Fan Fiction

Swaragini – Me and my best friends (swalak) chapter 2

Hi friends. I am back with the new chapter of me and my best friends. I hope you liked the first chapter . And those who have doubt about sanskar entry so let me tell you he is also the part of this ff but you guys will have to wait for his entry. So let’s proceed with our second chapter.

Link to the first chapter : Chapter 1

Here we begin our next chapter.

They both started dancing and I was left alone. Seeing them dancing and after realising that I was alone in that big crowd … all those horrifying memories of my childhood came in front of my eyes. I ran away from there. I think cheeku and ragini saw me so they also came behind me.
Ragini : what happened swru ? Why u ran ?
I had no answer.
Laksh : at least you can tell us na.. swru we are your friends… we are best friends swru. So you don’t have to hide anything from us.
Again I don’t know what had happened to me . I started crying. Cheeku hugged me .
His hug … the only thing which made me forget all my worries, my problems…the best hug in the world.
Ragini : ok now , let’s go back to party. Wipe your tears swru.

She also hugged me but I don’t know why this time I felt nothing.
Seeing me not talking to ragini , cheeku asked me ‘is everything ok between both of you’.
I thought to tell cheeku the truth but before me ragini replied “ya ,everything’s ok”.
Cheeku left as his friends were calling him.

Ragini :swru ,I am sorry na , till now you have not forgiven me. I am sorry swru. If you won’t forgive me I’ll not cut my cake.

She started making weird faces to make me laugh. And finally …. I laughed. I decided to forgive ragini. And I hugged her. We went to party. Cake was cut. And we started singing for ragini. Finally I was happy. We danced,we enjoyed. Then neeru came to us.
Neeru : hey guys,let’s play dare.
Cheeku : nice idea.
“Ok so everyone attention plz come here we are going to play dare” . Cheeku shouted.
Everyone came and game started. The bottle turned towards cheeku.
Neeru : ooho , so mr.laksh will have to kiss Ragini – The birthday girl.
Hearing this my smile went away. I felt like I am a kid and my favourite chocolate is being snatched from me. But why I was getting these types of felling …is this was because he was my best friend or something else…..
I think that time cheeku noticed me and that’s why he gave a reply which was unexpected from him.

Laksh : sorry guys…but there is someone else in my life … so plz no kissing and all. Give me another one.
Neeru : omg , sorry.. I thought you and ragini are in relationship..that’s why I asked you to do this.
And thank god neeru changed the dare.
The game continued. And finally the party got over. We went to our home.
At night while I was trying to sleep I got the message from my dad… no no..not my dat but my so called dad .. He wrote that my brother Rohan was coming to india in a week with his friend . I really got happy to know this. That lost smile again came to my face. And this time the big one.

Actually only three persons mattered to me – my brother, Ragini and cheeku.
I and my brother we are of same age, we fight ,we argue but we love each other. My eyes got closed and I slept.
Next morning when I woke up. I saw ragini and cheeku sitting in my room.
I was shocked…or …surprised.
Me : cheeku, ragini .. you guys … I mean now.
Laksh : ya swru , now please don’t lie and tell what happened to you last night , why you were crying.
I don’t know what happened to me and I answered
Me : no one loves me , no one cares for me , and no one wants to be with me…
I started crying.

Cheeku and ragini hugged me. After very long time we three had a group hug.
Laksh : I care for you and I … ( I don’t know why he stopped)
He continued
Laksh : I mean to say that we care for you and we love you.
Ragini : ya swru and stop thinking all this. Smile…smile…
I smiled.
Ragini:ok now let’s go for a ride and this time I’ll drive.
I and cheeku shouted:Oh noooo.

Plz please comment if you like it.


What do you do when a chapter ends , Do you close the book and never read it again??!!

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