Hello guys…………………links to previous episodes:
the episode begins with ragini staring at rajmata tensed while rajmata says : come beta………..
ragini tensed : but where dadisa???
Rajmata : beta come………………….i will tell……….
Saying this she took ragini while swara was about to follow them when she felt something on her waist.
She turned and saw a marigold flower fallen down.
She eyed raj who was on the ladder with the garland around his neck smiling at her mischievously.
“ raj…………you………….” she said angrily coming towards her.
Sanskar saw her approaching them and ran leaving the ladder without realizing that raj was on the ladder , the ladder got unbalanced and raj fell down while swara was down and so raj fell taking her………………now raj was on swara………………..their eyes were locked into each others…………………………………an inch gap between their lips when suddenly ragini came saying : swara………….where are you………………..???
seeing them in that position ragini was shocked………………………………………she was about to go when she hit a lamp at side table which fell making noise……………….swaraj came out of their dream world…………………………………………raj got up and eyed the surroundings……………………………… swara too got up embarrassed while ragini stared at them with puzzled looks as she didn’t knew what to say catching them off guard.
” raj , you………………………………how dare you throw that flower on me,……………???” swara asked trying to change the environment.
“ it was sanskar’s plan ……………seee he ran away……………” raj said getting involved with her.
Ragini saw them and said : swara…………….i am going………..
She went while both swaraj took a deep breath.
Swara : you both na………………………
She went from their stopping in middle while raj just realized what happened and automatically he had a curved on his lips………….yeh he was smiling.
He rubbed the back of his hair and said : opps…………………………..i guess ragini was right………………………….love can happen…………………………..
ragini was already there while swara too came………….ragini couldn’t control herself and burt out laughing seeing her.
“ don’t you think you are laughing too much???” swara said showing a punch to ragini.
“ ragini really bad……………….you are a princess and you should not behave like this…………………………………………laughing without reason…..” rajmata said while ragini made a puppy face.
“ ok dadisa…………….so now tell me ………..what we have to do with her………….” swara said rubbing her hands eyeing ragini in a mischievous manner.
“ nothing much……………..first we have to teach her how to eat…………….” rajmata was saying when ragini said sweetly yet angrily : dadisa i know how to eat………
“ but not like a princess…………..” rajmata said caressing her hair.
Rajmata took them to dinning table while swara sat on one seat…………..ragini on other.
“ ok so ragini, first you should know how to sit…………………………….cross your legs………….” rajmata said smiling.
Ragini crossed her legs while swara saw her and followed.
“ good…………..now take a folk and spoon and eat this salad………..” rajmata ordered keeping a plate of sald in front of ragini.
Ragini nodded her head and tried to take a tomato slice from the place with the help of folk when suddenly it slipped and went flying and hit swara’s nose who sat at the other seat.
Ragini bit her tongue seeing swara’s red nose studded with tomato seeds while swara passed her a deadly glare.
“ rageshwari……what you did…………….????” rajmata said passing a cloth to swara to clean her nose.
“ i am sorry dadisa……………” ragini spoke sweetly.
“ who will say sorry to me………….???” swara said wiping her nose.
“ dadisa , i am sorry ………………..” ragini again said mischievously irritating swara.
Swara turned her face angrily and took the plate from ragini, she took folk and spoon and started eating salad.
Dadisa smiled and said : rageshwari…………………see swara…………………………you should learn from her…………..
Swara tried to raise her dress ‘s collar and then realized that there is no collar, “ ok…ok……….no more praises dadisa…………….i don’t like publicity………..” she said smiling.
Ragini murmured: drama queen………….
Swara giggled while ragini stepped on her foot from under the table.
“ouch……….” swara said suddenly…………..” what happened beta????” rajmata asked instantly. “ nothing dadisa…………………i felt an ant on my foot…………..” swara said again giving deadly glares to ragini while this time ragini giggled.
“ ok dadisa……………i guess its already 7:00 so can we leave???” swara asked dadisa after a gap fo 2 minutes as she realized how nervous ragini was.
“ ok , so we will start our practise from tomorrow……….and rageshwari…………….only 6 days left so please …………….please understand ………………………..our dynasty rulers have never put our heads , i really don’t want that to happen now and that too by you…………….” rajmata said while she stressed the word” you”
Ragini nodded seriously while they both took their bags , sanraj already left as they had planned the arrangements.
“ by the way………..why do you stay in hostel………….why don’t you stay here???beta this is your home………………” rajmata said while swaragini turned.
Ragini suddenly remembered aniket’s betrayal and said caressing rajmata’s face : dadisa……………i will surely stay here once my studies are complete and i become a successful doctor ………………ummm………..even your successful heir but not now………………sorry i want to spend some days with swara…………………….
Rajmata nodded with a faded smile while swara found something fishy.
They both went out and sat in a car.
Now they both are going to hostel while a driver is driving car and they both are sitting behind.
“ why ragini……….why you don’t want to stay in your own home……………..???” swara said breaking the long silence that was there between them from much time.
“ nothing like that swara…………….its just that…………………..that i want to spend time with you…………….” ragini answered trying to avoid any eye contact with swara.
“ ragini…………….atleast don’t lie to me…………….please yaar………….” swara said facing the window.
“ ok……………..actually bhaiyaa……………..see bhaiyaa …………..what all bhaiyaa did was just because he didn’t wanted me to take his position then……………………..if i stay in palace now again he would feel sad……………….i really don’t want him to feel sad…………………you know he loves me so much………………………………………….i even don’t want to become any yuvrani…………….its just because of dadisa………….soon i will tell her that i don’t want to become yuvrani………………i know she will understand…………..and bhaiyaa is elder than me na…………so he should become……………” ragini said making swara face her.
Swara eyed her smiling and said : ragini…………this much love for a person who hates you???
“ no swara……………..you just have seen his hatred for me thats why you are saying this…………….he loves me a lot swara……………………….and its true that i am angry on him but i can do anything for him………………….” ragini said proudly.
Swara eyed her smiling while the episode ends at the smiling face of swaragini.
Guys a question:
a ) should i upload 1 episode after two days
b) or 1 after four days……
this one’s a medium one, if a) then it will be a little shorter than this and if b) this it will be a little longer than this……..
love you………….
be happy………..
Credit to: Piyali
Awesome, I think b will be better.
thanks a lot dear…………………………seeeing your comment after long…………but thanks a lot……………thanks for voting…………….i would go with majority so lets see……………..love you dear……………..be happy…….
Option a…even itz shorter itz k …waiting fr nxt episode…so wen u planning to expose swara’s real identity
thanks a lot dear…………………………….i will go with majority so lets wait together and yup about swara’s identity………our story is moving in that way only so lets see……………………………have you left swara and ragini……………….please dear………………please reply……………..love you,………………be happy…………………….
When will swalak meet
..dieing for it.
so…………so…………so……………..so sorry dear…………………………i know i am very slow writer……………..i am so sorry dear……it will happen soon but till that time i am writing a few shots on swalak named ; swalak: hum hai ishqzadde……………..please do it …………..it specially for you all…………………………so, so sorrry dear…………….love you…………be happy…………………………
thanks a lot for your constant support dear……………love you…………..be happy…………..
Pls option (b)
Amazing epi
Pls option (b) bcoz i dont want short epi
thaqnks a lot emz fasa…………dear i will go with majority so lets wait together…………….thanks a lot for commenting…………love you…………..be happy………….
Superb awsm awsm awsm
thanks a lot ridha……………………….another silent reader……………….love you dear………………..be happy…………
hey pua, nice update…option a would b gud…lov u tcr
thanks a lot neha dear………………………………thanks for voting…………..i would go with majority…………so lets wait together………..love you dear…………….be happy…….
Hi piyu…
I commented yesterday but it didnt got posted…dont know why….
Forget it….. awesome….episode…… truly loved it…….
I would go for option a dear…. as something is better than nothing……
For me its option a..
hey mini………………..no problem………sometimes it happens and thanks a lot for the praises……………………….thanks for voting………… i would go with majority so lets wait together………..by the way a question……….dear when did you posted pyaar ki nai shuruat……………………i mean the time when you posted 6th episode………………actually i posted something last night but it isn’t posted yet……..thats why asking……………please reply……………love you dear………………..be happy……………
Hey kiddo i am really sry…
I am not able to comment becz of exams…
Ur both choice good but even short i want a option as u may upload two day one update k for me.. Then it will be ur choice …
Where is lucky he is missing in ur ff nowadays swalak se jyada swaraj dek rahe h so think kiddo … Sry its my opinion not want to hrt …
meghu dii……………….missed you a looooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttt dii but dii what you are doing here………………dii your exams are going na so please don’t bother to comment………………….firrst studies………………than anything else…………………………………………….so dii ………………………..i am eagerly waiting for four june……..i really hope your exams are good……………………….yup ddi i’ll give short updates but you should read all after your exams ok……………………..please dii…………….this is a small request from your younger sis…….pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee……………………………..and dii regarding laksh……..so sorry ddi but this is gonna be swaraj for sometime and then a major twist…………..but for the time……..i am doing something………i won’t tell you now……………………after your exams………………………………..dii again all the best for your exams…………..please don’t read updates now as it distracts a lot (i have tried it so know this)love you dii……………….be happy…………..
hey sweetheart how are you…..m really sorry for not commenting in your previous episodes….m really sorry……now days m really busy…..so much tension …..life is hell right now….hope you understand….i miss you. soooo muchhh…….
really sorry…..???
he cutie……………you know i thought you left this site……………missed you soo much…………………………………….but happy to see you back……………i am totally fine cutie……………………….but what happened……….i really hope and pray that everything is fine………………………………………..don’t worry about commenting………..but just keep smiling……………………smiling face can overcome any problem and i know my cuttie will surely overcome any problem…………………love you alot……..alot……..alot……………..be happy dear……………
Ya i now don’t come here till exam finish pakka … Sry i missed u so much so i come here… Nxt i visit after my exam… 4 th kiddo even i may take more time actually holiday i going native but don’t forget me .. I come after moving native …
no problem dii………..enjoy your visit…………………………………..and yup i hope you read this reply after your exams…………………………………..love you a lot and i would never forgt you……………love you dii………..be happy…………..