Fan Fiction

Swaragini Chapter 2 (The Unknown Twist) – by namratha

hi guys..a surprise for u(but some already know it i hope) that is it is going to be swasan and raglak …yehhh yeppeee!!..hope u guys will love this..ok without any delays lets get started!!

in mm mansion

everyone was trying to call to ragini’s number..but it her phone was not reachable to anyone

everyone was panicked and tensed and the screen shifts to the place where ragini is been kidnapped

in the old mansion

ragini was now totally out of her memory and she doest’nt know what was actually happening ..then the goons dragged her and pushed her in a hall of that old building ….and ragini

fell down near to the legs of a person who was the boss of the goons …and she slowly was stumbling to get up and to see the person’s face..but the person raced before she cud get up by holding her shoulders and making her to stand up in her own feet ..but she was not that steady so she fell on his shoulders and he embraced her to keep her a little steady and the goons were making faces as a sign of making fun of the behaviour of their own boss towards a women

goon(in a husky voice); i think our boss wants to make her as his property ( and the goon smirks)
another goon; yep ..even i too think the same ..we will better ask our boss whether he wants to have her in a rose petaled bed or a bed decorated with jasmine (he slightly laughs
and his boss overhears him)

the person(the goon’s boss) lifts ragini and make her sleep in a bed and his face was shown slowly from his toe to head

( guys imagine the goon’s boss as mayur verma(u can also search him in net) ..he also came in swaragini as kavya’s brother and in swaragini his name was karthick malhotra ..hope u remember guys. if .u dont , then pls google his name in google)(his name will be karthick in this ff too ..)

the person(karthick)(the boss); what did u say????(he questions the goons in a angry tone)

goon(sweating state)(he was shivering );kar..thick it was nothing ..he only told about u and this women in a offensive manner…i didnt say anything

karthick took his gun out and he said;” u told that he said something offensive about me and ragini ..then what about u ?? even i heard something like rose petaled bed …if u say that again ..u will get only one bullet in ur hand but if u dont say anything..u will get three bullets in ur heart and u will say me ..which is better??(he says it in a cool manner)

the goon starts to run as he was scared….and there was a loud bullet shoot …the birds flew away like a military march crowd …the goon was dead at the spot

karthick; (he was blowing the smog from his bullet and said); if anyone say something like this u will be punished like him!!!! understood!!!!!??
the goons said in a chores ; UNDERSTOOD KARCHICK BOSS!!!!!

karchick; thats the spirit !!ok fine… did u broke her sim card from her phone??
gonns; yes boss!!
karchick; (facing ragini and he said); ragini..i know u have made everything according to my plan but u didnt know swara will bring out your truths infront of the family!! but thank god that swara was not that smart to know the other story of your behaviours against her and in marrying laksh !!(karthick laughs evily)

after some time ragini gets her conscious and she gets a head stroke becoz of the drugs intake…

ragini(holding her head in pain); where am i ??… anyone here??

karthick(comes near her by clapping his hands); hey ragini…well done !!well done!!! …. u really made everyone to believe that u r the true reason for swalak’s separation and
swasan’s marriage and even killing swara ….sabash ragini!! even i didnt know that u will act like this!! u really deserve an oscar award!!….

ragini(she was literally crying); oh!! u have kidnapped me !!! right???…..what do u want from me ??? as per ur condition ..i have done all that u have said..i pushed swara in the
river..and i married laksh by attempting a suicide drama and i made swara and sanskar to marry and i even went to kill swara as i know that she was wearing a red paint bag in her abdomen make me believe that she is bleeding which u said me !! right???

karchick(in a revenge filled face); but ragini ..u didnt know that swara was going to bring the truths infront of the mm mansion…isn’t it ??…but i knew !! shocking is’nt it ??
====================== but was all my plan and u just executed it na……and i was detecting swara but u didnt know that ragu(he laughs evily) and i thought swara will do this with that sanskar..and everything is fine now..but still there is some more work to do to destroy that laskh and that whole family within a gap of three months

ragini(she was pleading karthick); karchick..please leave my family ….i have done everything to save my mom(sharmista)..but still u have kept her in some secret place and u r
======================= threatening me by injuring her…and u have been torturing her every moment …for revenging our family …and do u think that u r smart?? becoz sending a dummy as our mom into the family to detect me and swara?? ….and still that dummy u have sent into our house is detecting our family to give u the information…about our family??..cheee…i didnt know that u r such a psyche karchick…please enough is enough …i cant tolerate this anymore..i have already done so many sins to save my mom..but ur are taking an advantage of that by blackmailing me every moment to do miseries to my own family members and my loved ones..

ragini starts to cry badly and karchick pulls her hair out and drags her to the stairs and punishes her

karchick; (pulling her hair to the stairs); what do u think ragini??..if u say that u cant tolerate these things ..i wud leave u and ur mom free isn’t it ??..never..till my revenge is completed i will never leave u and ur chill..and listen to me!!…he makes her hit in the wall by dragging her towards the wall…

ragini shouts in pain..ahhhhhh!! pls leave me karchick!!!

then karchick says; ok i will leave u but now its ur mother’s turn na(he laughs evily)

then he shows a video to that video her mom is been tortured by a group of goon by injurying her

ragini pleads karchick to leave her mom…..

screen shifts to mm mansion

sanskar; swara,,what we r going to do??

swara; everything is confusing!!…. who has kidnapped ragini??

san; we will leave that to the police..but ..swara..laksh was asking u remember??

swar; what sanskar?? even u too think that i shud marry lak..and sans..we hav to find can i think of snatching lak from rags??

sans(in mind); i know swara..u will say.this!!..thanks love is true and pure!!!…mom always say that if someone’s love is really pure ..the person whom they love
======== will also love them deeply …. but swara.. when will i hear it from u ..and what abot lak..he is my bro..and what will he do ??.i will better leave everything to god!!

swar; what r u thinking sans??..ok leave that and take me to the place where ragini was been kidnapped ..u told that u saw her na..take me there

sans; fine swara..come with me..and wait i will inform this to everyone and i’ll come

the screen shifts to lak’s room

lak ; why shud all these happen?? ..y god is punishing me like this??..
laksh throws everything here and there and he gets a hurt in his hand while throwing the picture of the marriage pic of him and ragini

lak; ahhhh!!..ragini u have hurt me a lot ..and now ur hurting me even by ur pics na??….i know u have kidnapped ur make me fall in love with u right??..what u want from
=== me?? u want me to give u the rights as my wife only know?? fine..i will give u!! becoz swara is married now…and she considers me as her devar…so everything has come to an end before it cud start!!..if thats my fate…maybe i didnt have true love towards swara!! my life has become miserable!!

lak goes towards the cupboard to throw everything and suddenly he gets a recorder

lak; A recorder???
he turns it on

it was ragini’s voice in a stumbling crying state that she has recorded after swalak’s the date was displayed in the recorder

lak(in confused state); wait!!.. y shud ragini has recorded this in the sangeet of me and swara’s ceremony..and wait everything has been finished know..i will hear it once

and he played the recorder then ragini’s voice came; i know swara..u and lak r getting married soon..and swara..iam sorry becoz i have hidden my i told u that i dont have any feelings for lak..but that is wrong!! i still love lak but he is not going to be my husband now!!(she crys)…and swara..u dont worry..lak is yours..and he cannot be , ur marriage date is rushing now..and hereafter iam going to forget lak and iam going to start a new life and now my anger is been vanished becoz i cannt be harsh to u becoz we r swaragini together!!…and swara.though its very hard for me to forget lak..i will try my level best ..i recorded it for u becoz i dont have the courage to say this to u infront of u ..swara happy married life..i will be for u in every bad and good times..with lots of love—ragini..

laskh was shocked to hear the recorder and he had lots of questions in his mind too .

lak; what is happening??..i think the words ragini recored in this recorder is been spoke by her heart ..and if ragini has moved on ..y shud she do all these??
=== i think something is wrong somewhere…i need to show this to sans and swara..maybe this can also be a clue for ragini’s kidnap..oh no …everything is confusing !!.
wait ..??? y shud i believe this recorder?.. but somewhere in my heart my heart says this is true recording of ragini!!

lak rushes to swara and sans before they leave the mm mansion

he shows the recorder to them and they start discussing about this recorder

the end

the next epi will be posted today..frnds ..hope u liked it ..stay tuned!!..and pls do comment !!

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