Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini- Ek Anokha Bandhan (Episode 39)

Guyz tq all fr ur love dears………. Loads of love to u all………
Here goes our 39th episode……

Precap: Swara is vth Raj…………..

Ragini: Lucky, where is swara? v r searching her from such a long time. Now I’m feeling she is really in a big prblm… She vl b alright na? Bol na lucky!!!
Lucky was also not in a position to console her. He too was going through the same feeling.
Rags: bol na, u call Sanskar. Plz ask him whether he has found something.
Lucky: Rags relax!!!! V all r searching. Police is vth us.
Rags: no!!! Itz of no use. I can’t b helpless like this. I vl find her on my own. I’ll not let a single scratch on her. I’m coming Swara!!!!!!!
She starts moving faster……
Lucky: Ragini wait….. Ragini………

Screen shifts to Raj…….
Raj takes smethng out of his pocket. Swara gets shocked looking at it. There was knife and a mangalsutra….
Raj: u hav 2 options dear, either marry me and live in hell or…….. Choose this, and I’m sure u’ll directly reach to heaven……… Choice is urz………
Swara was damn scared………
Raj comes closer to her……… It was so close tht there was no air gap btwn thm. He slowly whispers in her ears…..
Raj: I can’t loose a beauty like u………..
Swara understood the deapth of his words. She starts shivering. She was so scared tht she wasn’t able to utter a word frm her vocal. She was nodding continuously and was giving a pleading look. Raj gave a tight slap!!!!!! He starts laughing loudly………
Swara felt it wud b better to die than to live vth this torture. She was crying so vigorously but Raj was an animal to look at tht.
He slowly moves his hands towards her shoulder……….. Before he cud lean towards her………… There he gets a tight punch………….

Thtz it!!!!! Raj was pushed away towards the corner. It was so difficult fr him to open his eyes…………. But he manages to look at him………..
He was fuming very badly. His wrists were so strong. He was giving him a murderous look. His body and eyes were red!!! He was completely drenched in anger…..
Sanky: how dare u touch MY SWARA??!!!!!!
He roared in anger
Swara: Sanskar!!!!!!!
Sanskar’s vision shifts to her. He was super shocked looking at her. Vthin a few hours Raj had made her his puppet. Her cheeks had his finger prints whch were clearly visible. Her eyes were swollen. Sanskar gets tears in his eyes. He goes to her suddenly and unties her hands and legs. There were marks around thm due to ropes. As soon as she got released, swara hugged him tightly. Sanskar felt as if the world has stopped at tht moment. He was so happy tht he found her back. Swara tightened her grip on his shirt……………
Swara: Sa……nsk….ar sans….kar!!!!! Pls take me frm here. Plz Sanskar….. I want Ragini. Sanskar plz…….. Take me away. He is very bad………
She gets frightened and hugs him evn more tighter. Sanskar was almost lost due to her pain. He moves his hands and pays her shoulder.
Sanky: dnt worry swara, now I’m here na, nothing vl happen to u. I’m here swara……..
Swara was damn scared to move frm his grip.
Raj: u fools, go and catch him……
Before Sanskar cud notice who was they, Raj’s goons comes and captures him.
Sanskar was also a lion. He started teaching thm his way…….. But Raj was totally in a temper. He quickly moved to Swara.
Raj: u vl pay fr this………
He takes a knife. Swara was super shocked.
Swara: Raj no plz!!!! Sanskar!!!! Sanskar!!!!!
Sanskar loses his control and moves towards him immediately.
Raj moves the knife towards her neck.
Suddenly he feels something harder on his head. He moves his hands towards tht and was shocked looking at the blood on it. He turns backwards and was super shocked at his sight…………

It was Ragini!!!!!! She was holding a rod in her hand. She was fuming in anger. Her eyes were red!! Her hands had a strong grip on the rod. She beats him one more time……

Swasan and lucky who was standing at door got freezed fr a moment. Rags was not at all in her senses………
Rags: u blo*dy……… How dare u harm my shona? I trusted u so much and treated u as a frnd. U dog……..
Swara was moved away. She runs towards her and holds tht rod.
Swara: Rags, u go frm here.
Raglaksan were shocked.
Rags: Swara!!!!
Swara: I know Rags u did it as u love me a lot. U hav already made many favours fr me. Now itz my turn. I vl complete this.

Sanlak were shocked looking at these sisters. Police arrived there as Lucky had told thm. They were stunned looking at the dead body and swara who was holding the rod.
Sp: so, madam, did u kill him?
Swara nodes yes.
Rags comes forward, “she is lying inspector. I killed him”.
Swara: no, u r seeing the truth infrnt of ur eyes. I think this evidence is enough fr u. I’m the murderer. Arrest me.
Sanskar goes forward to stop her. But he was shocked hearing………
Lucky: They both r lying inspector. She has a rod in her hand doesn’t mean she killed him. I called u just to ask u ppl to arrest me. I killed him as he tried to harm my best frnd. I am the real culprit.
All started arguing.
Police were shocked and confused.
Sp: r u ppl trying to mislead me? This is murder and not a game. Reveal the truth or else circumstances vl go wrong.

Sanskar understood the tip of the situation. He took thm along vth him and convinced him tht the act was due to self defence. Police understood and decide to close the case.
(Guyz I know such things can’t happen in real. But it is a ff. So plz cooperate. And sorry if u feel it wrong).

Police left frm there. Swaragini looks at each other.
Swara runs towards her like a kid. They both hug each other. Both had tears in their eyes. Ragini felt as of she has got her life back. She closed her eyes and was consoling Swara by caressing her hairs.

Sanlak wiped their tears looking at them. They both hugged each other.
Sanky: I’m proud of u lucky.
Lucky: no bhaai…. I’m blessed to hav ppl like u around me.
They again share a hug and in tht process they look at their lady love……….

Screen freezes on happy embrace of swaragini and sanlak……

Precap: some lovely moments……..

Guyz plz keep sharing ur views and suggestions. Love u ppl…..??


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