Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini – Definition of relations Episode 3

Hi guys, confirming the pairs to be Swasan and Raglak, thanks for your feedback and comments

Recap: Swara and Laksh become friends

Sumi : Maaji…papaji… Come let’s have dinner…
Dadi: yes coming…. While eating dinner … Wow Lado(Ragini) you are looking very happy today, after long time… What’s the matter
Ragini: Today there was a new girl in our class, name Swara, she is very bubbly and sweet… I made her my friend.. There is something in her which is connecting me to her…
Tears rolled out from Sumi’s eyes hearing the name Swara…. Sekhar and Dadi looked at Sumi and started consoling her, our baby will be back to us soon.. Don’t cry my dear…
Ragini was dumb struck as she was not able to understand what happened to mumma all of a sudden when none of us spoken about her sister…. Ragini went and hugged her mumma and asked her if I had hurt you..
Sumi : No beta and told her that even as your sister’s name is Swara….. By hearing your friends name …and she just stopped talking…and went into the bedroom… Sekhar followed her….
Dadi : we will get back our Swara…. Keep faith in God… ( while taking Ragini to bedroom)
Ragini: Dadi do you think we both would look alike as we were twins….
Dadi: not exactly…. Both of you were different from looks… You both were just 10months babies when we lost her in a mela… She used to be very quiet… U used to always cry…your mumma had never left anyone of you alone … Both of you were her eyes… But she lost one eye… When she was feeding you milk, someone has stolen our shona… We lodged a complaint but not able to get her back…
Saying that Dadi slept
Ragini: In her mind, I don’t know how you are and where you are.. But I feel that one day we will meet each other…and went to her bed
Ragini : Even today pops dropped me to college… Will you be ever able to come to college on time… OK let’s meet in the class… Bye…(Speaking with someone in phone)
Swara: Hi Ragini, waiting for someone? ..
Ragini: Oh yes.. But no worries we will go… He will come …
Laksh: Came from behind and tapped Swara’s shoulder and said hiii…
Swara: Hi Laksh
Laksh: I brought records… In free class we can go to library … Looking at Ragini he says, In class there are two people who cannot digest, if I am friendly with someone, so its better if we stay away from them….. He came in between Swara and Ragini and facing Ragini warned her never ever try to come in front of me…….. Enjoy with your boyfriend….
Just stop it Laksh.. A male voice… He came in front of Ragini facing towards Laksh…. Never dare to talk in an ill manner with Ragini, don’t forget that whatever happens I will be always there for her…….
Laksh turned towards Swara and said see… College Hero… Oops… Sorry… Sorry… Ragini’s Hero… Sanskar…. He came to warn me….
Swara and Sanskar looked at each other…… Swara said Hi Sanskar…. Sanskar looked at Laksh angrily…. In meantime… Ragini dragged Swara from there and said let them fight … Come we shall go to class… It’s already late and I love this subject… Hurry up…
First half was done and there was a lunch break…
Ragini: Swara… As the professors had some meeting, we don’t have classes in the second half ….. So I will help you in completing your notes….. Even Sanskar will help you…. He is topper…
Swara: Ohhh is it….. Actually I asked Laksh to help me in records…. So today…..
Ragini: that’s good… Even Laksh is one of the topper… He is very good at studies…. You can do one thing… Come to my home on weekend we can complete it together…
Swara: Thank you Ragini… But it won’t be a problem to your family, I mean its a weekend and will be having many plans….
Ragini: Not at all Swara… We will be at home only….. I will come to your home and pick you…
Swara: Thanks Ragini for your concern, don’t worry I think i can manage to come on my own……
Ragini: Don’t say thanks to me yaar…. It gives a feeling that we are not friends… Sanskar always says no sorry no thank you in friendship…..
Swara: Sanskar…. So he is your….
Ragini: My best friend in the whole world…..
Swara: Ohhh!!!! Then in the morning why did you left them to fight!!!!!!
Ragini: Swara …. They won’t be able to fight with each other… Because….
In meantime… Laksh interrupted Swara and said shall we go to library… Sanskar interrupted Ragini saying I want to talk to you please come with me…. Ragini and Swara said bye to each other and went with Sanskar and Laksh in different directions

Precap : Laksh and Sanskar naming Swara and Ragini as Swaragini……..


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