Hii Natasha is back…..my msg to u
swasan- thanks dear fr ur loving comments,i am happy u loved it.
Akshata- thanks dear fr ur inspiring words,
lisa- thanks lisa dear, i hope i can make it more interesting fr u.
Fairy- thank u so much dear, ur comment again brought the smile in my face,keep supporting
Akshata- luv u 234 and more dear
divyanshri: divya dear…..i hope u dnt mide if i call u so, sanskar dads is a villan ,the world knows it and so he doesnt say to anbody, and laksh has a personal reason ,u will know later
lovely- Thanks Yar
Anuann- thak u so much nd keep supporting
JANVI-thank u so much dear, u r comment made my dag sweety…..i will call u sweety, dnt mind
Yashal- ovio u can call me sisso, i too will call u sisso dear, thanks fr ur comment
lovely- u will get raglak soon dear
s- thanks dear ——————————————————————
laksh called manik
laksh: i called u to ask how was the launch of the new car model
Manik: all are getting mad fr the car, it was successful…………….the launch was grand…………this model will bring a cyclone of money to u ….i.swear
lAksh: u tell the same thing after every launch
manik:see all turn out to be true isn’t it
laksh: ya ya
manik: we have got tenders regarding the nuclear factory u want to build in india nd the best tender is frm mehswaris……..i thought of taking that
laksh expression changes frm happy to sad than angry
laksh: no, give it to the second best ……….i dnt want maheswaris at any cost…………….i hate thT blo*dy family of morons and he cut the call and started walking left to right then right to left…………ragini came near him placed her hand in his shoulder
ragini:are u ok?
laksh looking at the sky:hmm
ragini: i know u r not
laksh looked at her , his eyes were moist,
laksh: why is this world so cruel?
ragini: we cant help ,it is cruel
in a concerned tone
ragini: hey, don’t get broken ,u have ur friends and family , they r not cruel.
laksh fell on his knees , ragini.got scared and sat down
laksh: that’s the problem ,i have nobody……….neither family nor frndzz……………he was broken and was crying hard, even ragini was crying ……………she caught his hand
ragini: look at me
laksh looked at her,
ragini: who am i to u?.
laksh composed
ragini: who is sanky and swara to u?. …….do they mean nothing to u?
laksh was stunned, he smiled, his eyes were still moist,
laksh hugged ragini ,they were still on thier kness
ragini: Me , swara are ur friends…..
and sanky always calls u bro so he is like ur brother right
laksh: yes i have friends,a brother,a family, he was laughing like a kid who got a toy after crying hard for it , he felt happy but suddenly
laksh(mind): i had friends earlier but they left me after knowing my truth…………….fine no need to tell………..let that be a secret ………let them think i am an orphan.then they smiled looking at each other with moist eyes still holding each others hand.
sanskar was sitting outside the station , his phone rang
sanskar: hii kartik
kartik: sry bro, i thought u should know about it
sanskar:what happened ?
kartik: ur dad married a young lady………..
sanskar: whT,?
kartik: she is of ur age.
sanskar couldnt take it he threw the phone and it broke into pieces
he started punching the wall he was crying, swara saw and was shoked swara held his hand”sanskaaaaaar”
swara: what r u doing?
sanskar : leave me swara .he started pushing her…….she tried to stop him but he went out of control……..without left with any idea she hugged him tightly , first he tried to push her, but swara hugged him more tighter slowly slowly he composed, they stood hugging each other for minutes……..they felt heavenly then swara left they sat in a bench
swara: what happened?
sanskar: nothing
swara: ok fine no need of telling ….but dont think u r alone
a drop of tear fell from his eyes
sanskar: i miss my mom, she left me forever
and sanskar placed his head on swaras lap ………..swara knew he was weeping and even she was crying.
swara: i know i can never experience what u r going through but ragini tells thT after death all become stars find ur star sanskar
sanskar looked at the sky ……the stars were twinkling and he pointed the brightest star
sanskar: thats my mom
swara: hii aunty…….see ur son is crying …..what shall i do to him ?
she stood up, sanskar was confused and gave a slight slap
swara: sry, aunty told to give ……..
sanskar: why
swara: becoz she is always there with u in ur heart, in ur words,in ur happyness nd in ur sadness bcoz ur every step represents her, be like her ………you will see she is near u………becoz stars move with us during day and also during night ,sometimes we can see them sometimes cannot but they dont leave us.
sanskar gave a million dollar smile , he understood he was not alone, he has his mom ,and will make her proud….for sure….nd for swaraglak and other world they will never know whose son he is …it will be a secret.
sanskar: where are ragini nd lucky
“we are here” lucky said from back …we came just now
ragini: are u not hungry
swara: yes but no stall is open what will we do …..
sanskar: did u guys ever steal fruit
lucky: we r not doing that
ragini: it will be fun
swara: ragsan are u both siblings ,
ragini: yes, we are going
rag : u are coming with us?
ragini and sanskar dragged swara and laksh respectively.
they entered the orchard?? , tress there were full of guavas……swara was scared they found the guard asleep.
swara:if we are caught we are gone
lucky: they find it fun, seriously.?
sanskar got up the tree , laksh was in no mood but ragini taunted that he is fearing ,he will fall nd he cant climb tree.
laksh ego was hurt he too went to prove laksh dont fear anyone and can do everything he too climbed the tree sanlak threw the guavas ragini was catching them , while swara was taking photos of all this madness becoz sanskar has pleaded her to do so .she rolled her eyes , when she found even laksh was posing
swara: i thought him different but even he is enjoying this madness .later when ragini took selfie even swara posed and enjoyed the madness…….when they were leaving lucky took out a notebook and pen…….he wrote a note
“sorry ,uncle, we were hungry so we took 5 guavas ” he took out 100 rupees and kept near the guard with the note .
ragini, sanskar ,swara stood smiling seeing their handsome friends, sweet heart being surprised
laksh came to them
sanskar:u r mad lucky, he didnt even come to know,why waste money
swara: sanky dnt act cool, if this is what u thought u wouldnt have given that poor child 500 rupees
laksh: hahaha……….?
sanskar: he was hungry.
ragini: that sweet u helped him…….why r u hiding
sanskar: i dnt like people praise me fr nothing
swalak were smiling
ragin pulled his cheek,
ragini: awww…….so sweet of u my partner in crime.
laksh: lets stay in a hotel ,morning we will go to bus stop
they leave in search of hotel…
precap: same as last one
Just loved swaragsanlak’s bonding they r too adorable & partner in crime …..lol ???Loved it
Awesome……nice bondind among four……
But plz soon make romance between both couples
Soon cute yaar.. Loved each character and their bonding
amazing bond
Woooooo amazng episode yaaar….raglak part ws superbbb…swsan sscenes r so emotional…loved dere pagalpanti?…aaawww mera baccha laksh is sooo kindhearted n even sanskaar also…m totally in love wid dis ff natasha…eagerly watng for precap..keep rockng dear??
Wow…. I always want a story where we can see such cute n sweet bond between them.. ….so nice…. awsome…. epi????
amazing dear!!!! laksh is looking like rough n tough from outside but from heart he is so naive and ragsan are so fun loving and lively. swara is cute too.
So so nice loved it sisso and ragsan and raglak and swasan scenes were so cute cutie cute ???? the award of best writer goes to my sisso???
yar awesum so good masti barah ff
loverags and akk
love teja sooooooooo muchhhhhh
hi sissy….
ur sweety is back… well i really luvd this name….
nd thanks fr such a cute update…
u always make me smile….
luvd their bonding….
u r such an amazing writer sissy…
luv u…
V nice bonding