Fan Fiction

swaragini would it better for me (Episode 9)

hi guys my ff name is swaragini : would it be better for me. thanks for ur comment i just got three comments but it does not bother me . i have only one dout that my ff is nice or not am i boring u want ragini to talk and her past should be revealed soon or later . guys i will reveal the pair later . when i reveal plz ragdhurv fan or ragsan pair plz don’t get hurt. and one main thing my episode had reached 8 and this is my 9th episode i thougt of ending it in 10th i mean my next episode your wish to continue or not .

dhurv character is played by parth samthaan

so my previous link

so lets begin

raj(the guide):guys v came to kurfi snow so we r staying her for some days in the snow. take wharever things u want and rest keep it in the locker. and students u should prepare ur tent and everything
dhurv:wow we r going to kurfi snow
sanskar:y ur getting so happy we r single that place is correct for swalak u know it
dhurv:u r right but asthayee(temporary )gf
dhurv:ya sanskar that ragini is my gf
swara:wat do u mean . ur new gf is that lazy goose ragini gadodia .
laksh:can i know wat thing which attracted from her
dhurv:i said she is my tour gf that it beacause diya is not here ok

every students r climbing kurfi snow mountain
ragini is climbing with piku(srry this cann’t hsppen in real life hw to carry fish in moutain but bear me )
they reached there target atlast every students are i there tent

all are sitting in round @ centre cam fire. every student are telling about something but wat about our ragini lets see
ragini is searching for something
ragini:(is crying) oh god for past few years i did not ask anything from u plz i want my piku plz . after that incident i thought that is my life piku
for the first time ragini is speaking to every students
ragini:do u saw piku
students:yes ragini for wat
ragini wipes her tears :where u saw where it is
student:i saw it in my home deepika padukone’s movie right awesome movie it is
ragini felt there in anger

ragini asked every one expect swalakdhursan
she came to swara
swara:wat happen lazy goose y r u crying
laksh:i think she came to meet his new bf dhurv
sanskar:stop it wat happened ragini tell me i can help u
ragini:u saw my fish piku (ragini face is red and tears r falling from her eyes continuesly)
sanskr:i don’t know anything about it
ragini moves from there silently

2 night
ragini cannt sleep in her tent because u know it it piku is missing. ragini came out and she started walking and searching for piku

swalaksandhurv is in one tent playing cards

swara:guys u know i made a prank to ragini

swara:that is piku is with me
sanskar:for wat
swara: just for fun yaar see she is a lazy goose she did not talk to anyone in the college but today i made her talk to everyone
dhurv:it is not correct swara
swara:hey don’t support to ur new gf . do u know that she likes u or not
sankar:its not correct swara
swra:sanskar wat do u mean

sankar:i mean that she was talking only to piku i not sure she might have any reason for it. u will be happy if am not there with u
swara:sankar stopi it u r my day i like u more than lucky ur my childhood friend hw can i live without u . do u think i will be happy if ur not there
dhurv:u cann’t live right in the same way ragini cann’t live with out piku. what u did is right r wrong tell me
swara:wat the hell i commited a big mistake . i know the pain while my mom and dad left i was really felt that my life went from me . am srry
sanskar:tell it to ragini
dhurv:let us go there and lets give piku to her
sanskar:am not comming
sawdhurv:ok we will go there
swadhur went to ragini’s tent but she was not there
swara:dhurv she is not there
dhurv:ya swara but were she went ok u go to tent because its already late i will find her and i will give it ok

swara left
swra came to sanskar tent to say good night that time ragini passed the tent sankar felt something stanrge
i said to guess wat type of feeling love r something tell me if u find it

ragini while walking in the snow she left her grip and she about to fall down but dhurv catched her
ragini and dhurv shared a eyelock mok mok dhagae song played back
dhurv: i was seaching for u
ragini did not hear wat he said because she saw piku beside her in the ground . piku is in the container
ragini was happy to the core
dhurv: srry ragini swra played a prank with u srry in behalf of swara
due to over happiness she hugged dhurv tigtly. dhurv was shocked but enjoyed it
ragini breaked the hug
ragini was runing here and there due to happiness dhurv was just staring at her
dhurv took snow and started putting it on ragini

dhurv:hey ragini u cann’t escape from me
ragini took the snow and started putting it on dhurv
ragini:(shouted )thank u dhurv
dhurv heart beat started beating fast to hear her voice
ragini again shouted thank u dhurv this time she shouted like any thing so a teacher came out and saw
teacher:i heared someone’s voice but from where nobody is there
ragini and dhurv is hiding in the bush which is covered with snow
ragini and dhurv is so closed to each other dhurv comes even more closed to her he hugs her tightly . ragini is shocked

the episode ends with ragini’s face

precap:sanskar strange feeling?and more adout ragini

guys i can end it in next episode r continue to i can end it if u feel it boring if ur not feeling boring i can continue
hw was the episode. if u want more lengthly i will make for u


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