Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini ( betrayal, revenge with love) Part 3

So friends here part 3

So friends mystery person is revealed it’s ragini……
A fb shows…..
It’s before 5 years…..

In these days ragini is friends of uttara and she stayed in mm for her studies…. She’s a very cultural girl like….. Before rgs in searial
Her parent had ragini to also join with swara and studies but she doesn’t like it and she want to….
Here and learn classic music…. So first she had stayed in hostel but after become a best friends of uttara…. Uttara insisted to ragini came and stayed with her…
So finally ragini went there…..
So in these incident happened swara wasn’t in India she’s in London…. But she talking ragini every day……

So ragini is become mm fav day by day….. And…. She… Best friend of sanskar….. They both… Good friends and ragini started loving him… But he doesn’t. She deeply in love with him….
In on day there are in the pary….
Is uttara and rags friend and sanskar also accompony them…
In the party sanskar was in drunken and…. He saw rgs innecent and he mesmerizd seen her and in that night they concumate……
After that day ragini more loved sanskar and but he always behave with her like friend and in that night what happened sanskar don’t remember….
After 3 months ragini came to know that she’s pregnant and she become happy and aslo scared….
She first decided to talk sanskar….
In that time sanskar met kavita and falling love with her… But rgs don’t know about it.

Sanskar : what happened ragini. Why r u scared…..

Ragini: sanskar….. She hug him….

Sanskar : what happened ragini…. R u all right???

Ragini : sanskar I’m pregnant….

Sn: what…. Ragini what r u saying???

Rg: yes sanskar I’m pregnant…. It’s our baby sanskar…

Sanskar is shocked and he can’t believe this that….

Sn : what r u saying… Our baby have u gone mad…. This isn’t possible….

Now rags is shocked…

Rg : what r u saying sanskar…. Have u gone mad…. How can u say that
After what happened between us.i thought that u love me…

Sn: love what love I’m just ur friend …what r u saying

Rg : sanskar i love u very much….

Sn : but i don’t love u…. I’m in love with someone else…. Not u…

Rg : but sanskar it’s our baby.. Mwe have to decided…

Sn : what decided ragini i don’t believe u and i never thought u more than friend…
Rg : sanskar that night…..

Sn : what night ragini gave u gone mad….. Plz…. Stop ur nonsense…

Rg : nonsense what nonsense sanskar…. This is our baby how can u say like that sanskar….

Sj heard and shocked….

Sj : omg…. Hey ladki have u accoused my so….. Shameless ladki…. And she goes downstair …
Jijji…. Plz… Come and look what happening in this house…. This ladki accoused my son….. Babre bab….

Ap : what happened sj… Why r u shouting….

Sj : jijji look what’s saying this ladki….
This ladki is pregnant and she accused my so….

All the maheshwarish shocked to hear this and…..

Rg san also came downstair….

Ap: what’s happening ragini sanskar….

Dp : hm… What’s happening…

Sj : arey nothing happened bhaisa…. This shameless ladki…. Accused my son….

Ap : sj shut up… Ragini beta yeh subh kyahe….. What happened… Is this true….

Ragini : crying badly yes aunty… I’m pregnant…. This is me and sanskar baby….

Ap : sanskar….. Tum dono….

Dp : i don’t know what happening in this house….

Sj : this ladki is lying…. Sanskar speak…. Isn’t this ladki lying…

Dp: sanskar speak… Yeh kyahe…

Rp: jawab de sanskar…..

Ap : beta plz…. Speak….

Sn : papa, ma, bb. I don’t know what’s ragini saying i never loved her and i always treat like her friend …i don’t know… About this..

Just then rags slap him hard….

How dare u sanskar…. How can u say that… Aunty uncle… Plz… Believe me this is our baby….

Sj: jijji yeh ladki is lying…. She want to become this house bahu and she wants money that why she’s trapping my son….

Ragini : no aunty I’m not lying plz… Someone believe me…

Sanskar : ma u don’t believe ur son… Papa ab bhi….
Bade pala….

Ap : crying and said. I believe our children upbringing i believe u beta….

Dp : even I’m also think that ap is right….

Rp : ha… I agree with baisa….

Rags : I’m not lying….. Plz… How can i face my family… Plz.. Understand… She beg ..

But they don’t believe her….

Uttara: i can’t believe this ragini u r my best friend .u betrayed me and my family….. And now u r trying to trapp my brother…

Ragini : np uttara I’m not lying u also saying that…. I’m ur best friend hena…. Plz… Believe me…

Sj : stop it ladki and she drag rags and she trow her out of the house. Jao…
Don’t dare to came here again….

Ragini: how….. Sanskar i believed u more than my self how can u do this to me…. How can i face my family… U betrayed me sanskar…. I hate u….
Aur ap log… U r just believe ur son….
U all will believe him na… Bcz… He’s ur son na… I’m notwto u all…
Now enough… I can’t beg enymore…
But yeah…. U all have to pay…
U all never become happy… U all someday cry like i had cried today…..

Laksh : how dare u say that he’s our bhai he never lie he hate liars like u….. So u blabbering and get out….

So when this incident happened rgs called swara by mistakenly and she heard everything….
She also start crying….

After that rags went her house and said what happening… But… They don’t know about maheshwaris and…. She don’t want to insult her family anymore …all avoid her and dadi tells that…. She don’t have a right to stay here…. She have to stay her sasural and…. So rgs decided to moved on and she gone another town and… Started ngo to help girls like her…. She also convinced a baby boy….

Swara support ragini… She always talked to her……..

So rgs baby is now 4 years old…. His name is RASANYA….

In maheswaris san tells that he loved kavita…. They all happy…
Rags become more stronger…

Fb ends

After 5 years…..

Swara came india after finished her studies and she gone to meet rags…..

Sw : how dare they…..I’m not leaving them… They have to pay…. For what they did…. I’ll do that…

Ragini : ha swara… They have to realize the pain of I’m going though that time.. And… Rasanya…. Want to a father..

Sw : I’ll do that…. I’ll gave ur all the rights.. In this house…..but also they have pay for what they did with u….

Fb ends….

Precap: swara strange behavior….


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