Fan Fiction

swaragini would it better for me (Episode 19)

hi guys my ff name is swaragini :would it be better for srry srry for late u know my position very well i said it before

my previous links :

lets begin
ragini:sanskar r u here i herd ur voice
ragini:sanskar sanskar(ragini is tensed)
some one come from the back and shouts: boooooooooooo it is our sanskar
ragini truns she was so scared she was about fall sanskar went to catch but he failed . ragini fell down in the wet mud
sanskar started laughing .ragini was irritated
ragini:it is all because of u sanskar . i came to help u see my dress
sanskar:u came to help me u where so scared shouted booooooooo
ragini:very funy(saying this ragini tried get up but she failed because she does not have grip she tried again but failed

sanskar:can i help
ragini:help that too from u (angry way) no need
sanskar:ok bye (he started walking
ragini:sanskar stop i need ur help plz
sanskar gave her hand
ragini:(in mind) wait see what am doing

sanskar:hello it is already late
ragini catahes his hand and make him fall but unfortunately sanskar fall on ragini . sanskar is in the top of ragini.they have a intense eye lock (zeehanasib plays
after some times they come to senses
ragini:get up sanskar (she is almost shouting)
sanskar:wait for sometime
9in a soft manner
agini:wat the hell
sanskar: nothing ragini wait wait
sanskar tries to get up but again he falls on ragini
again sanskar tries but fall on ragini their lips gently touch
ragini:ragini:wat r doing get up properly
sanskar:see do u think am romancing here i can to help see because of even my dress is also like that only

atlast sanskar gets up and he helps ragini but wantedly he leaves her hand and he catche sher his hand his in ragini hip . ragini is holding sanskar tightly . ragini is continuesly looking at ragini .
atlast they comes to senses
(guys srry i cann’t write that much romance like others am just trying srry)

ragini:sanskar actully which is the right way
sanskar:actually wat way u went was correct
ragini:go come
on the ragini thinking about the moments withs sanskar
their lip block
a smile occurs in ragini
‘s face
the episode ends

precap:mostly fight a big fight or romantic fight or romance(tell me its ur wish)

guys happy holi

srry for late update plz bear me plz understand my stiuation


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