Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini latest FF episode 1

Hello guyz i am new here hope you all will like my update. And plz guyz do comment.
My story will start with swasan are getting married. And take everyone blessing.
Everyelse laksh is talking to someone.
Laksh. Come soon i don’t want to marry her.
Girl. Laksh baby i am on my way.
Laksh. Ok come fast bye.
Girl. Bye.
Swasan get married and take blessings from alders.

Ragini room.
She is getting ready when some one hit her on her head. She get fainted. The person wear the bride clothes and leave.
Laksh sees ragini om gunghat and gets scared seeing her coming.
Sanky. Laksh stop staring at her.
Laksh. No bhai.
Sanky. I can understand.
Laksh. Ha.
Ragini come on mandap and pandit ji start the pheras.
After pheras laksh fill her forehead and make her wear mangalsutra.
On the other side ragini get up and say. Laksh i am going go get married.
Suddenly she remember the incident and run downstairs.
She sees that laksh is married.
Laksh sees her and understand that he did’t married ragini. He get happy and start his drama.
Laksh. Ragini????? You there so who is she.

Everyone sees her and get shocked.
Swara goes to the bride and take gunghat of.
Everyone is shocked.
Laksh is happy but don’t showed it.
Laksh. You kavya.
Kavya. Ha laksh you forget me. But i did’t.
Swara. Who is she laksh.
Laksh. My ex girlfriend.
Ragini. Laksh.
She fainted and swara sees this and run toward her. All run toward her but laksh did’t.
Swara. Laksh what are u doing. Call the doctor.
Laksh. Why should i swara. Who is she.
Shocking everyone.

Precap. Laksh tell the truth.

Sorry guyz if u did’t liked it but if u did. So plz do comment


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