetha blackmailed her bout kidnapping a baby. she too haunted by her bitter past until she can’t trust her family’s love. poor her. that why the culprit (parineetha/unknown blackmailer), trapped her easily. they know the weak point of ragini.
Hey guyz it is revealed in spoilers that adarsh is the blackmailer

Parineeta is alive she will enter mm in disgust of a maid swara will doubt her
he will blackmail swara to get sign of dp on some documents
ragini will also tell swara truth on janmashtamis function
He’ll tries to kill CHOTU
even Adarsh turns antagonist !
But why is Adharsh doing that?
yay, it’s swara’s turn now to get blackmailing…
i think they put the same kind of blackmailing….. chotu’s life…
ha…he blackmails swara to get some signatures from dp. But swara makes dp sign the papers with disappearing ink.
yeesss… yeessss.. yeesss.. i luv when the hero/heroine trapping the villains.
poor ragini, even if she hurt everyone on MM, she is the one who most suffered.
please swasan,, do the best for the problem.
and laksh… come on guys! don’t you feel something weird bout your wife’s behaviour ?
love you Swaragini.
love swasan scene much
Swasan were looking soo cute… Dressed up for d independence day of india.. Swara in saffron n green coloured saree… N sansku in blue n white colour… Wow!!!!??(Sorry i know dis is not india ka flag)
yup…as soon as ep started, i was thinking d same
omg..what a startng..loved it alot..swasan kiss..awww my cute babies love them alot…asanskari sanky is full on romantic mood but our sanskarii swara in detective mood…ohhh my shona…love them alot they are the best magical couple..
i dnt knw it is the effect of swasan kiss ki first time i watch ragini’s scene without changing channel..yeah i m also wonder how i watched ragini’s scene..actually i m in swasan dreamland..
abd i loved the last part alsoo..my SHERNIII SHONA…how she stand strongly in that circumstance..thats why i love her..she is sooo strong and courageous girl..love her sooo much…i loved the way swara handled things and the way she replied to them..love her alot..my sherbiii swara..and loved the angry waala sanky..how he throw that paper whn she looked that paper..lolve u sanky love ubswara…LOVE YOU SWASAN…..
want to see more swasan romantic scenes..
i think if ragini seek help frm either swara lucky when she going to bring chottu home these drama never happend…pls ragini use some brain
Good ep….loved swasan opening scene, swasan cuddling, rp family all chatting in one room, swara giving back to reporters and family supporting her.
yaaaaa… i thought the same vyshu and sreya… swaragini with their respective family, swara with ram prasad family and ragini with durga prasad family..
love SWASAN.. muaahhhh
Hey anybody know what was the video shown by pari ???????
oh so pari z alive n z doing all tz with her husband.excited to see wt will happen nxt.hope ragini comes out f tz mess soon.
of course pari is alive akaashi, else it will troubling ragini in the future.
Ya its the video in which ragini was taking chotu from the,choubhe who adopted him.at tgat time she was disguised as ashram staff and,pari took her video and blackmailed saying she will tell everybody that rags have kidnapped chotu
yup tats true mica.
plz give a change f hairstyle to ragini.tat doent suit her.shez really cute n tat hairstyle z making her luk different.
feeling sad no raglak scens and we will not even get a single raglak scens for 2weeks cause teja went to usa and namish busy with his film feeling good nami got film but due to that we cant get raglak track really i just want to say raglak was good memory ill never forget them those momets anglagade sequence tashan wale scens rommance rivalry cute scens intence scens sayeya , jenelaga hu, jagsuna,inlamho ke daman mai, and not to forget mhoha mhoha ke dage thank u cvs for all this thinks it was indeed very good memory hard to forget thank u for giving such good memory thank u we know now raglak is only past we will keep a stone heart and watch swaragini only for ragini teju
swaraginis golden moments
*raglak anglagade,,swasans geruwa
*swasans saya (consummation),,raglak mhoha ke dage
*raglak sayiya ,,swasan agar thum sath ho
*swasan hasi,amari aduri kahani,tere liye
*raglak jene laga hu ,inlamho ke , jagsuna lage
these were some of my fav moments of sr and ya share ur fav s to
swasan fans pz dnt blame raglak and there fans for trp because u know hardly we get few sec of there scens now not even that we r going to get so u cant blame raglak u guise know na during anglaga de sequence trp was4.4 that has sr lost in the past and that beautiful track swasan raglak swasan and kavis love triangle and raglak intence hot romance before kavya entry show almost toped in trps those were superb tracks of sr cvs
and. Ya. belated happy weding aniversary to raglak and swasan and there fans
*swasan date iam not shure 8 th august 2015
*raglak 7th august iam shure the day which changed every thing thank u ragini because of u we got our ragak which is now past and they got there swasan
tats true kee raglak r the best part n sweethearts f swaragini. hope we get more raglak scene after ty return.our raglak r THE BEST.raglak rocks…
N i liked swasan’s gerua segment.tat was nice.
oh god that crap ragini I know she is doing it for her bro but is it right to hurt all family just for 1 person
tn wt do u think she shud do?let her bro die..??!!tats an unintentional hurt.isnt it nt??
it’s someone’s life, not just bout person, reethi.
maybe if this was swara, she will do the same thing.
i know she ever taken wrong decision by lied to others/swara, but the blackmailing done already.she couldn’t taken back, she should face it and she is suffering now.
wish you can understand.
let’s we enjoy swasan that trying to solve the problem.
Mica if swara wud have done did then also my opinion wud have been same coz rong is song no matter if it is swara or ragini so m not taking swara’s side coz m a swaragini fan not particularly swara or ragini’s …..but still rags is doing wrong and arushi how come it is a unintentional hurt ? Ragini hadn’t done it by mistake she did it in full consciousness
Sorry m not reethi m Piya
ragini forced to do that thing, she tried to save someone’s life, some action that forced we can addressed as unintentional action, indeed, she is suffering a lot rite ?
the show is now on a good story line
I love you so much swasan and raglak
And varun namish helly and teju you guys are my favourite i love your cuteness childness friendship and all thing
Love you love you love you so so so much
reeti if u have seen the episodes ragini z being blackmailed n shez forced to hurt her family.wt wud she do in such circumstances??if she has to save baby’s life she has to do wat blackmailer says.so wat do u think she shud do???let the baby die in order to nt hurt her family??!!
Awww!!! Loved my babies’ scenes!!!??? Love u SwaSan from the core of my heart.

And in general I’m saying, not to anyone particular, that guyzzz plzz don’t bash Swara and Ragini.? They both r correct in their own way to save their Chotu.? I just want Ragini to reveal every thing to SwaSan and Laksh so that all the four- SwaSan and RagLak can jointly help each other in saving their Chotu.? Love SwaRagini’s and SanLak’s bonding.?? And I really don’t know that why Adarsh became villain now!!!??
hey guys I listen that swaragini is going to end because of less trp (in khabri bhabhi segment) is it true?