Thankyou do your comments everyone.
let’s start.
ragini went in her class while swara went in hers.sanky came in rags class.
rags pov-
oh God why Is this over smart in my class. now I have to tolerate him. oh God pls save me.
pov ends.
san sits behind rags.
principal comes in their class and says-hello everyone. I welcome you all in our college. today evening is our freshers you all have to is your first day so no study only you make friends today okay.
all students -okay.Thankyou sir.
rags became friends with two girls named radhika and samaira.and sanky became a friend of arjun and Neil.
(radhika,Sam,Neil ,and arjun are from manmarziyan )
on girls side.
rags-your news are too long yaar let me shorten them .mmmm….okay samaira I will call you that okay..
sam-yup that’s a cool name.
rags-Rakha Kisne hai.
she said pulling her top with her fingers .
(I hope you understand )
rags-and radhika you are really sweet .you are sweet like like chasNi will call you you
rad-yes that’s so sweet just like you.
and they hugged.
sam-you both forgot me.
rags-no dear .come
and the trio hugged.
sam-and we will call you rags.
rags-yup that sounds cool.
let’s go in the canteen.
they move towards the canteen
the boys were also moving towards canteen san was busy in talking with arjun and Neil while rags was talking with Sam and radhika.they both bumped into each other.both of them lost their balance.they fell down with rags on top of san.they had an eyelock.
sam-rags are you okay.
radhika helped her get up.
while arjun helped san to get up.
rags-don’t you have eyes.can’t you see and walk properly.
she said pointing a finger at him.
san-oh hello I can say that as well.and keep your finger down.
and they started to fight.they were fighting like enemies.
radhika arjun-stop.both of you.
they said it together and stared at each other for a minute and then turned towards ragsan and made them apart.
radhika-rags stop fighting and let’s be friends ok.
rags -with him never….
and she turned her face aside.
arjun also told the same to San and San gave him the same response.
rags-but chasNi…
rad-no buts
she said as if a child is scold by their parents for fighting with others.
same happened on boys side.
then san and rags moved towards each other like sincere children.they shook hands with eo and said friends.
then all of them introduced themselves and became friends.
all of them went in the canteen.they were just having casual talks.then swara and laksh also joined them.rags introduced swara and San introduced lak.
rags-hey guys let’s go shopping for the freshers party.
sam-awesome idea let’s go.
rad- yes it will be fun.
all the other agreed.
precap-some masti in the mall.
so how was it guys plz comment .thanks for reading it.

hahah ragsan nver change