Let’s get through with the blathering, but before, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please don’t forget or hesitate to comment and even if it’s negatively ?? just kidding don’t comment negatively.
Episode 13:
Scene 1:
In a pitch dark room and on a red winged chair, sat Raj. His smirk turned into a soft smile.
He was thinking about Ragini. He truly loved her, possessively. His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden entranceof someone.
Raj_ who are you and what do you want?
Vioce_ you don’t remember a friend Rajnath??
Raj_ who would forget about you!!
They hugged, a glips of light passed by to show the face of non other than Sahil.
Sahil_ the plan went great. When Swara wakes up she’ll probably be scared from Sanskar. We made sure no one saw us. Only there’s one problem.
Raj_ What is it?
Sahil_ Raj, Ragini was…..
Raj_ what’s wrong with my love?? TALK
Sahil_ she waa….was…..She was hit by a car.
Raj was rooted in his place. He grabbed his jacket and left with Sahil by his side. Concern was flooding in both men.
Scene 2:
(after both Gadodia sisters surgeory Which assured they needed rest and the bless of God)
Laksh sat by Ragini’s side. His hand moved over hers. She looked peaceful. Her lips were puffy and red. He had to control the want to kiss the daylights out of her. He remembered how he saw the car hitting her and he couldn’t do anything. But he wasn’t giving up. There was always hope…… Always.
Sanskar was crying on Swara’s sheets when a hand placed itself on his head. Looking up, he saw the love of his life starting at him, frightened. A soft moan of pain escaped her lips. When she regained power, she did something rather interesting.
Swara_ Sanskar, get out. Out!! Now
Sanskar looked at her questioningly. He only got a scream from Swara.
Sanskar_ Swara what are you saying??
At this time everyone gathered. Laksh who was already there was shocked. (Ragini was in Swara’s same room and when the Swasan conversation was on she woke up). Ragini, started to scream as well.
Laksh was even more shocked. Both weren’t registering what was going on. The security came to and took them out. On their way out They both struggled in their grips both shouting for them to let go.
Background music started on Raglak Swasan scene:
(A/N: The name of the song is Teri Khair Mangdi)
Ho… aa…
Jaan waleya tu tadpaya
Laut ke phir tu kade na aaya
Akhaan de naal dil nu rulaya
Bada sataya tu…
Yaad teri bas aandi jaave
Par teri koi khabar na aave
Dil mera hun dub’da jaave
Bada sataya tu…
Tenu hun meri
Kade yaad aake tadpandi nahi
Akhiyan ‘chon teri
Kithe nindar udd fud jaandi nahi
Aave tu mudke
Hun main ta karaan faryaadan ni
Rahan vich jind baithi
Ik leke teriyan yaddan
Ik teri khair mangdi
Main manga na kujh hor
Ik teri khair mangdi
Na toote dil ki dor
Ik teri khair mangdi
Ab koi chale na zor
Ik teri khair mangdi… main (x2)
Tere bina seene vich
Saah ruk gaye ne
Tu jo gaya te mere
Raah ruk gaye ne
Paake jo tenu mere dil ne gavaya ae
Dard judaai wala
Naina vich chhaya ae
Rabb kare tenu koi
Gham tadpaave na
Barishan da mausam teri
Akh val jaave na
Sadeyan naseeban vich
Likkhiyan judaiyan ve
Kadon door honiyan ne
Ae tanhaiyan…
Teri khair mangdi
Main manga na kujh hor
Ik teri khair mangdi
Na toote dil ki dor
Ik teri khair mangdi
Ab koi chale na zor
Ik teri khair mangdi… main!
Ho ik teri khair mangdi
Main manga na kujh hor
Ik teri khair mangdi
Na toote dil ki dor
Ik teri khair mangdi
Ab koi chale na zor
Ik teri khair mangdi… main!
Scene 3:
Sahil and Raj got to the hospital ? just in time. They made their way sneakingly towards where the Gadodia sisters were. When Ragini saw Raj, a single sigh of relief escaped her lips. Swara looked at Sahil. She knew him didn’t she?? Wait, he is her boyfriend isn’t he. Yes he is. She desperately got up and hugged him. She was so tired. Sahil wasn’t at all ashamed of what he did. All that he cares about is that Swara is with him. The thing was that when Swara fell, Sahil gave her a medicine so she would only remember that she was his girlfriend and that she loves him more than anything. The two men smiled at each other. Raj sat beside Ragini’s bed and kissed her forehead softly. She trembled at the sensation. When she looked him in his eyes, she saw care, kindness, and love. True love.
Scene 4:
Shekhar, Sharmistha, and Parvati were worried. Ever since they saw Raj and Sahil getting inside. The atmosphere was tensed until a nurse came by telling them that it was OK for them to get check on their daughter. DP, Annapurna, Sujata and Ram were first to get in alongside with the Gadodia family. They were shortly followed by Adarsh, Uttara and Pareenita. Swara and Ragini both had their hands in Sahil’s and Raj’s respectively. They had to stop and look at the scene infront of them.
Swara_ Papa! Maa, Dadi look. It’s Sahil. He came back for me. We’re going to be engaged next week. Don’t you remember?
Shekhar_ Swara, what are you saying? Next week is your engagement to Sansk…
Swara_ NO PAPA!! I would never marry or even touch that criminal. He’s the one who threw me.
Sujata_ What? No Swara that’s not true. My son loves you and would never do anything like that
Swara_ I was there when it happened. Sahil and I were happy and he came…. H-H-HE, he threw me from the bridge. I saw him.
Everyone was standing nervously. There was something wrong about Swara. Next week was supposed to be Swara’s engagement to Sanskar and Ragini’s to Raj. Even Ragini seemed to believe Swara.
Ragini_ yes Papa. Sahil saved our Swara. If he didn’t, she would’ve…
Swara_ Maa it’s not nonsense. I’m engaging Sahil next week wether you like it or not.
The last words echoed in everyone’s mind. In that moment, they either had to think of their daughter’s happiness or stay sticked to the truth.
Shekhar_ OK then. Sahil, Raj………(hesitation moment) welcome to the family.
The Maheshwari family gasped.
DP_ What’s all this Shekhar??
Ram Prasad_ My son is NOT a criminal. He loves your daughter.
Shekhar_ I know. please forgive me.(touching his ears) but my daughters. If I force her to marry who she thinks is a criminal….. Please understand me.
DP_(placing a hand on Shekhar’s shoulder and sighing) I guess we are no longer needed here. Don’t worry, may God be with you. (turning to his family) Come on now. We’re leaving.
With a last glance, everyone turned their faces and left. Parvati was calming a crying Sharmistha and Shekhar was still in the same position.
Shekhar_ (thinking) why is all this happening to me?? To us?? Poor Sanskar. Even Laksh. Next week was supposed to be Laksh’s engagement to Ragini. But why did she choose Raj? And Swara?? Who is Sahil?? Something wrong is going on. Something very wrong.
Scene 5:
Once arrived at the Maheshwari Mansion, they opened the topic of ‘what happened in the hospital’. Sanskar couldn’t take it anymore.
Sanskar_ NO! NO.NO.NO. NEXT WEEK IS GOING TO BE MY ENGAGEMENT TO SWARA. AND LAKSH, YOU’RE GOING ENGAGE RAGINI. WE’RE GOING TO FIX THIS UP. (crying) Everything will be okay. That’s what I learned from Swara.
Laksh_ (touched by the words and crying as well) Yes Sanskar. We’ll fix everything. I know something is wrong. From Ragini’s first accident until now, all we’re facing is trouble.
Sujata_ more like ‘when Raj showed up’.
Laksh stopped for a moment. Raj….R..A….j….Raj..
Laksh_ How didn’t I think about it. It was him. I am 100% sure he’s after all this. I mean it’s been 10 years since we last saw Sahil. Why did he come now. Why before Swara and Sanskar’s wedding?? We’ll figure it out.
DP_ but there’s no time.
Sanskar_ don’t worry Papa ji. If there’s no time, we’ll start now.
Laksh_(putting his in Sanskar’s) We’ll do it together.
I’m so so so so so so so so so sorry for all those who are disappointed in this episode. I’m really so sick and it’s all I could think of. I wrote this in a hurry because I wanted to sleep from tiredness. So if you have anything to tell me about how ugly is the episode don’t hesitate, really. I’ll appreciate it all the same. Please don’t loose hope in continuing to read. I’ll improve and thanks ???
Wowwwww so finally laksh in mission to get ragu yayyyy?????
Interesting episode
Our heroes on the mission , finallyyyy, awesome epi dear
im silent reader its wast wast wast………
i thinked in swasan story same hapens like raglak, in this swara think positively trust his love and solve mistory prove her true love and this proses swara’s every step ragini realise think understand how wrong she was (mean some doubt and raj behavior her 2 side love laksh value his ignorence ,jelose)in laksh after realising laksh close with another girl and some drama ……
its like this story but its bakwas ok swara drugged why ragini angry with laksh (this story i hate this 2 face ragini)
It’s totally fine. Ragini isn’t 2 faced. She loves Laksh. But sometimes when she remembers what he did she gets scared that’s why she screams on him. As for Swara, that’s going to be an interesting story. Don’t worry. Just read on to know further more coz I have a new plot in mind. Anyway I’m not feeling bad at all. Thanks for commenting. If you’re interested in reading more then welcome and if not then that’s your opinion
sorry ifu feel bad
u like to take negetive also only i writed
no hard feelings and no offence
It was a nice episode di
It’s nice sweetie ???
Take care cutie pie ???
amazing xx
Awesome dear
awesome dear…