oookkk… since no one responded yet, I decided to end it and start a new one. But I need ur help guyssss. Raglak & Swasan??? or Ragsan and Swalak?? Write ur opinion down in the comments ??
Episode 22: (last episode)
Scene 1:
Some preparations were still being done by the time Swaragini arrived with their family. Not much later, Sanlak came down. They were both wearing the same thing. Both had on a white kurta with a blue Nehru jacket with their hair done. They flashed a charming smile to Swaragini and walked towards them. Before they even arrived, Uttara, in a pink saree and a one sided braid, stood in their way.
Uttara_ wait wait wait!! what do you think you’re doing Bhai??
Laksh_ ummmm.. passing through?
Adarsh_ oh really??
Sanskar_ if you move a bit Bhai, I’m sure Laksh and I will be able to look at our future wives
Swaragini’s giggles were heard from the back
Pareenita_ You can’t do that. Wait until the engagement starts
Adarsh_ yes Bhai. that’s what I had to do when I got engaged
Sanlak looked at each other, both utterly shocked. Then Laksh smirked.
Laksh_ exactly Adarsh ji. That’s what you did in your engagement. Bhai, sorry but you’re a boring person. it’s time we changed a bit of these boring traditions.??
Sanskar_ Laksh is right ?? it’s time.
They kept on nagging until Adarsh, Pareenita and Uttara were able to send them away.
Scene 2:
DP_ it’s finally time Shekhar.
Shekhar_ yes it is.
Annapurna_ go ahead DP, promise him we’ll take good care of swaragini.
Parvati_ no need for that. We’re a family Annapurna and we trust you all with my daughters
Sujata_ sweet of you Parvati ji. thank you
Sharmistha_ I’m sure they’ll be happy to be in a caring family like this one.
DP_ come on let’s get going.
Scene 3:
Laksh_ this is a nightmare
Sanskar_ can you believe them??? if only I could’ve punched his face.
Laksh_ (mimicking) you can’t do that. wait!! that’s what I did when I got engaged..mmmm????
Sanskar_ oufffffff!! WAIT!!!! I GOT AN IDEA!!!! let’s kidnap them for 5 Minutes
Laksh_ good idea, but 5 Minutes??? that’s it!
Sanskar_ do you want to get caught Mr I’m so smart.
Laksh_ no. And second of all I AM smart
Sanskar_ pffft…. smart my feet??
Laksh_ says Mr I’m always hungry
Sanskar_ shut it
Laksh_ come on Bhai, let’s grow up a bit. it’s our Engagement!
Sanskar_ 100% true. 100% Bhai
Scene 4:
Swaragini were in a room upstairs alone, both fixing their makeup and dresses. They were interrupted by a knock.
Swara_ come in Uttara
They were shocked when Sanlak came in. Ragini rushed to the door and closed it.
Ragini_ are you mad?? what are you guys doing here?
Laksh_ we came to see you
Swara_ mhmmmm yeah right.
Sanskar_ Don’t ‘Mhmmm’ us Love. We risked our dear live to see you both
Laksh_ we were even about to kidnap you girls.
Ragini_ kidnapping us?? this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard
Swara_ God!!! we’re marrying idiots
Sanlak_ Hey!!!
Ragini_ wait a minute! I remember something. Last night, we said the loser team, which will always be you two, will do anything for us.
Laksh_ pfft.. and here I thought she forgot
Swara_ no no no…..we didn’t. In fact, we’re waiting for the marriage to finish
Sanskar_ that’s bad news but why?
Ragini_ because we’re going to make you two wear ‘I’m a loser’ shirt for a month everyday
Swara_ plus, you’re going to sing the Loser song we’ll write for you
Sanlak_ ???????????????
Laksh_ God bless my heart
Sanskar_ why us?? why??
Swara_(giggling) you’re so dramatic. we’re just kidding
Ragini_ the ANYTHING we want is you two. We eant to be with you guys forever
Laksh took Ragini’s hand and took her to the end of the room where they could be alone.
Scene 5:
Sanskar_ what the?? where are you taking her Bhai?
Swara_ leave them. Give them some time before the Engagement
Sanskar_ mhmmm right Miss Maheshwari. Exactly what I wanted
Swara_ wha…what……u…mean…..??
Sanskar moved closer and pressed his lips to her ear
Sanskar_ I want to be with you. Alone.
Swara_ um…uh…why??
Sanskar_ ( moving backwards) sheesh woman. It’s romantic. You’re mine now aren’t you
Swara_ ??? yes
She moved closer and kissed his cheeks for the first time ??
Sanskar_ I love you
Swara_ I know and I love you too
Scene 6:
Ragini_ what the..???? it’s a bit dark here
Laksh_ I’m with you
He moved closer and she moved back.
Laksh_ oufff…God!! stop being shy Ragu. you’re going to be my wife
Ragini_ I am not shy. You…
Laksh_ I… I???? I what?? whenever I get closer you move back.
Ragini_ it’s because you surprise me
Laksh_(chuckling) that’s not called surprising. This is what I call a surprise
He took he face and cupped it.
Laksh_ I love you Ragini
He moved his lips and kissed her cheek, forehead and nose. He was just about to move down when Uttara’s vioce interrupted.
Laksh_(moving back) no one knows what’s the meaning of privacy in this house
Ragini_??? I’m going to be your wife ain’t I?? then wait for me
Scene 7:
After adjusting Everything and finishing some stuff like the prayers, the two couples were to share rings. Swasan went first. Sanskar was putting a silver ring in her hand, and so did she. Then Laksh gave Ragini a gold ring and they shared it. Applause were heard, Blessings were taken, and cries were seen, and kisses between the couples were later privately shared. From that moment on, Swaragini Gadodia started a new life being a Miss Maheshwari.
THE END!!!!!?????
I know… I know…. some will think it’s a bit lame. SORRY. I had no idea what to write espaicialy since it’s the last episode ??? But hey!!! I have a new one coming. Wait for me in my next ff????? Love you allll ….. COMMENT PLEASE ??? BYE
Very sweet ending dr
Superb yaar
Next will be Raglak…….
Loved happy ending dear
awesome dear….
Superb end. Raglak swasan
Simply awesome end di…pls write raglak story next
Awesome and raglak ff
Superb dear
Want raglak story
Amazing part nd write more Raglak
Fabulous end, want only raglak
Awesome update
Lovely ending di and me too want raglak ff only
Good end, keep writing
Superb end
Super duper ending, of course want raglak
raglak plz dear
Outstanding ending dear and feeling sad that u ended this ff. If possible please write more Raglak stories and u can also include swasan scenes. I’m a huge Raglak fan that’s why I prefer Raglak story. Love u dear and take care
Awesome raglak
Awesome episode
Amazing dear…Loved it…For me always raglak
Fantastic awesome superb
Nice story
You ended it ?? You ended it???? ???????? You know what I really love this ff and you ended it…I read this part thrice bestie ? I will miss it very very very very very very very very much but actually I won’t miss it as I will read it whenever I want.

such a sweet ending dear ??? and About next story so I can read any pair for you ??? but then to I want swasan and raglak. Rest is your wish bestie.
And it was really really really really awesome as usual sweetheart ????? YOU ROCKED IT !!!!
Love you very very very very very very much ???????
Take care and keep smiling sweetheart ???????
I can never express how much I love you bestie????
Thnxxxxx everyone for such sweet comments ?? you guys are the sweetest people I have ever known!!! I’m surley going to write you all a Raglak sooon???? Love you allllllllll sooooooooo muchhhhhhhh ???? really!! I love you guys