Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini – A Love Pair from Heaven FanFiction Chapter 4

Scene 1
In the rehearsal room

Swalak and swaragini are practising their dance all are dancing and Swara turns and falls on sanskar they share and eyelock (hamari adhuri kahani plays in BG)they stand and then again start their dance.

Scene 2
In audition room

All are ready for their dance swara dance on hangover.Ragini on radha.laksh on hangover and sanskar on tera dhyaan kidar hai.theyvfour dance on disco deewana and ends up with a pose Swara in sankar’s arm and ragini in laksh’s arm.all gave them standing ovation.all other participants dance and its end.
Both swaragini and sanlak are waiting for results and their names are announced first.they all get happy and Swara hugs sanskar and ragini hugs laksh.

Scene 3
In the classroom

Teacher tells them that all those who have participate they have to dance in couples.and couples will be chosen by me.swasan looks at each other and raglak see each other and smile.
Teacher tells that all girls will first dance with all boys than I will announce the results.all agree.

Promo:swasan and raglak dance teacher smiles seeing them.swaragini and sanlak are waiting for pairs result.

Credit to: Deeba


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