Hello everyone sorry for being late thank u for ur wonderful comments and support sorry for not replying to ur comments individually
Links of pervious part
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
The next day
Ragini was getting ready for office she was standing in front of mirror she was wearing watch she looked in mirror and kept the watch aside she smiled remembering her moments with sanskar their closeness she never felt the way she was feeling for first time she was so close to some one and his touch his fragrance his embrace made her feel safe she felt that what ever he did was just to help her but it was know something more for her she came to reality listening to swara and shika’s voice
They both were arguing ragini was pissed by their fight she tried to stop them but they argued more “stop” she screamed both became silent like small kids “if u make any sound na see what I do”she warned showing her index finger both putted finger on their lips
“good know tell me what happened” she asked both at a time were answering
“stop” both became quite” shika u tell first”
“ragu di a fashion contest is going to be organised and swara di has the potential to win it and even she wanted to take part in it but know she’s cancelling” shika said
“why swara”
“ragini u know soon I am going to get married so its not possible” she said ragini moved towards her and held her by shoulders
“did laksh or his family object”
“no nothing like that they never had problem with my profession but the problem is organisers contest will be held during my marriage dates and in next week we are leaving for Udaipur so its not possible for me to take part in it” swara said being sad
“so what we’ll postpone the marriage I’ll talk to laksh ” ragini said swara went and sat on bed ragini and shika sat by her both sides
“ragini it’s not that simple as u are saying I know if I ask laksh he won’t deny and his family would also agree but I don’t wanna delay in this marriage anymore”swara said
“swara u are talking as if u didn’t get married know u’ll never get married laksh would leave u” ragini said causally shika giggled at her comment swara glared at her she stopped
“ragini never say those words I would die if he left me” swara was almost teary
“ohh swara my baby” saying ragini side hugged her shika to hugged her
“ok I won’t talk anything about it its ur decision and I would support u know happy”
She stood up
“shika learn something from her about love ‘I would die if he left me’” she mimicked her
“how mean u are ragu di” shika pouted
“don’t mind shika u know na her brains some screw are loose”
“yeah di I forgot that their are some people here who came from agra’ s mental asylum” saying shika gave hifi to swara
“u both wait let me show u how mad people are” saying ragini started hitting those both with pillows and cushions whole room was messed up all were tried they fell on bed and started laughing shail came in
“I think I came in wrong room” he said seeing room he left and then peeped in
Swara shika and ragini were laughing
“have u three gone mad what have u done to this room oh god”he said dramatically “swara I didn’t except this from u I knew that ragini was mad and even shika’s some screw were loose but u”
“shiku I think we should explain u brother how mad people are” ragini said signalling shika
“ha di bhai what did u say” both headed towards him
“no guess stop their I said” but it was too late shika poured jug full of water on him he was full wet and ragini threw all cotton on him because of wetness all cotton stuck to his face he was looking like ghost
Swara laughed whole hearty seeing him ragini and shika too joined her
“u both devils see know what I do” saying shail chased both of them they ran out of room
Swara was laughing seeing tom and jerry in house she was laughing
Trio came in hall and were chasing eachother nani who came out of kitchen was shocked seeing shail who all of a sudden came in front of her
“bhoot bhoot” she screamed and she fainted shekar and janki ran and came their swara ragini shika and shail were also shocked
“kaya hua oh god is she dead” shekar asked dramatically
Janki glared him he became quite
Ragini ran to kitchen to fetch water they sprinkled some water on her and she became conscious
“what happened ma” janki said making her seat on sofa
“wo I saw ghost” she said in low tone listening to which swara ragini and shika started laughing
“why are u three laughing I didn’t do a joke”
Ragini controlled her laugh
“nanu what u saw was not ghost …. but was shail” saying she brusted in laugh even shekar joined him
“wha shail I am proud of u what I was unable to do u did it” shekar said patting his shoulders
“shail how can do this what has happened to u” nani scolded him
“dadi its not my fault its ur ladoo and shika” shail said
“know don’t blame my angles”
Janki pulled ragini’s ears
“I am sure its all ur prank”
“ma plsz leave me its paining its not me I have done nothing its all this shail”
“see bua how’s she acting” janki left her eras and came and side hugged shail
“ohh mera bachhha I know very well its all this devil who did this u are my innocent baby”
Shail showed his tongue to ragini
“know this is too much” ragini said being muffed
“see ma she’s jealous by me” shail said
“jealous my foot and u innocent baby ha from which angle he looks so even ghost are pretty than him” ragini said
“know this is enough” janki said
“shail go and clean ur self”
“wait wait what’s so hurry come we’ll take selfie with this funny
ghost” ragini said all made different faces and took crazy selfie and becahra shail he pouted
Ragini and shekar left for office
Swara posted that selfie on FB and got thousands of likes
At gadodia office
Ragini was thinking about swara and what she said she was clear that swara wanted to take part in contest but was unable to she was thinking of a way by which she could help her but what it can be she decided to talk to laksh about it
She called him
“hello laksh”
“yes ragini anything important”
“wo I wanted to talk to u about swara”
“ok tell me what”
“not like this laksh can we meet” she asked
“ok we can anyways and I and bhai are coming to office their so we’ll talk their” saying laksh hanged up
At gadodia office
Ragini was sitting on floor and doing her work she was lost in her mackbook and laptop
Sanskar who just passed by their saw her he was lost in her beautiful face her hair starnds were troubling her he wanted to go and truck them which were disturbing his view he was disturbed by laksh’s voice bhai he called both headed towards shekar’s cabin they talked for a while and laksh went to her cabin
Ragini discussed with him about fashion contest they were lacking ideas at that time swara came in her cabin
“ragini see how many likes I got” she said and raised her head and saw laksh “laksh u here”
“came for some work”
“by the way about what likes u were talking about” he asked and she showed him the photo laksh laughed like mad after seeing it at that time shail came and sanskar came to call laksh
“what happened to him” sanskar asked swara showed him pic shail was giving death to her and sanskar was controlling his laugh
“how did this happen” then swara explained him what ever happened in morning he laughed so much
“seriously ragini u are too much becahra shail”
All had some fun
And ragini planned something to help swara
The next day
All were having breakfast suddenly all heard some old women’s voice
All headed towards hall and saw bua dadi along with kavitha
“bua dadi oh no bhai app ka band baja ne wala hai”
“Aur sath me yeh kavitha chipku” he said resting his head on his shoulders
“u think about urself” he said giving stern look to him
“why are u always like this ragini says correct ur saddo” he glared him and escaped from their saying bhau dadi u came
Dp went and took her blessings laksh went and hugged her
“how are u bua dadi”
“I am fine but u are still kid u are getting married but I don’t find any sense of maturity in u” she said laksh was annoyed by her lecture sanskar came and took her blessings
Kavitha was continuously seeing him and passing smile to him sanskar was irritated by that she was dadi’s friends daughter and her favourite she wanted kavitha and sanskar married but sanskar denied all family were sad at that thought but dadi still keeps on trying some how sanskar falls for her and they get married dadi is a type of cunning women for her benefit she wants them to get married she thinks if kavitha is married to sanskar she would rule in MM
Kavitha is typical modern girl she smart she had fooled dadi to get married to sanskar she just wants his money and thinks herself is too smart than all
All were seated
“areh sujitha and ap how can u let younger son get married first when elder is still not married” she said
Sujitha didn’t like her much nor her choice
“wo bua ji sanskar don’t wanna get married soon” she said
“are his age friends are even married and have kids what type of reason this is and he said and u all agreed” she said sanskar was about to speak sujitha held his hand and singed him no
All were in no mood to fight with her
So some how they convinced her
After some time in maheswari office
Sanskar was furstated by what ever happened in morning and on top of that one of his employee didn’t do work properly they lost a deal he
was angry
Later ragini came their with some files
She didn’t wanna meet sanskar she wanted to avoid him
She went to laksh’s cabin and showed him files and presentation he said they need sanskar signature and approval
“ok so go and get his signature” ragini said
“me why u only go”
“plsz go and do this for me plsz” she requested
“understand I can only get his signature but what about presentation u have prepared it so u need to explain” he said
“no but or vut what’s ur problem be a bit professional and why are u disagreeing some thing is going btw u two”he winked at her
“oh god have u all gone mad whom ever I see is talking like that with me” she stood and took the file “I am going bye” saying she left she was feeling a kind of nervous
She entered sanskar’s cabin
“sanskar are u busy” she asked after entering in he was busy in some files
“what do u think” he asked raising his head from
“wo I needed ur signature and plsz check this presentation” she said hesitantly
Sanskar checked it their were some issues with it
“what the hell is this its not at all good” he yelled in anger
“if u need any changed plsz tell me I’ll do it”
“changes my foot its the worst presentation I have ever seen I can’t understand if u can’t do the work why do u try to do it give to some one who’s more mature not at least childish like u I can’t understand how can shekar uncle feel that u can handle this project”
Tears formed in her eyes for the first time she felt bad if any body else would be in her place she would have agrued but she wanted to scream but words didn’t come out she felt bad the way he spoke it hurted her
“enough” saying she left the place she wiped her tears and headed out laksh saw it he felt some thing fishy he went in sanskar’s cabin
“bhai what happened and ragini” sanskar realise that he was too harsh he felt guilty
He explained him everything
“how can u bhai I know u are frustrated but that doesn’t mean u can tell her anything how much bad she must have felt I saw her crying u are just unbelievable”
“I am sorry I didn’t mean to hurt her”
“not me u hurted her go and tell sorry” saying laksh left
Ragini was sitting garden
“why I am crying why should I cry” she wiped her tears
“but that sadoo I hate him how can he say like that to me and wait why didn’t I argue with him if some one else would have talked to me like that I would have broken his teeth but” tears rolled down her eyes
“but why I am effected why do I feel bad that he spoke like that” she wiped her tears
“its waste to think of it he’s sadoo idiot monkey donkey stupid mad man” she said in one go
Sanskar and laksh came their they heard her scolding him was mouth open laksh said all best to sanskar and left he thought she would be crying but
“ahhem ahemmm” he cleaned his throat ragini turned and she got angry seeing him she turned her face
He came and sat next to her
“I…………. i………. am soo……… sorry” he muttrered
“what did u say”
“I am sorry ragini I know I was too harsh it was just frustration” he said closing his eyes
“I can’t believe this sadoo maheswari telling me sorry I think I am dreaming” she pinched herself he gave her unbelievable look
“no I am not dreaming wow sanskar maheswari telling sorry did the sun rise from west today”
“did I do any joke”
“ask u self what u did”
“I am extremely sorry I was just frustrated”
“so u removed ur frustration on me”
“I am sorry yaar its because of bua dadi” he said and explained her everything ragini laughed at his condition
“I am telling my sad story and u are laughing what kind of friend u are”he said pouting
“sorry but ur story is like that wait a minute when did we became frnds”
“when u forgave me for my behaviour”
“and when did I forgave u”
“when u made me frnd”
“mr.maheswari indirectly u are asking me friendship”
“wow u are so intelligent u understood so soon”he said dramatically
“very funny” she made angry face
“ok I am sorry and I am asking u ms.ragini gadodia will u be my frnd”
“I’ll think about it”
“so u forgave me”
“yeah a kind of”
“and my frnd ship”
“u see I don’t like kerala so I should think should I make u my frnd or not”
They laughed
Precap:ragini ‘s frnd ship problem for poor sanskar and claiming that she’s sanskar’s gf………….. huge problem for poor sanskar
Sorry guess but I am finding difficult to proceed the story sorry for that and I’ll make my next update on 1st December I am kind of busy so its difficult for me I’ll update my another ff tomorrow hope u enjoyes
Nice ragsan nok joke is cute
woowwww awesome plz upload daily
Its superbbbb hahhaha loved it
As usualll mindblownggg!!!its reallly a fantastic story..loved it to d core..ragsan r so sooo awesome…waitng super eagerly for nxt part.. keeep rockng n stay blesssed sweety

amazing yaar…. loved it to the core
nice wonder why she said she was his gf and try and update soon.xx
Hahah, nice part
this ragsan, both are so unpredictable. he mad her his frnd suddenly,and she forgave him and accepted him as a frnd. awesome update.
amazing dear….loved ragsan scenes…Both r sooo cute…..waiting for nxt one…..tkcr dear…
So cute of ragsan
Super amazing