Hi Guys actually I’m new here. So first I know many of you don’t know me. My name is malika.. I have read many ff in telly update on swaragini. I just want to share it with you. Because Tanya I remember you once upon a time you had write an analysis.
Truly speaking now a days analysis is rare . I love raglak because they are very cute and I like to see them together. I love swasan because they are like made for each other. Just love them wow. ……. I really live their ff.
Whenever I read raglak ff there is always love, romance, separation. I just love it. Swasan ff is omg. Lot’s of thing like emotional scene , love scene, friendship many more. I a big big fan of swasan and raglak.
The writers which ff I read a lot : teja
And many more. I really appreciate those work. Their writing skill is just wow, marvellous and outstanding. Love story, friendship story I really love to read. I salute all writers and I encourage them to write more so that they can entertain us. Many twists and turn haha…… I have read in most story.
Hay guys an important message. , you all decide. :: do I write an ff or os. Please tell me
A ff pls di.
Raglak or swasan. Please tell me.
Plz do write an os showing more swaragini bond…….pairs ur wish
OK milky your wish my command. Thank you ssoooo much for commenting.
Dii u took my name… uhhuuuhhuuu u made me cry… thnk u… but there r sooo many wonderful writers… ohhoooo !!!! crying….
n u should write ff on my SWASAN… then we can meet always… *wink….
n m damn angry with u… *angry pout..
Don’t cry yr because you have made me cry in your ff. Last part. OK I will see how many would like you swasan ff.
I mean to say let’s see how many will vote for swasan ff
Anjali di please write a ff on Raglak…Pleaseeeeeeee..
Choti okkkkk I will see. Thank you soo much for your comments . I will see how many will like raglak. I have already decided the story .
You are really the sweetest person I have met. Glad you like my writing. I would love to read whatever you write.
*******************teddy hug*************************
Keep rocking and keep smiling
And I’m very lucky to have a friend like you. I just want to give you a hug. Nooooooo please tell me swasan ff or raglak ff or an os
A Raglak ff. As it is your fav couple.
Okkk cook….. Let see
di whare were i cant find u anywhere and ya thank u for liking my story and please write ff on swasan and i love u di
Love you toooo choti. What do you mean by can’t find you. I’m here. And yes thank you soon much for commenting. Let see.
Raglak or ragsan ff
Thank you sooo much for commenting dear. Let see. I will keep your suggestions in mind. Keep smiling dear
Thanks ???? baadi but mei abhi bhi apse naraz hu angry poutt.. but I want u should write raglak os with their cute little baby boy u know first time demanding like this from u and this is my right bczz u r my baadi and I have a good news for you soon I m going to give raglak a baby? really a big teddy hug and don’t dare to reply me thanxx bcz no sorry no thanku u r so sweet luv u from corner of my heart ??? hihi luv u plzz write an os fro raglak diiiiii
Chotiii really you will give raglak a baby. Well I will not give you rain sandal hah…. In fact rain flower. Why are you upset why ???? Your di is holding her ears. Mee too same I want to give you a hug. Ok let see. Yes you are right you have full right. You know what I thought you would give me a good news. ????????????
Two vote for writing os , two vote for wring swasan ff and three vote for raglak. Comment more , and more.
Hmm dear pls write ff on swasan

Ok mahjabeen now three vote for swasan. Thank you soo much for commenting . Keep smile dear
Dii u read my chappy ?? but i didn’t get ur comment…
Because just now I have comment on your ff. You are very bad. You made your di cry. Aaaaah
Write an os on swaragini… Showing sister’s bond(which cvs lack to show) with ur fav couple ??
Ok heltej. Thanks you soon much for the comments I will keep you suggestions in mine. So three votes for writing os
Isorry I mean to say that I will keep your suggestions in mind
Omg……. Di u mentioned my name……. Love u ? di. U r reason for my smile now. Os…… Ff is better. Abt pair….. Ur choice but u know my fav. I’m waiting for ur writing. Congrats ? once again di. ?? ? ? ? ?
So what you are my favourite writer also. Yes I know yr fav. Thank you soo much astra for you comment really. Keep smiling like this.
Sorry I mean astha
Anji dear thnx a lotzzzzzz yaaar for mentioning my name wid such awesome writers.!!! I nver even imagined to get my name in list where pavani di is also dere…hahh!!its reallly lyk a wonderful dream to me…hehehhe thnku soooooooooooooooo very much for making me sooooo happpy…god bless u sweetypie.
N plz plz write ff on …………..
….(u know na m crazy fan of tejaswi ,so i would obiously chose raglak nly)
Ofcourse raglak!!!
Keep rockng n stay blessed dear
love u a lotzzz!!!! 
Omg I didn’t thought that you would comments . Seeing you after a long time. Big thanks to you my dear. I want to pull your cheeks. Haha…. Ok cool. … So four votes from raglak. I’m very happy to see you. Keep smiling and God bless you dear
Yaa dear as tomorrow is sunday(i love sunday hahahaha :P) so m totally free today
n as i opened TU ,I found ur analysis…it really made me sooo happpy DAT I CNT EVEN TELL U…so again thnx a lotzzz. Yaar…waitng for ur ff ……
lotz of love to u <3 N dear m sendng u my cheeks through PM so dat u cn pull dem hahahhaha
i too want pull my dentist cheeks.
Haha.. Astha and I will pull your cheeks. I wrote this analysis last night and this evening is published . I thought it got deleted but I was shock to see it.
Hahahaha k doll i”ll send my cheeks to u also
bt after dat me n anjili bth wl pull ur cheeks hehehehe…
…missed u yaar doll.. love u sweetypie

Ok cool now haha… ????????
i want ff. pairs ur wish sissy.
Bala……. Omg you comment sissy. Love you. Noooooo please tell me your favourite pairs. Please. …….
Ok eleven vote for raglak. Balaji thank you soo much
raglak ff
Okkk j so five vote for raglak. Thank you soo much for commenting.
Plz write Raglak ff dear
Thanks for your beautiful comments. Let see now six vote for raglak. Keep smiling and stay bless
plz do a Os showing swaragini bond n raglak love
Ok Jessica. Thanks for your beautiful comments. So three vote for os. Keep smiling and stay blessed. ?
Hey plss do read my FF also
“Tujhse hi”
And write a FF on SwaSan…
Plss read my ff…
That’s on SwaSan and RagLak
Hey shrinjal I have heard this name before. And now four votes for swasan. Thank for your beautiful comments.
Hey shrinjal please read this Please. I really want to read your ff. What to tap on the search box to read your ff. Please tell me
Malika! Sorry yaar! I am late. Could u write a ff on raglak please?? all the best!! Wishing u luck for your new ff.
Nooo not at all deesh. Ok now eight vote for raglak. Thank you so much for your beautiful and loving comments . Update your ff now. And keep smiling and stay bless
So seven vote for raglak. Thanks ashi for your lovely comments. Keep smiling. Dear. ????
raglak…. how is wedding preparation going?
Omg di thank you soooo much. The date is postponed and it will be on 19 October. So nine vote for raglak. Wow I’m surprised di . I didn’t expect that you would comment on my swaragini analysis. Love you di.
Ohh please read my FF also
I think should Raglak…. Many swasan fiction , other pair there….less Raglak …they r actual cute pair but many one pairing with sanskar…os is also less on Raglak… Recently read astra os raglak new baby loved it..
Oooh paru yes you are absolutely right. I will keep your suggestions in mind. Thank you soo much for commenting. Keep smiling and stay bless dear.
Dear write a ff?
Raglak or swasan. Crazy girl love you. I’m a big fan of yours. Tell me
Thanks dear love you too

And I’m a fan of yours
I don’t mind any, eventhought I’m not a Swasan and Raglak fan
Haha. ….. Ok dear your wish my command. ?

Malika didi jyada mat Sochi how will I give u good news .??? Aur jaldi se update kro varna jiju ke pas jayegi apki shikayat ??? mere pas mere jiju h apke pas kya h lol!!???
Write ff pairs ur wish i like both raglak n swasan
Ok dear your wish my command. Thank you for commenting . Keep smiling and stay blessed.
Wow jiju ki chamchi haha….. I will write tomorrow. That too long chappy. Which good news I’m exciting. Lol. ……. Choti have patient. May be tomorrow or on Monday. ……
Thanks a lot dear… it means a lot.. its your support that makes to write more.. thats so sweet you mentioned my name though its not my real name. …??
and I will be Happy to read your ff or os.. pairs please you choose it dear on whom you feel comfort in writing swasan or raglak we will definitely read it… keep smiling…….
stay blessed ??
Gosh!! No thanks ok. I’m very happy to see your comments. I was just going to start my new ff. Awww soo sweet of you dear. . I always love your ff as im a following fan of yours. Really by our comments mean a lot. Thank you soo much. Keep smiling and stay bless
thats so sweet of you… I am so Happy and feel blessed.. it means a lot….
Ok cool. ?
Hi Malika, hope you are doing well, this is the first time we are interacting. i always read your comments on raglak ff. so i knew you well and you are a sweet heart.
hmm my vote goes to raglak. keep smiling dear
So twelve votes for raglak. Awwww yes first time we are interacting. Thank you sssoooooo Mich for your beautiful and lovely comments. You made my day. I will do my dear don’t worry.