Fan Fiction


Exactly Then my dad put me on Fluff’ys back. That sheep took off like a wild thing and I slid right off. I landed on my backside in the dirt thinking that was the most fun I’d ever had. The memory had him laughing. My dad chuckled and ambled over to me and dusted off. He said, What did you think of that son?. You think that’s a sissy ride now? All i wanted was to get back on that sheep and ride him better each and every time.

Wow, Shivansh’s face fell and he stared hard at the bull tucked tight against his chest. With his head bowed, his cowlick stuck straight up, making him look both cute and vulnerable. What’s your daddy like?

My Dad? The question startled him. Laksh shot a glance at Ragini, still asleep in the chair. He did this his best not to notice what a beautiful woman she was and the pretty picture she made, there in her light pink sweater and well-worn jeans like a snapshot to be treasured over time. Her warning popped into his head. He knew the boy wasn’t bringing up the issue of his missing father, but it was implied in that question.

How did he handle it? He studied the kid for a second, taking in the downcast look and the wistful tone of his question. Couldn’t hurt to talk about Dad. There wasn’t a better father on this earth than Durga Prasad Maheswari.

I get my animal sense from him. Laksh was surprised at the wash of memories that hit. He spent most of his adult life either on the road or keeping up his training. Riding was an art, one that required practice every day and kept him far from his childhood home. That was the he’d wanted it, so he was hard pressed to explain the beat of longing for family, for his dad.

Was he a rodeo rider, too? Shivansh asked, head up, eyes sad.

Nope. He is a hardworking farmer. He is a good dad. The kind that’s patient and steady. He listens he was always there taking care of Mom and us Kids. He taught me to whisper to the animals.

Whisper? You mean you can talk to them?

Sure you can You just open your mouth and say stuff.

That bit of humor almost distracted the boy from the father discussion. Shivansh broke a hesitating smile and rolled his eyes. I know that Anybody can talk to em But how do you it in horse?

That’s a good question. Not everyone can. The memories came quietly and as welcome as a Wyoming summer, breezing through him stirring up images of his dad kneeling down, hands, out, baritone rumbling like song. Durga Prasad Maheswari was a big man, several inches over six feet, and he’d seemed like a giant to the six-year-old boy Laksh had been once been. A gentle, powerful, able to do anything father he could always lean on.

The secret is easy. Laksh said the same word to Shivansh that his dad had told him. You put your feelings in your voice and in your hands and you leave the door to your heart wide open.

Chapter Finished

To be Continued……

Thank You Friends For Supporting Me Guys I Want To Dedicate This FF For My Friends Thanks Sindhu Sister, Ragz Teju, Jazzy, Malika, Spp, Lovely, Akshata, Tani, Suhani, Asra, Pooja, Fairy, Sreevijayan, And My Silent Readers Thanks For Supporting Me. And My Lil Sissy (Deeshu Chellam) Thank You For Your Support Dear Friend. And Belated Happy New Year To My Dear Friends.

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