Fan Fiction

Swaragini FF by Lina (Episode 8)

I’m back. Sorry for not updating any time sooner but here is the episode you were all waiting for and thanks for actually waiting for it.?? I really appreciate it and please don’t forget to comment.??

Episode 8:
Scene 1:
The new couples decided to tell their families sometime later. Everything that was going on with everyone was already enough. They first thought it would bring joy to the miserable atmosphere, but Ragini’s situation wasn’t going to be better with just a silly news. At least that’s what Swara and Sanskar. They didn’t know it would possibly be Ragini’s best moments after going through all. After praying, the Maheshwari family escorted the Gadodia family outside, where they bid each other goodbye. As soon as they went, Laksh came in. He was half smiling and half smiling. He rushed up to his room not letting anyone ask about what happened with him. Next morning, Sujata sent Raj to send after Swara. It was the final day of Diwali and they weren’t having anything so special.

Scene 2:
Ragini was sitting in her room, resting. Swara was sitting beside her. She thought about telling Her sister about Sanskar, but when Ragini spoke up for the first time that day, she listened.
Ragini_ He came. Yesterday. He told me that he loved me.
Swara_(confused & happy) What? Who?
Ragini_ Laksh
Swara sat dumbstrucked. Laksh? But how? She snapped out of her thoughts abruptly when her sister spoke again.
Ragini_ I don’t know what to do Swara. I don’t know if I can love him too. I love him, true. But Raj, he’s perfect. Everything is so confusing and complicated. Who should I love? Who should I trust?

There was a slightly uncomfortable silence between them. Little did they know Raj was outside the door and that he heard everything. Every bit of it.
Scene 3:
Raj’s POV:
I went as soon as Sujata ji told me. When I arrived there, Mr Gadodia was there. I asked him about Swara and he told me to call her from her room. Before knocking on the door, I heard vioces.
(Ragini_ He came. Yesterday. He told me that he loved me.
Swara_(confused & happy) What? Who?
Ragini_ Laksh
Ragini_ I don’t know what to do Swara. I don’t know if I can love him too. I love him, true. But Raj, he’s perfect. Everything is so confusing and complicated. Who should I love? Who should I trust?)

This can’t be happening. That b******. How could he? She is mine not his. MINE. What do I do now. Think Raj, Think. I have one solution. Plan two had to be done as soon as possible. I turned around forgetting why I was here from the first place.
Scene 4:
Laksh was still on his bed. He was thinking about Ragini. What will she answer? He really loves her. ALOT. He wished she would say yes. If she did, he promised himself, he would do anything for her. He would keep her safe and never hurt her. NEVER!. Sanskar came in rushing. He opened the curtains and jumped on his bed. Laksh huffed.
Laksh_ oh God please take my soul.
Sanskar_ I’ll be pleased if He did that Lucky
Laksh_ come on Sansky.There are humans here. Humans sleeping.
Sanskar_ oh really? I didn’t know you are human??
Laksh_ ha ha very funny. Someone is up with a wierd sense of humour.
Sanskar_ (shoving the pillow in his face) I’ve always been like this.
Laksh_ Says the king of the dead
Sanskar_ you never change. now I won’t tell you my secret anymore.
Laksh_ Secret? what secret? Please. Please please please please please… Tell me. come on.
Sanskar_ OK! catch your breath…. the secret is..
At the same time,
Swara took a breath after a long silence and hesitation.
Swara_ I have to tell you something.
Ragini_ go on. I’m listening

Swara_ promise me you won’t laugh

Ragini_ I won’t (starts ????)
Ragini_ ok OK. I’m sorry. Go on.
Swara_ the truth is that…
Then together: ( although they’re not at the same place, but you know how it goes ??)
Swara_Sanskar and I are now officially a couple.
Sanskar_Swara and I are now officially a couple.

Scene 6:
At the Maheshwari Mansion:
Laksh gaped at his brother
Laksh_ you… and …and her…. couple
Sanskar_ Yeah what’s the problem bhai
Laksh_????????Oh God. What a good joke. I’ve never laughed like this before.
Sanskar_ ?? but I’m not joking bhai. I love her.
Laksh_ I know you do

Sanskar_ I swear I love her why don’t you understand…. wait what?
Laksh_ I said I know you do. you should have seen the look on your face. Hilarious.
Sanskar_( hitting him with a pillow) oh God. Man, you almost gave me a heart attack
Laksh_ come on ‘Mr I’m inlove’ I want to eat something
with that, they went.

At the Gadodia house:
Ragini_ Are you serious? oh my God. Swaraaaaaa. I’m so happy for you.
Swara_ ???
Ragini_( teasing ) someone is blushing..
Swara_ ummm…no I’m not…??? I love him so much Raguu
Ragini_(singing) my sister has a boyfriend. my sister has a sister has a boyfriend.
Swara_ shhh… Dadi will hear you. You know how much she’s protective.
Ragini_ I just Love love.
Swara_ who doesn’t love love?
Ragini_?? hmmm. I’m starving. Let’s get something to eat
Swara_ what’s up with the universe? Ragini Gadodia is asking for food? wow.??
Ragini_ oh shut up and let’s go ‘Mrs Cupid hit me’ ??
Swara_ (Playfully slapping her shoulder) Let’s go.

Here’s the episode. I’m sorry it’s short. I have a headache. I think I’m sick. Anyway, next episode we’ll see Raj’s second half of the plan. What is it?? Stay with us to see Ragini’s decision. Raj or Laksh? All and more in next episode. Hope you like it. please please please please please please please please please Comment and thanks ???


Hi!!! I'm a huge fan of Swaragini and Iss Pyar Ko Kya Nam Doon. Raglak & Swasan :3 ArnavKushi 4ever

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