Fan Fiction

(Swaragini) hamari adhuri kahani episode 11

hi everyone…
Thanks for all my readers and please do comment it encourages a lot….

Episode 10

in clg….
Swara (thinks) – now how to get my mobile it is with that chipkali…
she sees a Hall which is Written dare devils on it….
swara (to her self) – I think this is only their Hall wait may be my mobile is inside only I will check once…
no Swara what are you doing if anyone will see then they are not going to leave me… come on Swara Gadodia is not affraid of anyone and I am not doing anything wrong just go n get the mobile that’s it….

in clss….
ragini (to her self) – where is this Swara she had not come yet already lecture is over…. wait I will go and check… but where will I search her its better to wait here it self….
ragini is standing out of the class and waiting for Swara…
few guys who are standing their are watching her and gossiping about her she feels uncomfortable…
one of them – so miss Gadodia your father left your mother or your mother left your father….
another one – come on he is a Gadodia so may be he only left his mother its common for them…
ragini can’t take it anymore she was about to leave when again a paper ball hit her….
in Letter…
I thought of giving a reply for your thank you…
seems like you took me seriously you are avoiding them good but you think they will stop may be they need a reply….

ragini thinks what he want to say.. then she listens to one among those guys is badmouthing about her mother she can’t control and slapped him…. also warned them not to about any one Without knowing them… everyone over their are shocked to see a girl like ragini in this new angel..

at dare devils hall…
Swara enters the Hall and started searching their.. after some time she found a bag on a chair and her phone is over it…. she takes it and was about to leave but listens sounds and hide…
lucky comes inside the hall…
swara (thinks) – what is he doing hear if he sees me..
soon all others also comes inside…
swara (thinks) – one is not enough now all are hear what to do.. I will call bai no he will kill me… I will msg ragu to do something…

ragini is walking thinking about the Letter.. who is he this is the second time he was helping me to cheer up don’t know why but his words gives me strength…
ragini sees riya and go to her….
ragini – riya where were you, you had not come to class
riya – don’t ask me yaar some seniors caught me and told to do their assignment. where is Swara
ragini – don’t know she had not come to the class also
ragini receives a msg from swara that she is in dare devils hall….
ragini – Oh no I think swara is in trouble
riya – what??
ragini – ha see I got msg from swara
ragini calls Karthik but he not lifts the call…
ragini – bai is not lifting the call you go and call him I will go and check on Swara
riya – I should call Karthik
ragini – ha any problem
riya – no… no problem
ragini – k good I will go you come fast

riya pov…
how can I go and call him… I can’t even look into his eyes… morning it took me a lot of courage to talk to him in phone and now I should directly call him.. how can I….. come on riya you can do it its not a big deal go near Karthik and say Swara needs him that’s it simple… Oh God I am not even this much nervous for my final exam…. I met him many times but only when Swara is with me and the only conversation between us was hi and bye….
I still remember when he asked my number I was on cloud nine although he took it to check on Swara…
don’t know when and how I fell in love with him but I love him…. don’t know why swara want to join in this clg but I joined just for him… Karthik my Karthik…
pov ends

in corridor…
sahil gets a call…
sahil – Hello
person (he is same man in Dark room making plans to destroy gododia’s) – how was the plan going on
sahil – this is just first day I need some time to gain their trust
person – take how much time you want but I want results
sahil – k I will try
person – I want success not just trail
sahil – k
call ended

person pov…
lets see this time how these gododia’s are going to face their destroyer… and smriks..
pov ends

sahil pov…
swara baby soon you will be in my arms and your family will be begging infront of my dad (person to whom he is taking in phone) …
I will go to any extent to complete my dads revenge but don’t worry I will not harm you… but you should face the consequences being gadodia…
pov ends

in dare devils hall..
kavitha – k guys come on lets leave
sanky – wait first I have to collect few things from library
lucky – k bai we will wait here only come fast
sanky – k (by giving him a packet) and you eat this sandwich I will come in few min
lucky – k bai
sanky leaves from their….
kavya – I don’t know yaar this sanky will behave like lucky is his child
lucky – so what’s wrong sanky loves me a lot and same goes with me. don’t be jealous…
kavitha – lucky we know how sanky takes care of you but you should admit it sanky is over protective about you…
kavya and yuvi give hi fi to each other by saying ya that’s true…
lucky – I know you guys are teasing me but what ever you guys think but we are like this only…

Swara who is listening to their conversation.. not bad maheshwari brothers share a good bond with each other and I think they are even good among their friends but when it come to others they are devils…. God they are not moving out what to do…

ragini is standing out side the hall and peeping inside.. just then sanky reach their… he goes near her and tap on her shoulder…
ragini (Without looking at who was their) – thank God riya you are back see these devils are not leaving at all what to do…
sanky – who are devils??
ragini – who else those dare devils… realisation stuck her that the person is not riya…
ragini – ho freak… and turned around to find sanky standing with his hands folded…..

precap – nok jhok…… moments between Karthik and riya….

Sorry for typos….

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