Fan Fiction

SwaRagini: A Magical Love Story-Episode 12

Episode 12

Lakshya prepares his wand to cast a spell…
He rotates his wand in the air and says the spell ” Totalus Revilio ”

But Ragini sneaks out in the main time and escapes the spell…

Blue dust escapes from his wand and spreads all over the room to reveal any hidden being… But since Ragini has already escaped so he finds nothing…

Lakshya “Strange… I am sure that someone was here… That smell was intoxicating… It was attractive… Oh… I don’t have much time, I have to search for the forms…”

He goes to the cabinet ” Alohomora ”

The cabinet opens… He takes out his batch forms and starts copying them…

“Geminio ”

Meanwhile outside Ragini heaves a sigh and breathes deeply to normal her heart rate…

Ragini “Gopal!! I am saved today thank you… Uff… First to he is so hot and on top of that he was so close to me… You know na such a devil I am… What would have happened if my mind has tricked me and I would have kissed him there!! Gawwd!!! Why am I thinking so wild! Ragu… Relax… You are out of danger and away from Hotty… Let’s search di… Where are they??”

She forgets that she is invisible and began searching them…
Sanskar in his eagle form passes her but doesn’t see her… Sure also ignores him thinking to be some random eagle…

Meanwhile Swara is somehow passing here time with Richard…

Richard “So Ms. Gadodia… What’s your favorite flower??”

Swara “Huh??”

Richard “Nothing… I was just asking to pass time (in mind) and so that I can gift you those (he blushes)… (To Swara) so tell na… What do you like to eat?? Chocolates or butter beer??”

Swara “For God’s sake will you keep quiet? My sister is stuck there inside and can be caught any moment and you want to know my favorites?!!”

Richard shuts his mouth for once for he doesn’t want Swara to be miffed with him…

Just then Ragini comes “Don’t worry Di… Your sissy is out of danger…”

Richard “Ghost!!!”
He flies behind Swara to hide…

Swara “Aren’t you one??”

Richard (embarrassed) “Yeah… I was just seeing how brave you are…”
He smiles sheepishly…

Swara “Ragu where are you standing?”

Ragini “Just in front of you…”

Swara nods and points her wand towards her ” Revilio ”

Ragini appears smirking…

Swara “Is it done??”

Ragini nods smirking…

Swara “Then we should go before getting caught…”

Ragini nods… She turns to go but then stops and looks at Richard…

Ragini “Richard… Thanks buddy… From now on you are my right hand… And first friend in this college… If any problem,then share with me… If it will be in my hands,I will never hesitate to help you… And even if it’s not in my hands,then I will go out of the way to help you… It’s a promise…”

Richard smiles broadly “Thank you boss”

Ragini “It’s Ragini for you from now… Ok bye for now… We need to leave… I will meet you on our orientation…”

Richard nods and goes from there…

Swara smiles looking at generous side of her sister…

Swara “You are so unpredictable…”

Ragini “Predict me after we reach home…”

They both go out of the college…

Ficus “You guys took time…”

Swara gets nervous…

Ragini “Are what to tell… We encountered Richard and his gang… So it took time to tackle them…”

Ficus “Ya… They are notorious… Anyways,reach home safely and take care…”

Swara “Sure we will… Good night… Take care…”

Ficus shakes his branches and the girls leave…

Inside Lakshya is sitting in the cabin while copying the forms… He closes his eyes and concentrates…
He remembers Ragini’s sandalwood smell… He was Loving that feeling and suddenly he remembers their encounter in the Hogsmede alley…
He opens his eyes at once…

Lakshya “Wait a second… It’s the same smell which I experienced that day in Wandatorium… After which I met that mysterious girl… So is it possible that she was here…!! No… She cannot enter without an I.D proof… I am thinking anything… Argghh… I don’t believe this that Lakshya Maheshwari is going crazy to find a girl…”

Finally the copying is done and Lakshya heaves a sigh…

He keeps the forms back in the cabinet and points wand at the lock ” Aloho Colloportus ”

The door locks and Lakshya points wand at the forms ” Book Bound ”

The forms are arranged and bind in a form of book…
Lakshya picks up the book and goes out…
He sees Sanskar going round and round up in the air…

Lakshya “Bhai!!”

The eagle comes down and lands on the floor and changes to Sanskar…


Lakshya nods…

Sanskar “Ok let’s get out before we are caught…”

They both head out of the college…

Ficus “You went to take the documents or conduct a class??”

Lakshya “Are we would have returned sooner but Bhai teased the old sage on Mom’s cabin door and her refused to let us in… So it was tough you see…”

Ficus “Oh that oldie!! He is a pain you see… It must have been a great deal… And take a free advice… Stay away from this creature (pointing his branch towards Sanskar) he is born spoil other’s work…”

Sanskar “Don’t say like that FICUUUUU (He smirks evilly)”

Ficus “I WILL KILL YOU!!!!”

He advances his branches to reach him but Sanskar run away…

Lakshya frowns “Good night Ficus”


Lakshya “Sorry!!!”
He also runs away….

The girls sneak back into the house and reach their room….

Ragini keeps the forms Book on the table and throws herself on the bed panting…
She closes her eyes to normalize her breath…. She gets visions of sometime back… When Lakshya was so close to her… When they were just inches apart… How her heart started beating faster… How she’s felt like kissing him… Them suddenly she gets the vision of her and Lakshya’s meeting in the market where he saved her…(of course she doesn’t know that it was Lakshya) She hurriedly opens her eyes and sits…

Ragini (in mind) “What was that… Why did I saw Mr. Mind-reader while thinking about that Hotty… (Her gaze falls on the book) oh may be to make me remember that I have to search for him…”

She looks at Swara beside her… Swara is lying beside her trying to calm herself…

Ragini “Di… (She doesn’t responds) Diiii… (Again) DIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!”

Swara wakes up startled “What yaar Ragu… What now??”

Ragini “What what?? We have to search the forms and see who has the mind reading capability…”

Swara “Oh ya… We have three bundles and just one night… Coz if anyone finds this out then we are going to make ourselves lands in a very big problem…. And Dadi won’t leave us…”

Ragini nods and they start their search operation… Reading looks for the forms of her batch whole Swara of her own batch… They decided that they would share the other batch’s form between them…

On the other side, the boys sneak back into their room through their window… Lakshya keeps back his Broomfield in the cupboard and throws himself on the bed while Sanskar changes to himself and relaxes on the bean bag sofa…

Sanskar “Ok…. That was terrific but fun..!!”

Lakshya “Yeah… I have to check the forms as well… You take rest, I will do that stuff myself…”

Sanskar “I was about to tell you that I am not gonna help you checking those forms, I can’t bear anymore head aches… But you said it already… You are my true bro…”

Lakshya “Are you forgetting that I can read minds??”

Sanskar goes quite at once… Lakshya smirks and checks the forms…

After checking the forms…

SwaRagLak (together on their respective place) “WHAT!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS… THIS CAN’T HAPPEN…”

Swaragini looks at each other startled while Sanskar wakes up with a jerk hearing Lakshya shouting like that…

Sanskar “What happened??”

Lakshya “How is that possible??”

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