Fan Fiction

Swaragini (Chand Ka Dusra Chehra) Episode 25

The episode begins with the Dr checking Ragini, she calls Laksh in,
Dr: There’s nothing to worry about Mr Maheshwari, she was just tired and her BP went high due to some stress.
Laksh: Okay, thank you Dr.
Dr packs her stuff and Laksh drops her at the door.

Laksh comes back and sees Ragini thinking,
Laksh: What are you thinking about Ragini?
Ragini: Nothing Laksh.
Laksh: Don’t lie to me, didn’t you hear the Dr? Is it Abhi?
Ragini nods yes,
Laksh: Don’t worry Ragini, nothing will happen.
Ragini nods and Laksh comes closer,
Laksh: Take rest.
Ragini: But Ved?
Laksh: Forget him.
Ragini looks at him,
Laksh: I meant don’t worry, he’s with Maa, Chachi, Abhi and Shaurya.
Ragini: But…..
Laksh: Go to sleep!
Laksh kisses Ragini on the head and tucks her in, Ragini smiles and goes to sleep.

Ragini wakes up and sees Laksh next to her, she smiles,
Ragini: I will bring your son closer to you.
Ragini gets out of the bed and goes to get changed, she comes out and sees Laksh missing,
Ragini: Where did Laksh go?
Suddenly someone hugs her from behind, it’s Laksh,
Laksh: Good morning Ragini…..
Ragini: Good Morning?
Laksh breaks the hug and Ragini turns around,
Ragini: What happened?
Laksh: What happened?
Ragini: You’re being……
Laksh: I’m always like this, anyways you look beautiful today.
Ragini smiles,
Ragini: Where’s Ved?
Laksh: I don’t know, he must be lying somewhere in the house.
Ragini: Laksh…..
Laksh: Sometimes I feel like you like Ved more better than me. That’s why I didn’t want to bring him here!
Ragini: After all he’s cute, no one would want to hate him. He’s so cute….like his father.
Laksh: Yh he’s cute, my foot…. He….
Laksh realises and Ragini runs from there.
Laksh: Cute like his Papa? I know I’m cute but Ved…?
Laksh smiles and goes to get changed in the bathroom.

Ragini walks past Abhi’s room and sees Abhi sleeping and Ved next to him.
Ragini: There’s Ved. She looks at Abhi and smiles.
Abhi opens his eyes and looks around, he feels something next to him and sees Ved,
Abhi: Chota gorilla!
Abhi laughs and gets up, Ragini hides and Abhi goes to the bathroom. Ragini leaves from there.

Everyone finish eating breakfast…..
Ved gets up and looks at the door,
Ved: Where is she?
Ved sits on the sofa.
DP: Okay, we will leave for office.
AP nods, Abhi tries talking to AP but AP doesn’t listen to him.
Laksh: Papa, today is a big day for us, we need to win this contract.
Sanskaar: I made the presentation, whose going to present it?
Laksh: Um….. You can.
Sanskaar: Me? No, I can’t.
Laksh: Bhai you can, I know Papa and Chachu wouldn’t do it. Please Na Bhai, you know what’s in it.
Sanskaar: But I need to take Vivaan to the Drs.
DP: Is everything okay?
Sanskaar: Haa Bade Papa, it’s just we have to get his Vaccination done.
DP: Ok.
Laksh thinks.
Shaurya comes up the stairs,
Shaurya: Would you all just stand here or make a move?
Laksh and Sanskaar look at each other,
Laksh and Sanskaar: Shaurya.
DP: No! I don’t want my presentation to be ruined!
Laksh: Shaurya, can you do one thing for us.
Shaurya: What?
Laksh tells Shaurya,
Shaurya: Listen Lucky, if I was free then I would’ve but….
DP: What work do you have other than lying around in this house?
Shaurya: I have a life. I’m not like you, office, work office work 24/7!
Laksh: You’re coming!
Laksh grabs Shauryas hand and takes him out. Shaurya looks on.
Shaurya: What the hell?! No!

Abhi goes near AP,
Abhi: Do you need help?
AP: No!
Abhi: Maa, please, talk to me.
AP: I have other work to do!
Abhi: Maa…
Ved comes,
Ved: Chachu, there’s a post man at the door who is asking for you.
Abhi: Me?
Ved: You are Abhimanyu Maheshwari right?
Abhi nods yes,
Ved: Then it’s for you.
Abhi looks out and sees the postman standing at the door, AP looks out and Abhi walks towards him.
Abhi: Yes, I’m Abhi…..
Postman: Sir there’s a letter for you.
Abhi nods and signs the register, the postman gives him the letter and leaves.

Abhi opens the letter and gets shocked,
Abhi: My report? Why did they send it? If anyone reads this then….
AP comes, Abhi hides the report,
AP walks up the stairs,
AP (harshly): What are you hiding?
Abhi: Nothing Maa…..
AP tries to get the report but Abhi moves away and AP looks at him,
Ved snatches it from behind and gives it to AP,
Abhi: Ved…!
AP smiles at Ved,
AP: Thank you Ved beta.
Ved: You don’t need to say thank you Daadi.
AP reads it and gets shocked. The letter falls out of her hand, Abhi worriedly looks at her, he then smiles
Abhi: Maa, don’t worry.

Sujata and Ragini come,
Ragini: Maa, are you okay?
Ragini sees the letter and picks it up, she reads it and she’s shocked, AP is in tears,
Sujata: What does it say?
Ved: What happened?
Abhi: Tomorrow we are going to picnic, but the surprise got ruined because Maa seen it.
Ved: Really Chachu?
Abhi: You go pack the stuff you really need.
Ved nods and goes up.
Ragini: These are Abhi’s reports.
Sujata: What does it say?
Ragini: It says that he….. He hasn’t been taken his medications and….
Sujata: And…..?
Ragini: They will try their best to save him but they estimated that he only had a year to live….
Sujata gets shocked, Ragini is also in tears, Sujata looks at Abhi and he smiles.
Sujata: You’re smiling after reading this? Chore which mud are you made of? If it was someone else then they would’ve not been strong as you are, they would break down and you’re smiling?
Sujata quickly wipes her tears,
Sujata: Nothing will happen Chore. Don’t worry.
Abhi: Tell this to Maa.
Sujata: JiJi, nothing will happen to Abhi.
Ragini: Haa Maa, nothing will happen.
AP walks up the stairs,
Abhi was about to go after when Sujata stops him,
Sujata: Chore, she needs some time alone.
Abhi: Okay Chachi, now what?
Sujata: You relax?
Abhi: No, I mean that I told Ved we have picnic tomorrow and…. Why don’t we actually do? It will be fun.
Abhi takes the report and leaves, Sujata and Ragini look on.

AP locks the door and breaks down in her room.

Swara and Sanskaar return back to MM,
Sanskaar: How is he feeling now?
Swara: After crying, he went to sleep.
Sanskaar: I’ll take him upstairs.
Swara: It’s okay, I will.
Sanskaar takes Vivaan off Swara and walks in, Swara smiles.
Sanskaar: When are you breaking the news?
Swara: Of what?
Sanskaar: You know…..
Swara: After everyone are relaxed.
Sanskaar: If it was me then I would’ve told the whole world by now. I can’t wait.
Swara smiles, the enter MM,
Sujata: Swara? How did the vaccination go?
Swara: It was good, he cried but now he’s asleep.
Sujata: Okay.
Swara: What happened Mom? Why do you look upset?
Sujata: Nothing.
Sanskaar: Mom, you look upset, what happened?
Sujata: What shall I tell you chore? Abhi’s results arrived and they said he……
Swara: He…?
Sujata: He has an year to live.
Both Swara and Sanskaar are shocked,
Sanskaar: What?
Sujata: Haa, he has the report.
Sujata wipes her tears,
Sujata: You put Vivaan in the room.
Sujata leaves and Swasan look at each other.

Arohi comes to MM,
Arohi: Oh no, I’m late now Ved won’t spare me.
Arohi enters, she looks around,
Arohi: I think I came on the wrong time.
She turns to leave,
Abhi: Arohi!
Arohi turns around,
Arohi in her head: Him?
Abhi walks to her,
Abhi: What are you doing here?
Arohi looks down nervously, she plays with her scarf,
Arohi: Vo…. Main…..
Ved comes and smiles,
Ved: Arohi Di? Thank god came.
Arohi looks at Ved and smiles,
Ved comes down and hugs Arohi,
Ved breaks the hug,
Ved: Didn’t Antara Di come?
Arohi: She had some work.
Abhi smiles seeing her,
Abhi: You’re too innocent Arohi. Anyways what does your name mean?
Arohi doesn’t say anything,
Ved: Chachu, stop troubling Arohi Di. Arohi Di, come lets go up.
Ved takes Arohi upstairs and into his room,
Arohi looks at his room,
Arohi: Wow Ved, your room looks good.
Ved: Thanks Di, me and Chachu share it.
Arohi: Chachu?
Ved: The one you met downstairs.
Arohi: Him?
Abhi comes through the door,
Abhi: Yes me. Ved, I’ll inform Bhabhi, Chachi and Maa that she’s here.
Abhi goes out.

Ved: Di, what does your name mean anyways?
Arohi: My name means a music tune.
Ved: What about Antara Didi?
Arohi: Antara is the second note of Hindustani classical music.
Ragini and Swara come in,
Arohi smiles at them,
Arohi: Do you know what Swara and Ragini mean?
Ved nods no,
Arohi: Swara means…….
Ragini: Means tune or self shining, it is also a note in the octave.
Arohi: And Ragini means….
Swara: Means melody.
Abhi comes in,
Abhi: Do all of you like music or something? All of your name simply creates Music. Arohi, Antara, Swara, Ragini, now what will it be? Baansuree(flute), violin, jazz, guitar, piano and raga?
Swara: Not bad idea actually.
Ragini smiles, Arohi looks at him.
Ragini: Names are alright too.
Ved: We’re you listening to our conversation?
Abhi: No, I was walking past and I heard music so I came in.
Swara nods her head and smiles.
Arohi: I think I should leave now.
Ragini: Arey, you just came now, at least stay for dinner?
Arohi: Sorry, Di must be waiting.
Ragini: I’ll call Antara and tell her.
Ved: Haa Di, stay for a bit longer.
Arohi: But….
Ved makes Arohi sit down,
Sanskaar (shouts): Swara!
Swara: Sanskaar needs me, I’ll be back.
Ragini: Didn’t he go office?
Swara: He thought to stay back until Vivaan feels a bit better. He said he can’t take a risk.
Ragini: So sweet!
Swara: I’ll be back.
Ragini nods and Swara leaves.

Swasan room:
Swara comes in,
Swara: What happened Sanskaar?
Sanskaar: There you are, I looked everywhere for you.
Swara: You haven’t even stepped out of the room.
Sanskaar: So? I was looking for you. You need to rest Swara…..
Swara: What will I get by resting? There’s a lot of work to do.
Sanskaar: I think I should tell everyone.
Swara: Not now, in 2 weeks time.
Sanskaar: Why?
Swara: You will find out.
Sanskaar hugs Swara.

(Thank you for liking?)

Abhi – Shehzad Shaikh
Shaurya – Vatsal Sheth

Arohi – Sukirti Khandpal


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