hi and hello to everyone who’s reading this!! i know swaragini was over long back but still i want to write the ff of that particular serial eventhough i really didnt like the storyline of the original series of swaragini ……and hey !! the ppl who know me .i hope u have already read my previous ff,”we will be united”(the dreamed ff of swaragini”)”..pls comment and support me …
ok lets start now!!
the scene starts from swara showing off the true colours of ragini before the whole family and everyone hates ragini except swara ,sharmista and sanskar who had a liitle sympathy on her becoz he was also a reason for ragini’s evil missions..now laksh is hates ragini to the core!!.. ragini’s dadi has slapped ragini for two times as her laddoo no no now she is no more her laddoo !!…
ragini is already half dead but with a pitty and difficult state she joined her hands and said
ragini(sobbing really hard); iam sorry !!! iam sorry she went near swara and bowed her hands and she was continuesly apologizing to her
anapurna; enough ragini!! do think that we will all believe ur crocodile tears again and again..are we fools to trust u again!! pls get out of this house!
ragini went out of the house and swara and sanskar tried their best to stop her but laksh stopped swara and sanskar from stopping ragini ..and sharmista was stopped by shekar
swara,sanskar and sharmista wer not able to do anything as the situation was that terrible !!
at the road
ragini was walking like a lifeless person with her eyes still sobbing and it was late in the night around 11;30 pm no one even cared of her going out the house in late night alone
at the maheshwari mansion
everyone went to their respected rooms ..swara was very anxious about ragini’s condition .so she sent sanskar out to search ragini ..swara also wanted to come with him but sanskar told that
sanskar; swara if u also come out with me and at the same time if someone come to our room ….we will be caught swara ..so u be here and tackle the situation if someone comes to our room !!
then he goes to search ragini
at the road
a car suddenly came to the side of ragini and there were four goons inside the car …they were having ragini’s pic in their hand
goon; i think she shud be the girl in the photo..
they open the car door slowly and from the car a hand is shown ..the hand slowly grabs ragini’s waist and her luggage and they closed her mouth using a piece of cloth …she tries to shout but before that they take a drug injection and they inject it in her hand in a harsh way …now she is in a dizzy state ..she was conscious but she was not steady ..she really tried her level best to take out her phone to escape..but they were not letting her to do anything ..and they injected another dose of drug in her neck ..she was in an alcoholic state..
the goons were going in a high speed …and on the other hand sanskar was searching ragini ..every where..but there was no clue about her ..all of a sudden sanskar saw a car with full speed ..and somehow he saw ragini ‘s hand ..lying in the window of the car which was going in a full speed ..he conformed it was ragini who’s inside the car ..becoz the bangles she had in her hands were known to him which she was wearing when she went out of the house…he tried to follow the car but it was too late ..and he didnt see the car’s number plate
sanskar(in confused tone); i think ragini must got into trouble !! ..oh no! i have to inform to the police about this ..before that i call shekar uncle..becoz sharmista aunty told that shekar uncle has no problem with ragini in their house becoz she is their daughter .i will call them !!
galodia’s house
sharmista was searching ragini everywhere in the house but she was not there at all
sharmista was shouting and was calling everyone
dadi; y r u shouting in the late night …what will the ppl in our colony will think??..
shekar;;what happened sharmista??
sharmista ; ragini is missing !!
shekar(in a angry and a bit emotional tone); where she is gonna go?? ..even though she is here in this house ..i will never consider her as my daughter!! understood!! ..she will be on her way ..who knows maybe she would be buying some poison to kill us..becoz her truth has come out know!!
dadi; he is right sharmista..the girl who went to the very end to kill her sister will also be like that to us also!!
sharmista; she is our daughter!! how can u say like that shekar??
shekar; hello ?
sanskar; uncle..its me sanskar..
shekar; tell me beta …any problem ..y r u calling in this late night ?? any emergency?
sanskar; uncle ..did ragini came there..??
shekar; pls beta ..dont talk about her!!
sanskar; uncle..this is serious ..pls throw ur anger away and pls say whether ragini came there or not
shekar; no beta
sanskar(in a shocked state); uncle ..ragini is in trouble now..i think someone has kidnapped ..i tried to chase the car but it went with full speed and before i could catch the car ..the car suddenly disappeared
shekar; r u sure??..maybe it can be a own drama by ragini to create sympathy !!
sharmista; enough shekar..the problem is serious !!…
sharmista takes the phone from shekar
sharmista; sankar beta..u tell me what happened clearly
sans explains everything
sanskar; aunty ..iam gonna give a compliant to police station now..can u come now??
sharmista; yes beta..but do ur family know about this??
sans; no
sharmista.; then we will first inform them and we will go to the police station
sans; but aunty ..they will all refuse to this!!
sharmista; u dont worry about it ..we will tackle it !
sans informs to swara and the whole family about ragini ..and they rush to the police station but laksh stops them with a paper
laksh; swara and bhai ..y r u wasting ur precious time by falling into ragini’s new drama..!!
laksh; swara pls forgive me for what i have done
swara; its ok laksh ..i forgave u long back
laksh ; if u really forgave me ..then sign this divorce paper with sanskar ….this divorce paper was already made ready by u two ..am i correct ..then y r u both delaying ..sign it
everyone was shocked .
laksh ; bend down with his knees and said ” swara will u marry me”
swara; laksh…r u mad ?? ..how can u ask this to me ..after u have dumped me !! huh??
sanskar; laks have u gone out of senses ..we r going to the police station to file a compliant as ragini is missing ..and u r not even bothered a bit about her condition ..and still ragini is ur wife laks..but i feel very sorry for ragini..as how she loved a person who does’nt even care if she died or not ??
swara; laksh ..what u want now..me &sans shud divorce now ..fine!!..give me the papers
before they cud sign the papers suddenly the police came to the mansion
then sans said he only called them now as laksh was not letting him and swara to go the police station and he said he called the police to check whether ragini is been kidnapped by anyone in this house..as everyone is against ragini
durgaprasad; have u gone out of ur senses sanskar?? how will we kidnap ragini ??
sanskar; bade papa..this the enquiry of the police ..not mine…there are possibilities like that too..thats y i called them
then the divorce papers flew away and laksh got it and he kept it in the cupboard ..everyone was tensed ..the police was enquiring each and everyone ..but still there was no clue about ragini ‘s kidnap
the police assured them that they will find ragini as soon as possible
the scene shifts to the car where ragini has been kidnapped
the car reach a old building ..
the goons were holding ragini’s hands and they were draging her upstairs..she was stumbling with her mind as she is been injected by drugs ….she didnt know what to do
the scene ends with ragini’s dizzy state..and the harsh dragging of the goons
hope u guys will support me to continue this ff ..and dont worry guys ..this story is not like the story which happens in cinema..this is going to be different..so stay tuned to the upcoming episode!!
and pls do comment ..especially to all my silent readers!!(pls comment) ur comment is like a boost to my brain to write interesting ff’s
Thank u So much crazy girls S.P!!…this means a lot to me!!
Please post soon
Thank u so much Daleen !!.and don’t worry ..I will post it soon with many more twists and turns!!
Please post soon
Awesome and plz don’t make ragini negative
thank u shriatha..and ragini will not be negative in this ff…so chill dear..
nyc is it both swasan and raglak ff or only raglak ? clear it
anu thank u for ur comment ..and this ff is going to be ragsan and swalak but there are twists and turns too!!..u will know that from the upcoming chapters
Seriously nammu a big wall thank u for ragsan and a big hug too
Awesome, thanks for RagSan and SwaLak
Don’t let anything happen to Ragini and make her as positive.
thanks siva..and support me to write my upcoming chapters too!!
i just want to say one thing pls dont make fun of marriage…dont make divorce to both couples…if it is continuation of serial..then sanskar loves swara..and ragini is in deeply madly in love with laksh..i want laksh to love ragini back n change her..pls dont swap and disrespect value of marriage..and pls dont make ragini negative…i love swaragini so much…dont make swa___lak or rag__san..as it is continuation of serial..and it will be soo bad..as husbands and wives are exchanging their partners…i hope raglak n swasan r pair
pls show swaragini bond also?
thanks love-swaragini for commenting and giving me suggestions dear and i will show swaragini’s bond in this story!!…but i too know yaar that marriages are not for fun but swasan married each other becoz of the situation which they were facing to reveal the true colours of ragini and at first they didnt have feelings for each other then after raglak’s reunion they were totally into each other …but my story is a little different dear becoz i dont want to show what exactly happened in the original series of swaragini ..thats y dear iam writting it a little distinct ..and iam extremely sorry to disappoint u dear ..but dont worry ..i will write another ff about swasan and raglak.. honey ..hope u understand
Hmmm Nammuuuu I do understand your pov, but FROM THAT ITSEF WE GOT OUR HEAVENLY COUPLE SWASAN na? SwaSan were together to bring the truth out of Ragini & then they fall in love with eo.! I know you will be changing the story line according to ur will but They are married here! Ragini did lot’s of karnama to get Laksh,her love and now you want to show Rag_______San in this track.!
Hmm that mean Ragini’s love for Laksh was not even worthy.! Her love was a total waste for Laksh as you will put her with Swara’s Sanskar right?
I can’t ever understand this logic! Inspite of showing RagLak’s immense love for each other, why people are more interested in Swara’s Sanskar!
Urghhh it makes me mad.!
Bro-Sis as couple.! It’s ghor Kalyug.!
Hope u understand my pov Namu.!
Is this ragsan ff???
Ok, I read this comment and I totally understand your POV but I HAVE to point this out or else mujhe chain nahi milega..
So you just said, that SwaSan were into each other AFTER RagLak’s reunion not before that..? But honey, sorry to burst your bubble, Sanskar was deeply and madly in love with Swara even before they revealed Ragini’s true face infront of others and Swara had also fallen in love with Sanskar during that Malkin’s drama, which I think was before RagLak’s reunion right?!
They maybe married each other due to the situation but later they DID fall madly and deeply in love with each other (and became a heavenly couple)!
And now, even if you changed the storyline and in this FF of yours SwaSan aren’t in love with each other but THEY STILL ARE MARRIED! Please do NOT insult a pure relation like marriage in such way.. Do you really think it would be acceptable to live in a house with your ex-husband and treat him like Jeth or Devar..? In my opinion, it’s a STRONG NO! The awkwardness would be to much, specially between RagLak because from what I remember, they already became one before SwaSan revealed Ragini’s truth right?
According to me, writing this FF is not only insulting us SwaSan fans but also those RagLak fans who only love RagLak’s pairing, and I’m sure even they are not happy with this storyline either because according to this ff, the things she did to marry Laksh are just pointless because after doing all this, she’ll marry her Jeth eventually..
And you might not like it, but for every single SwaSanian over here, Ragini and Sanskar share a BROTHER and SISTER bond and that IS the truth..
Some people might say that “Swara doesn’t have any copyright on Sanskar” and things like that, but the truth is, Sanskar is ONLY for Swara and Swara is ONLY for Sanskar..
We SwaSanians understood your POV, and we hope that you understand ours as well..
PS: Sorry if I sounded rude or something, it’s just that reading your comment made me a bit angry..
I don’t want to say anything here, but don’t you dare to insult SwaSan! SwaSan were together before RagLak union, you can write your story the way you want , but not a word against SwaSan ???
thank u priya..that is so sweet of u !! pls read my upcoming chapters too and pls do comment and believe it or not ur comments mean a lot like a boost to me!!!
Amazing dear
thank u ashnoor for ur valuable comment and iam very happy that u commented on my ff..thank u once again to everyone who commented this ff ..these comments r like treasure to me !!
amazing and I wonder whose the hand was xx
thank u A.xx and from ur profile itself ..i find that u r a fan of tejaswini prakash ..and so am i !! iam her fan too ..thanks for ur comment ..pls read my ff’s and comment too ..hope u will like that too
Nice… Waiting for next part…
thank u raguz01 for ur lovely comments
Swasan pls
thank u for ur suggestion dear but it is going to be ragsan and swalak..iam extremely sorry to disappoint u but dont worry ..this ff will be interesting and i hope u will like it becoz i believe that the storyline is more important than the couples!! …hope u undrstand dear..
Waaa interesting Namuuuuuuu.! Yoo, I’m just finding something interesting here! I would love to follow this story if this contains REAL couples SwaSan & RagLak.! Continue soon dear.! Thnk u.. ;-*
thank u kakali ..and iam happy that u found my ff interesting and i hope u will find my upcoming chapters also interesting..and iam extremely sorry dear becoz it is ragsan and swalak .but dont worry. .i will write another ff about swasan and raglak but before that this ff will also be interesting becoz of its storyline(i hope so)..so i wud be happy if u read this ff dear..i hope u understand me dear..
Namuuuuu all the very best dear for your upcoming episode.! Hope u got loads of love from all.! But I won’t be able to follow this story as it us Rag____________San & Swa___________Lak.! Imagining Bro-Sis as couple is against my moral dear! That’s why..! Bdw here SwaSan is married right? If you are making it as another couple story,then U will separate SwaSan n break their marriage.! Hope you won’t make a joke of Marriage!
I wonder, Laksh didn’t love Ragini with the same passion she did to him then why don’t writers write Laksh loving Ragini back more thn she did rather than snatching Swara’s Sanskar.! Because you know SwaSan is hubby wife and snatching a hubby from wife and giving to another woman who loves her hubby like anything doesn’t look good na!
Hope you understand my point.!
Thnk u dear.! Best wishes.!
nice..is it swasan?
thank u dear and it is ragsan and swalak
thank u to everyone but ..iam sorry …iam a die heart fan of ragsan,raglak and swalak..but that doest’nt mean i dont like swasan ..i too like swasan but this ff is going to be swalak and ragsan mosltly .but dont worry i will make swasan ff’s too..but later with raglak ‘s ff’s !! ..hope u guys can understand me ..
You love those pairs..! That’s cool.! We have nothing to do with that !
BUT the track you have chosen, From where we got our heavenly couple.!
From that point only I,n like me million people become SWASAN FANS. That mean what? THAT TRACK IS OUR HEAVENLY SWASAN’S DREAM TRACK.! DON’T EVER DARE TO TOUCH IT OR MAKE FUN OF THAT.!
SwaSan become one from that time! we got them fron that track and now you want to swap everything making it as RAG____________SAN.! No again Nammu, not again.
Let me come straight to the point, ONCE MAVO tried to do the same, tried to change our dream track n the ultimate result was “https://www.tellyupdates.com/lust-love-episode-55/”You can check out the comments here.!
You are a fan that’s good, write whatever u want on them. NP.
But dear, a request don’t dare to ruin our/my/All SwaSanians dream track, ever memorable track.! Those beautiful memories mean a lot to us.!
Hope you understand.! Otherwise SwaSan fans are not going to sit back if u try to touch our fav track making it yuckyyy.!
I’m very sure, ultimate reaction will be knocking ur comment box soon.!
You can think I’m being rude to u.. But whenever anything comes to my SwaSan! I’m straight forward.!
And check the link.
Thnk u..
Interesting… nice
thank u swasan..pls do support me for my upcoming epis …ur comments mean a lot to me
I was really excited to read this as it was a continuation of the serial but reading the comments I’m feeling really very dissapointed!
I have no problem if you aren’t SwaSan and RagLak fan but the problem is if you wanted to write a FF on Rag_______San and Swa_________Lak then you should have chosen another track because here SwaSan and RagLak are already married and Sanskar is in love with Swara whereas Ragini is deeply in love with Laksh, if here they divorce each other and marry their Jeth and Devar it’s like making fun of a pure relation like marriage, and the BIGGEST REASON that I’m dissapointed with this is that this track is the BEST part of SR for every single SwaSanian because it was from here SwaSan love story started. If you wanted to make a continuation of a track from SR with your favourite pairs than you should have chosen from when Sanskar entered the serial. I suggest you to drop this idea and start a new FF from when Sanskar entered the serial, it would avoid a lot of fight that I think is about to happen soon… Just my opinion, I don’t want to hurt you..
It became a big comment but trust me I still have alot to say but I’m controlling myself? Look dear, I’m telling you once again ki please, if you wanna avoid any fight then don’t continue this.. this thing has already happened before, someone started to write ff on Rag_____________San on this same track and many things happened in the comment section.. If you wanna write on a SR track then choose one before SwaSan got married or make one yourself.. Thing is, we SwaSanians don’t have a problem with your fandom, which I don’t even know how it became a fandom because they were never even a pair in the serial, but, we will not sit quite if anyone takes our dream track… Just saying.. No offence
Btw, sorry for such long comments..??
aarushi-99…dont worry dear..now in my 2nd chapter of this ff this is going to be swasan and raglak..so chill darling ..i totally accept ur opinion dear..and hope u like my 2nd chap of this ff
I’m really happy that you understood our POV!
Dear you don’t have to write on SwaSan because I know you don’t like them and I’m sure you’re not gonna be comfortable with that..
So I just suggest you to start a new story with your favourite pair…
But in the end it’s your decision..??
Btw, thank you for understanding our POV and not having the bro-sis as a couple?
hmm…got to know it is whose pair..thank u for making fun of marriages…bcs of this only we fought with mavo..and she understood and didnt continue…again same mistake by another writer.. we request u too write something fresh on ur pairings…it is our swasanian’s dream track..n sanskar loved swara deeply…we r keeping silent…so u r making our couple story…our swasan dream track fun means we will not sit quiet…dont make fun of marriage….i request u again n again write something fresh on your couples… but not on this….this is our SWASAN DREAM TRACK….and ragini fans…pls dont think i’m bashing…it is hurting our swasanian’s to extent…and i hope u guys also know meaning of marriage…it is not fun…sorry if i hurt…but it hurted me soo much after coming to know it is on our dream track
seebu ..sorry that i have hurted u to the extent and iam sorry to all swasanian’s too…but dont worry my 2nd chap of this ff is going to swasan and raglak..yaar..and i hope u will like that!!..pls do read that and i hope by reading that u will forgive me for my mistake..
awesome dr thanks for ragsan because am crazy fan for them.
superb.waiting for next part
awesome dear….it’s so interesting dear….loved it alot….lots of question arising in my mind…hope nxt update give me the answer…..eagerly waiting for nxt one….tkcr dear….
superb love u dear thank u so much for ragsan. u know now a day there are very less ragsan am really disappointed. ur plot is interesting post soon
sorry to say…it is disgusting…how can u swap pairs after their marriage..once think it practically…how disgusting it will be…if u want to write on some couple ..start it fresh…but not by making fun of marriage…and dont think swasanian’s r against bcs of it will be swa____lak or rag____san….we criticize even swasan stories if they r bad…so dont come up with this type of stories…if u like some couple…atleast respect that n give them some gud story…only bcs u love these couples..u cant make fun of word name “MARRIAGE”…dont think me as a basher…if u think it also i dont care bcs now a days sharimg pov n criticising authors work is making our readers as bashers…also dont make fun of our dream swasan track…
sorry kat for my mistake..and i totally understand ur opinions..and chill darling now my 2nd chapter of this ff is going to swasan and raglak..becoz i didnt show anything between the couples in this 1st chapter..so i hope..the 2nd chapter of this ff will be a chance for me to rectify my mistake..and pls do read that and pls forgive me honey..and according to me my readers are more important to me than anything!!…..so here’s for u swasan and raglak!! yepeee!!
N thank u for giving RAGSAN!!! ? ?
Nammu !!! That was really nice !! Looking forward to reading this ff as well as ur other ffs !! Post soon ! Keep smiling !!
Hey,it’s really interesting..especially I wants to know hw it will bcom ragsan..actually I m raglak fan bt ur script sounds interesting… And ha as a writer u hv full rights to select ur script nd couple…I m waiting fr nxt update.. Plz update soon..
Nammu the story is interesting.early waiting for next episode.do according to ur wish not for sake of others.always keep smiling???.
Hi Nammu…. i don’t care what your favorite pairs, i don’t care what favorite couple, i don’t care if you want write about favorite.. BUT DON’T do it BASED CURRENT TRACK.. as everything so WRONG.. it will be so WRONG….
So, you can write on Swa—————————lak or rag————————san, but don’t BASED CURRENT TRACK, DON’T make a FUN MARRIAGE…
I DON’T KNOW HOW BIASED YOU PEOPLE ….. ALL Rag Fans HATE when Laksh played Ragini’s dignity, but here YOU HAPPY PLAYING MARRIAGE.
All Rag Fans said Rag’s love to Laksh is true, But can You COMPARE it with Kavita or Sahil love ? because they DONE THE SAME.
Seem if it’s about RAGINI, YOU CROSSED LIMIT IN EVERY WAY, stealing others character’s partner to be RAGINI’s BEDMATES is OK, no matter that you portrait Ragini’s character kinda greedy on men except laksh, JUST BECAUSE YOU can’t ACCEPT LAKSH for RAGINI, you insulting Rag’s love feeling.
ugghhh, even yesterday Ishveer fans angry and called rag fans shameless on Mavo’s story
thanks for saying ur opinion darling..and dont worry my 2nd chap of this ff is going to swasan and raglak ..so chill babe!!..hope you’ll like that ..and it is going to published at 2pm or 3pm i think!!… so stay tuned and support me dear…and i totally respect your opinion and according to me my readers are every important to me
i’m shocked…like seriously…no body cares about how story is…and ppl will say story is important for us not couple but here people are supporting for wrong story for couple?so from now onwards gyaani baba’s of other couple,dont say for us story matters not couple?..it is clear that for u also only couple matters…coming to author..i as reader…will not support this concept bcs i have some values,ethics and basics of life…exchanging wife and husband to each other,who are deeply in love with their actual soulmates…apply in practocal life…will we do the same…if ever it is forced marriage also,will we exchange our wife or husband…?nd in serial laksh abused swara as characterless and what not…for everyone self respect matters…how can swalak can be together…laksh abused/bashed what not…and coming to ragini….she is not less…she accused sanskar for molestation…which is not small…still u want to write ur story not having minimum ethics or values…i’m criticizer…not basher…just answer my every question…
thanks dear for ur comment..and i totally respect what u said..u were right neha honey..iam extremely sorry for this mistake..i shud have selected a different story for these pairs..but now it not a prob now..becoz i have successfully written my 2 chapter..and it is swasan and raglak only dear so chill darling !!…and iam glad that u openly said whats in ur heart ..and according to me also what u said was right only dear…. and u made my eyes to open..yaar!!….u were right ,,even i dont want to make fun of marriages..so i have made my story different ..so pls do read it “swaragini chapter2 swasan and raglak jodi(the unknown twist)”…i hope u will like it..and once again iam sorry for my first mistake dear..i totally accept it ..and i hope i have fixed it right in my 2nd chapter of this ff..
hey thx for revealing pair as i asked you said its ragini_________san ff… and dont expect me to comment on ur ffs again its last one… but i want to tell u something.. if u think think im basher then mostly welcome i dont mind bcz i vl say what is true.. u said in one reply that u love swasan also and write swasan ff.. but plz dont say that ur swasan fan bcz ur not if u love them or u love ragini u wont write ff on this .. dont try to use from swasan track ur writing ff in this sanskaar loves swara EVEN swara also started to love him but didnt expressed.. and ragini did all this for laksh bcz she is madly in love with him and married… when swasan did fake marriage then also she did all for laksh only isn’t true? rag ___san are not pair but ur writing no one saying anything bcz no swasanian read that… but if u wont to write ff on them write from starting dont show even your ragini love is not true… get that she did all this for laksh.. don’t show blunder by this showing swasan divorce and marrying ragini and laksh respectly… try to Repect “MARRIAGE” ITS not any game.. get the meaning what ur writing is not true…for this ur ff no swasanian will spare you… IF U WANT to write then start story fresh not from this track .
i dont think even if u love ragini sorry to say this if u admire her u wont show her love like this..
you also said u write swasan FF .. u did this much bluder trying to write ff from favourite heavenly couple swasan track and showing non existing pair how can you think swasan fd will support u when u write swasan FF … dont exopect from me bcz i wont support u at all i dont think any one support may be they support u but im not..
IF u want to write start fresh story BUT if u write from here THEN swasan fans will spare you get that DONT dARE to ruin swasan track like this.. u are not only Insulting swasan fans also raglak fans who love them… in that ragini fans also there get that .. dont Insult a pure relationship which is called “MARRIAGE ” if u respect marriage then get that ur writing wrong ff..and ur saying this ff will be intresting read it..
MAIN THING HOW CAN YOU FORGET THAT WHEN RAGINI TRUTH CAME BEFORE THAT SHE ONLY DID SWASAN HAVE TO MARRY FOR THAT SHE EVEN KIDNAPPED HER MOM.. Dont insult marriage and dont hurt fans (swasan/raglak) with ur this story…… marriage is not a joke try to get that…
sorry for my msg .. but dont insult Marriage.. i still have to say many but i wont say… and dont expect any comments from me and If u write swasan ff also dont expect to get comment from me…
anu i totally understand ur opinions..and dont worry..my 2nd chapter of this ff is ging to be swasan and raglak..and iam extremely sorry for my 1st mistake..and sorry i have hurt u by my comment before….so here’s for u swasan and raglak jodi in my 2nd chap of this ff+