Fan Fiction

swaragini would it better for me (Episode 23)

hi guys thank u so much for ur comment . my ff name is swaragini : would it better for me. thank u so much for ur comment . i wish am entertaining u .i added some twist in which u will see sanky as negative in ragini point of view but sanky is positive but the pair will not change it is RAGSAN RAGSAN ONLY so don’t worry

my previous links:

lets begin

a glass room is shown there is a girl lying down . it is our ragini. slowly ragini opens her eyes . ragini see’s someone

voice:thank god u opened ur eyes i was worried so much
ragini:sanskar wat are u doing here (guys i think many of u did not notice this line in my previous episode we kidnaped her we should also kidnap him)
sanskar:yaa we both came for date here
ragini:sanskar(angry tone but ragini is affraid of sanskar)
sanskar:wat are u mad someone kidnaped us

ragini:s when i was standing someboby came from back i don’t know more than that
sanskar:same happen to me
ragini stands and goes near the glass(guys it is glass cage or glass room so that she can she outside clearly . ragini beats the glass
ragini:open door who r u to kidnap me open the door . open the door plz plz
ragini cries
sanskar:don’t waste ur energy ok because this is gorilla glass we can’t do anything
ragini is still crying
sanskar come near her and consoles her but ragini moves from there to the corner
sanskar:ragini relax wat happen to u
ragini:its none of ur business ok
ragini takes her phone from her back and tries to call sumi. she trie but there is no signal
ragini:wat the hell the signal is not there
a voice comes

vocie:u can’t escape from me ok. u can’t call to anyone u will not get any signal
ragini:who the hell r u
sanskar:hey who r u y u kidnapped me what is happening here
vocie : u will get know
sanskar looks around from where the vocie is comming
sanskar:ragini look there
ragini:sanskar he came see whatever we are doing right see there is a cctv camera and a speaker he can speak whatever he want we have listeh
sanskar:not only there it is there in the four corners but who is he
ragini see’s this and crys
sanskar comes and hugs her . it is a side hug
ragini see the letter and the photo in her bag and gets angry but sanskar does not notice it
ragini pushes sanskar and moves and sit
sanskar looks ragini in a shocking manner but ragini ignores it
sanskar:ragini what happened to u
ragini keeps quite
sanskar:ragini am speaking to u only(angry tone)
ragini:will u plz shut ur stupid mouth

precap:sanskar pins ragini to the wall .

thanks for ur comment once again


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