Hey again my good telly update readers friends . time to get serious. Hope you like my new update.
Episode 7:
Scene 1:
It was an uneasy night for everyone. At the Gadodia’s, they all couldn’t stop thinking about their daughter. At the Maheshwari’s, Thoughts wandered here and there. Some about Ragini and some about Laksh. All these unexpected accidents ruined the atmosphere of Diwali. Everyone passed the night hoping for a better tomorrow.
Scene 2:
Caramel leaves tumbled to life by brisk autumnal notes that roused them from slumber, requesting a last wistful dance before a wintry embrace would claim them. The cold breeze caressed Ragini’s pink cheeks as she began to wake up. She heard voices around her. When she totally opened her eyes, she saw her parents along with the Maheshwari family sitting beside her. Right next to her bed, she saw Laksh. Everything came back to her. She remembered when she was trying to follow him but he wouldn’t stop. He didn’t even care about her. He was all behind her getting into the hospital ?? What if he did something to her again? She started to panic more and more when he looked at her.
Ragini_(shaking and trembling from fear) He…H-h-he…G-g-get-t out! GET OUT! L-L-LET HIM G-G-GET-T OUT-T….. HE’LL KILL M-M-ME… PLEASE.
Swara_(rushing towards her) calm down Ragini, you’re safe with us. He won’t hurt you. I promise.
Sanskar_(whispering to Swara) I need you for a moment.
Nodding, they both went aside.
Sanskar_ listen, I know you’re sad but my bhai has feelings as well. You don’t know what he did yesterday. He came home bloodied. He was guilty about what happened, he was half-drunk when he returned. This is the first time he does this…..
Swara was listening intently gasping every time she hears something bad.
Swara_ Sanskar, I didn’t know that. I’m sorry but Ragini’s just afraid of him. Sanskar, Laksh has to leave. Please.
Sanskar_ alright then. I’ll take him away. Swara, I-i-i..ummm. I mean thank you.?
Swara_(raising her eyebrow) why??
Sanskar_ nothing. Just saying.?
Swara_(putting her hand on his cheek) you’re totally welcome. ?
Sanskar takes his dumbstrucked Bhai out of the hospital. Raj stays by Ragini’s side all day until the doctor says she can be taken home.
Doctor_ she can go back now. But make sure she takes her medicines on time and has lots of rest. Don’t let anyone or anything stress her.
When they took her to her room in Gadodia house, she was laid rapidly on the bed and left to get rest.
Scene 3:
Laksh couldn’t believe his ears. He was a killer to her. He had to clear everything up, but how? If only he could get her family out of the house. Sure! He would tlk his father into inviting them for prayers and then he would go. All he had to do now was talk to his father. After a long time of insisting and As soon as they said it’s okay, he prepared himself to go and clear every bit of misunderstanding between him and his Ragini.
Scene 4:
The Gadodia house was empty. As soon as Laksh got there, he made his way to Ragini’s room. She was there, looking cute in her comfy bed. Her hair framed her face and her lips were puffy and red. When he stepped closer, she woke up. Her gaze met his and she bolted up frightened.
Ragini_ G-g-goo away. Please. G-g-get-t Out.
Laksh_ no Ragini. I want to talk to you.
Ragini_ I don’t want to hear you, please get out.
Laksh_ but I have to…
Ragini_ (hesitated but then talked up) no Laksh you don’t have to, you just want to.
This hit Laksh like thunder. He hasn’t expected her to recall what he had said that day. He took steps towards her and she went back.
Ragini_ get out! OUT! NOW!
He was becoming frustrated and more angry. He grasped her wrist hard enough, he was hurting her. He pinned her to a wall and yelled.
Laksh_ do you think it’s what I wanted from the start. You getting hurt? Do you think I want you dead? I’m human too, you know. I have feelings. Everyone is blaming me Ragini ( tears in his eyes and grasp loosening) I was blinded by jealousy Ragini, that’s why I wouldn’t listen. I WAS BLINDED BY YOUR LOVE. I love you Ragini. I love you so much. I would never do nothing to hurt you or anyone you love. I understand if it’s Raj you love, but….
Ragini was crying hard at that moment. She shushed him by throwing her hands around his neck and pulling him into a bone crashing hug. ???? He looked at her with a cute goofy smile and leaned in. He stopped just in time because Ragini pushed him.
Ragini_ I’m seriously sorry Laksh. I can’t do this. I need to sort things out. I have to clear my mind. I’ll call you maybe later.
Laksh_ Ragini don’t do this to me. please. please Ragini…
Ragini_ I have to rest. the door is over there. Shut it well before leaving. Goodnight Laksh Maheshwari.
She took his hand and led him outside her room. She shut the door in his face. When she did so, she cried her heart out and leaned over the door. From outside still hearing Laksh’s ‘I Love You’ shouts. She felt so lost. Her heart belonged to two men right now. Raj was an ideal man. He looked out onnher and loved her friendly and maybe Even more. On the other hand, Laksh was something else. He hurted her alot, but it just seems wrong for her heart not to love him. It was a choice to make. Either Raj or Laksh.
Scene 5:
Swara was going to the roof after the prayers to search for Sanskar. She was told by Uttara that he was there.When she got there, she was fascinated by the way it was decorated. It was so romantic. Suddenly and out of nowhere, came Sanskar with a bouquet of red roses in his hands. He slightly kneels on his legs and takes her arm.
Sanskar_ Swara from the first time I saw your face, I felt the unknown inside me. Yes from the ‘you’re the blind one’ accident (she laughs) When I knew you better these days, I fell completely head over heels for you. Swara I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me. ??(???? starts)
Swara smiles broadly.
Swara_ (softly) Yes Sanskar. I will.
He got up and hugged her. Next step was to announce that to the family. It was going to be a good event for the two families.
That’s all. First of all, I’m sorry I rushed into the Swasan thing, but it’s due for them to get married. I also did it because depending on my plot, Raj’s second half of the plan won’t occurre until Swasan get married. The question of today is: Who will Ragini choose? If anyone has an idea, write it down on the comments section. Love you all xoxoxox.??
Awesome really lved the pisode
Happy that sanky proposed shona
And finallty laksh confessed he loces ragini
I just hope that ragu chooses our lucky but i think that she may choose rajwaiting for the next episode
Amazin and I think rags will choose raj xx
Ragini should choose laksh over Raj….Nice episode
Mindblowing epi
Ragu should choose our lucky but may be she will choose raj. And loved the episode
fabulous dear….finally laksh confessed his feeling….ragu plz choose our laksh yar….waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear….
Interesting episode and loved it
Superb dear