Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini Blooms Again (Episode 33)

Hi guys hope u liked the last laugh riot.
Scene 1
Sanskar says Swara I am so happy. She I am too Ok lets go to Breakfast. Sanskar says hey wait where r u going u should not work. Swara says arre baba I already a mother so stop pampering me ok. But it is first time for na. Rajat says all are going to Mom and chachi who will play with me. Laksh comes there and says Rajat come here all ladies are playing we go out and play and leaves with him.
In the kitchen
Ap says thank God Sumi I alwaya have a guilt that I did not took care of Swara last time but now my two bahus r happy I want to tantrum to whole city. Sumi says purna relax I am also here. Swara comes there and Ap ask her what do u like when Rajat was in u. She says Mom I also eat whatever I want not specified but I got hungry often. Ap says Sumi we should prepare some basic masala so that Swara could eat when she want. Laksh comes there and says Maa this Ragini is suddenly started shouting at me I got scared. They laugh. Sumi says Laksh it is normal I think when Ragini was in me I often get angry and scolded Shekar lot. He ask then uncke how managed. She says he give me my favourite thinks and I got calm. Laksh says ufff I am gone dead and all laugh at him.
In the night
Ragini wakes up Laksh. He in a sleepy mood ask what Ragini. She says I want poli. He says I will get u tomorrow. She says no I want it now and throws him down. He hesitantly goes to kitchen and sees Sanskar cooking Pav and sleeping.
Laksh: Bhai what r u doing here.
Sanskar: Lucky this Swara na she waked me five times and asked so many dishes and ate all without giving ne now this is sixth one. From Upstairs Ragini ask Lucky what are doing bring poli fast.
Sanskar: Lucky
Laksh in crying mood: Han Bhai u no me na when I sleep I will not wake up so easily but this Rags kicked me and asked for poli and hugs him.
Sanskar: I dont know these sisters do like this.
Swaragini comes there and ask what u both doing here.
Swara: I asked for one dish u r taking so much time.
Sanskar: No Shona I am cooking only see it is all most finished I will come in two minutes.
Ragini: See Lucky learn from ur Bhai I want poli in fuve minutes else
Laksh: else…..
Ragini: u will know and leaves with Swara.
Scene 3
In the morning
Sanslak comes down for breakfast their eyes are red. Shekar ask what happened two u both. They says uncle u r daughters r great how did u managed them they drove us crazy we didnt slept last night. Shekar says U r in the begining u will see their real face and laughs. Freezes on Sanslak feared face.
Precap : Kavita’s entry.


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