Fan Fiction

swaragini would it better for me (Episode 25)

hi guys thanks for ur comments . myy ff name is swaragini : would it be better for me, guys am i dragging the stroy so am revealing it and guys 30th episode i will end may be i will continue if i get ideas in mind but am already prepare my another ff it be posted on friday .

recap:ragsan is kidnapped by some one . ragini avoiding sanskar and ragini love confession

my previous link :
so lets begin

sanskar:ragini there is some misunderstanding between us we can clear it
ragini:nothing is there
sanskars: calm dowm wat happened tell me clearly
ragini is so scared
ragini:down come near me am so scared of u

sanskar:wat happened ragini wat i did to u
ragini:after tour i went to my house i said everything about the tour and u my mom was so happy that am talking to her she brought a letter and some photos
ragini gives one photo
sanskar is shocked

sanskar:ragini who is she
ragini:she is swetha and my brother is standing near her
sanskar: she is not swetha i know it clearly
ragini shows another photo and says
ragigi:ur standing near swetha see u r related with swetha right
sanskar:s she is my blood relation she uttara ok sge is big sister
ragini:she is ur sister but she is uttara ok

sanskar:let me tell u clearly ok uttara left our house when she was 12 std but i was in touch with her after that i don’t know where she went i thought she is happy and she is living a life peacefully i don’t know that ur brother his her lover . and ragini she left our house because of my badai papa dp she does not like her because she likes to modren so she left. ragini i took this pic with her in a temple i met her there that was the last time i saw
ragini:i can’t belive this she is swetha

sanskar:i think she changed her name and was the letter
ragini:the letter is written by my brother it was written sweatha was pregenat .so i said my mom that i will find him.when i saw u in the pic . behind the pic it was written swetha is in danger i thought u are culprit i don’t no what is happening here sanskar uttara is swetha
sanskar:ragini i don’t know wat is happening but plz belive me first we should escape from here ok and then we should find uttara
ragini:hw can we escape

sond sound comes
sanskar:ragini some sound is comming
ragini:it is foot steps sound some one is comming
sanskar:ragini am there with u

at that tie some smoke come from the four corners the (glass room or glass cage) it is fuul of smoke
ragini:sanskar i can’t breathe sanskar:sankar faints slowly ragini also faints

scene sfhifts to sumi

sumi:sir my daugther ragini is missing . she went to college but she did not written sir
police :ok fill this form
sumi:sir this is her photo
police:ur gododia company owners wife right then ur husband must be having many enemy right can let us it will be easy for us
sumi gives every details and move

the episode ends

precap :ragini and sankar escapes from the place another truth is revealed and the problem solve


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