Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini


Hi guyzz dis is ananya hope u all rmbr me am thinking to end dis once it bcms 20 bcz its gttn bored day by day

Previously v saw sm hot sizzling romance btween swasan and raglak
Its mrng and swara wakes up she sees sanskaar keeping his hand on her stomach she smiles she kisses sanskaar and cms out of bed
While walking she suddenly slips and falls her stomach goes and hits da edge of da bed she strts screaming in pain
Sanskaar: swara swara gt up
She says
Swara: sanskaar i i ..mi..sss u i luv u plss tell ragini 2 takke ca care oof our family
Sanskaar gts teary eyed
Sanskaar: swara wat r u saying ull b alright ill take u 2 da hospital rite now
Den laksh passes by and sees dem
He says swara
She closes her eyes
Laksh: bhai wat hppnd 2 her
Sanskaar: she skipped lucky
Den ragini also cms
Ragini strts crying
Ragini: swara wat hppnd
She pats her cheeks and says
Ragini: swara swara wake utho
Laksh: bhai v shld take her 2 da hsptl immediately ragini u b here and take csre of urselves
Ragini: no laksh i wont lesve her ill also cm along
And she also goes
Swara is still unconcious
Is she no more???
Both laksh and sanskaar lift her up and slowly strt taking her down den meanwhile ragini gors and strts da car
She literally runs
I da hall evry1 r hvng tea and dey gt shocked seeing her in dst state
Parineetha: sanskaar kyz hua and goes near her
Sanskaar: she slipped bhabhi
Sujatha: hain bhagwaan kya hogaya mere chore ko
Dp: lets take her to da hospital
Laksh: ha papa dey all go
Dey gt swara into da car
Laksh: ragini will u b able 2 drive
Ragini: of course laksh u 1st gt in
He gts
All go 2 da hspt
Der she is taken into ICU
Doc operates her here evry1 is tensed
Doc cms out and says wow congrats its a baby boy fr u
Sanskaar: tq so much doc howzz swara
Doc: actually she lost a lot of blood and is weak bt dnt wry she is fine
Dp: tq soo much doc
Doc: u shld cmplte sm small formalities
Ram prasad: tk doc saab chaliye
He goes

Precap: swara wakes up and is still in icu one more lady is bside her



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