hi guys thanks for ur comment my ff name is swaragini:would it be better for me. guys am relly lacking in odeas after this problem i will end but it may continue naimi its not prank dear
my previous links :https://www.tellyupdates.com/swaragini-better-episode-23/
so lets begin
the episode begins in sanskar looking angrily at ragini
sanskar:ragini wat happened to u
ragini keeps quite
sanskar:what happened
ragini closes her ear with her finger
sanskar is so angry he goes near her and hold her hand tightly . ragini looks away she tries to free herself but she could not
ragini:i have no interest in u ok leave me
sanskar:ok u have no interest right then look at me and eyes and tell me
ragini:why i should tell to u
sanskar:u have no interest right then see my eyes and tell me
ragini tries to see but she can’t (guys she is hiding something)
ragini atlast see’s his eyes and tell i have no interest in u
sanskar: y r u avoiding me ragini
ragini:because u cheated me(ragini is shouting )
sanskar s angry to the core he moves towards her . slowly ragini hits the wall.sanskar comes close to her
sanskar:when i cheated u
ragini:leave me sanskar
sanskar moves from there
ragini: do u think am a fool
sanskar:actully i should ask u that question do u think am fool
ragini is crying
ragini:do u know i started loving u in the tour itself u know that but u cheated me
sanskar is shocked but happy somewhere
ragini:s i loved u but i hate u now because wat u done is wrong . i don’t know the truth actually
sanskar : calm down ragini there is some misunderstanding