Fan Fiction

Swaragini FFs Analysis (Ragsan, Raglak)

Hey I am here to share my views regarding my favorite FFs on couples of Raglak, and Ragsan.

There are many Swaragini FFs, but I hardly read some, and all are very good but I hope I don’t disappoint someone.


1) Khamoshiyan because silence have secret (Raglak) – By Riya :A thrill of horror with the blend of Love story!! Superb FF, with the perfect touch of horror, and a mind blowing imagery! Must go and read it , and you will enjoy it as I do ?

2) Rahul:Papa…Lavanya:Mama (Raglak) – by Dafsi:A sweet story revolving around the lives of Raglak, their love and care towards their children. A story of an understanding couple , who faces troubles but indeed love each other with the same devotion. A perfect family! Must go and read and you will definitely enjoy as I do?

3) Nafrat Ya Pyaar (RAGLAK) – by Halima :If you are ready for shocks then this story is for you! A supernatural story of the love birds who have been seperated since births, and everytime a new story of ”Janam” Hats off to you Halima! Must go and read it and you will definitely enjoy as I do?


1)When I fall in love (ragsan and swasan)-by Pavani:Altough she faced very much discouragement but I still enjoyed, her passion towards writing showed how devoted she was towards her writing! A lifeless widowed (altough he was not! )Sanky’s love journey between Swara and Ragini, it ended lately!

2) I know I am blind, but we finallt met in rainfall-by Nusz :A newly started FF (only 2 episodes yet) but a different concept! A journey of a blind person who has been ditched by a girl and his family left him, living all alone with her mum, with a sorrow, there starts the love journey of Ragsan.

3) Objection My Lord!Ragsan – by S.z.f.z (Zuha):The title makes you read the story, I was also shocked to see such a title and end up reading it? A courtroom drama story, Sanskaar and Ragini are fighting for Laksh and Swara’s divorce/custody case of their daughter Naina. Altough only 2 parts are updated but again an awesome story, and a perfect blend of entertainment! Must try!


So these are my favorite FFs and writers! Do suggest me your favorite FFs?


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