Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini FF (Chapter 7)

previously v saw dat ragini ws nt fine nd swara’s saree catches fire

Scene 1
In laksh’s room
Doc cms nd he is checking ragini
Laksh: doc howzz ragini
doc: dnt worry he is fine nd good news is dat she is pregnant
Laksh: wat woo yippie he gts happy tears
Ragini: doc ru serious wowww am gng 2 bcom mamma nd laksh u papa
Laksh: yes ragini
he hugs her
Sujatha: beta u take sm rest laksh u b wid her
Laksh: ok maa
all go 2 their respective rooms
Ragini strts gttng down da bed …laksh stps her
Ragini: laksh lemme go i hv a lot of work in da kitchen
Laksh: wat now u will do work in the kitchen y 2 fall down again
Ragini(gts sad): am nt dat weak nd she gts ready 2 go down nd she hits the bed nd says oucchh
Laksh doesnt react
Ragini :laksh wat ur staring at me i fell down nd ur nt responding
Laksh: no i ws jus thinking sm1 ws saying dat dey r nt weak
Ragini goes to hit him nd she gts pain
Laksh: ragini shut up nd sit
He makes her sit..he tends to her ..
Ragini: laksh u care fr me alot i luv u
Laksh: i luv u too
He kisses on her forehead

Scene 2
Both laksh nd sanskaar’s rooms r shown
Here swara asks fr water nd der ragini asks fr water
both run cm out of their rooms at a time look at each otr nd both of dem go down
Laksh rubbing his thumb on his forehead says: bhai c how our fate is in our favour
Sanskaar: yes lucky dis swara is torturing me a lot
both take water nd go up
next swara asks fr lime juice nd ragini asks fr pepsi
again both run down the same time
next swara asks fr pani puri nd ragini asks fr bhel puri
both run down 2 da kitchen nd scroll down their phones lkng fr the recipies bith strt making
sanskaar: arre yaar lucky swara is torturing me like hell she evn hit me in my stomach
Laksh: hahahah bhai ragini is much better den
meanwhile he gts ragini’s phone nd she says laksh wen r u ru bringing bhel puri 2day or tmrw
Laksh: ragini hav patience dis is nt any coffee to prepare in a jiffy its bhelpuri it takes time
Ragini: actually na i want pav bhaji also
laksh: ok
Afterwards he ays omg bhai she wants pav bhaji also wat is she thinking am a human being nt a robot
Sanskaar: hahha sm1 said ragini is bettrdan swara
Laksh: bhai pls dnt laugh
Sanskaar: actually lucky all women r like dis..they torture men like dis
Swara: yes sanskaar all women r like dis
Sanskaar: swara wen did u cm

Precap: swara nd ragini run after sanskaar nd laksh

Credit to: Ananya


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