Hlw all so i m here with new chapter i hope u all enjoy today chapter and guys plz give ur opinion about it.
so the episode start with dadi flashback :
So ragini and maan decided to meet other and it was maan who take first step and call ragini at abc hotel and he make all the arrangements very casually bcoz he doesn’t want to make ragini uncomfortable and also himself as we all know to purpose someone is big deal and specially when that someone is ur best friend with whom u share all his secret ur crush and etc. Ragini reach there on time and maan is already waiting for her .they start there conversation normally they order some drink in this time maan try lots of time to purpose her but all in vain till that time ragini somehow understand that maan is going to purpose her so some naughty thought come in her mind and before maan purpose her she said u know rv na our classmate he called me yesterday and purposed me and i say yes to him but she don’t know that maan already know that rv loves ishu so maan understand rags motive so now its maan turn so [he secretly call ishu and request her to came here ] and he say thankgod ragini u know na i hve a grt crush on ishu but i thought rv like her and i doesn’t want to cheat him so i drop the idea of purpose her but now as u said rv purpose u so all my way r clr now i wish ishu will be here instead of u i purpose her at a time to listen this rags bcom more jalus and at that time ishu reach there and rags called rv there the time maan sit on his knees and say i lv u ishu but At the time maan feels hard punch on his face and rv hold his coler and say how could u do this its gud to hve enemy then frnds like u u know very well how much i love ishu nd u purpose her to listen it wad ishu who purpose him And say from last five years i m waiting for ur purposal u know i lost all the hope but today all tbnx to maan u finally said u love me thnku maan thnku but wait a mnt why u purpose me anyway way whatever maan u find someone else i love rv so better luck nxt time for someone else in that time rv understand everything nd start laughing nd say maan to purpose rags now finally maan sit on his knees and purpose her nd get yes in answer after that ishu ask maan if u love rag then why u purposed me first in ans she only listen a laughter sound and it is not of rags rv or maan it is of those audience who watched a great movie without any ticket.
RECAP : Family reaction..
Gys may b u fell it a little boring but trust me upcoming episode is full of masti type a and gys plz ur view about this chap through comment.
Awsm part loved it plzz continue
its awesome and funny too.
luved their teasing and hope they cum to present soon actuallt want to see this new ragini and our poor laksh
update asap
Nice epi
Awesome nd funny too