Fan Fiction

Swaragini (love connection) part 12

Part 12

Swara was screaming like hell.If she knew swimming then already she woupd be in water to save her sister.But unfortunately she didn’t know how to swim.If she jump in water than it will not help but making things worse.
Sansker jumped in the water without wasting time.Laksh went to the boatman and hold his coller angrily.
Laksh:If u can’t do ur work properly than why did u drag us in this?I will take u to the police.
Boatman:Sorry sir,but i told u all to sit properly.But mam got up.Then how can it be my fault?
Laksh hold his coller more tightly and shaked him.His eyes became red due to anger.
Laksh:What the hell r u trying to say?It is her fault??I will not spare u.
“It is not his fault l.It is my fault.I dragged her in this.If i didn’t gave the idea of boat riding than nothing would happen.”swara cried out.
Laksh released the man’s coller and went near swara.
Laksh:Calm down nothing will happen to her.
Just then sansker popped out his head from water and said”I can’t find her”
They become shocked.Suddenly swara’s phone rang and it was sumi.Swara became more tensed.
“What will i answer mom if something happens to her!”she told with worry.
She picked up the call with trembling hand.
Swara:Hello mom.
sumi:Where are u four?We r searching u for long.
Sumi:Beta are u allright?What happened to ragini?Is she okey?
Swara:Nothing is okey mom.
She than told her everything.All in the house became tensed.Sumi asked her the address.Laksh told her.
Sumi:We r coming beta.U don’t worry.Nothing will happen to my daughter.
She cut the call.
Sansker was continuously searching ragini in the water.But he couldn’t found her.He again told swara and laksh that he was unable to find her.They should call some swimmer for help.
Laksh was still shocked about what happened.He was cursing himself for telling ragini darpok.
He told to himself”First i challenged her than because of my stupid talk she stood up.If something happen to her i can’t forgive myself.No,i have to find her.”
He told swara to call the swimmers and jumped in the water to search ragini.Swara listened to him and started to dial numbers.
The boatman took the boat near the land and swara got down she eagerly waited to see her sisters face where two brothers were searching her.After sometimes swimmers came and started their work.
After sometimes sansker found her.He dragged her to the land near him.Swara was on the other side of the lake.He signed her that ragini is found.Swara immediately ran to that side.The persons who were searching for ragini stopped.Laksh also drove to tge side where ragini was with sansker.
Before laksh and swara reach there,sansker was trying to gain ragini conscious.
“Ragini,wake up”He told rubbing hef hand and shaking her head.
God!this girl has drank too much water!He started pressing her belly to bring the water out.Water came through her mouth.Sansker checked her breath.She was not breathing at all.
“No,this can’t happen”he started to rub her hand but she was frozen in cold.Suddenly something got in his mind.
“Sorry ragini,i have to do it to save u.I have to give u artificial breath through mouth.Forgive me”saying this he bent down to her.But someone pushed him.He was surprised to see laksh.Swara also came with a blanket there.
Laksh:What r u doing?
Sansker:I was giving her breath.She needs it.
Sansker again came close to her and laksh again pushed him.Sansker couldn’t understand why laksh was behaving like this.
Swara:What is this laksh?Let him do his work!We have to save ragini.
Laksh:Let me do this.
Saying this laksh bent down towards ragini and placed his lips to hers.He gave her breath.Swara and sansker was just looking at each other with weird expression in their face.What happened to this boy?But to their relieve ragini coughed and started breathing heavily.Swara quickly come to her and covered her with blanket.ragini slowly opened her eyes.She was starring at them blankly.
Swara hugged her and cried.
Swara:You scared us princess.
Ragini:From when you became fattu?I am a brave girl.Nothing will happen to me.
swara:I know.
ragini:So why r u crying?
Ragini wiped her tears and hugged her tight.
Sansker was melted to see the sisters love.Swara eyed sansker and thanked him by her eyes.Sansker smiled.
“Ragini,meri princess”a voice told from behind.
They turned and found sumi.Rest of the family also came there.Sumi ran to swaragini and hugged both of them.
Sumi:Are u okey beta…u know how much we were scared?
Swara:I am sorry ma.It was my idea to ride boat.
Sumi:’Never ever dare to do such thingss without asking me.
Ragini:If u are done with ur emotional talk then let me tell u i am wet and cold.If you guys continue ur talk like this i will surely suffer from pneumonia.
She sneezed saying this.All laughed at her talk and made her stand.
Ragini:Wait.i have to thank the man who saved me.Who is it?
She looked to laksh and sansker.Because both were wet.
Ragini:Thanks sansker!
Sansker:U can thank me latter now go to car.You need to rest.
Ragini nods and forwards her leg to walk,but she was unable to do so.Cold has made her foot stone.She sat down again.
Shekhar:What happened beta?
Swara and sumi sat near her and ask the same.
Ragini:Actually i am not able to walk.
They become worried.
Laksh:Umm…if u don’t mind let me carry u to the car.
Ragini:No i am fine.
She again tried to stand up.Swara helped her.But she was not able to move an inch.
Swara:Listen to him.For ur welfare.
Laksh came near her and whispered to her ear to “You see the boatman there.He gave u breath through mouth.Ewww…seems like he doesn’t even brush properly”he pointed to the boatman who was looking at them.
Ragini looked to the man and the man gave her a broad smile showing his all yellow teeth.
“Yuck”it was the word what came from her mouth looking towards the man.Laksh took the advantage of her diverted attention and lifted her up.
Laksh:Now lets go from here or else he do the work again.Seems like he enjoyed it a lot.
Ragini groaned and told”Put me down.Or else I will shout”
Laksh:U are already shouting.But look around u.Everybody is in my favour.So keep quiet or i will drop u.You r so heavy.Moti.
Ragini:Hawww…how dare u call me moti.Now i am definitely not gonna get down.U have to carry me till home.
Saying this she put her arm around his neck and hold him tightly.Laksh smirked.
Laksh:That’s like a good girl.
And he started to go to the car carrying her in his arms.
Dp and shekhar went near the swimmers and thankd them for helping.And they also headed to car.Ladies followed the.
Only sansker and swara left behind.Sansker was about to go but swara stopped him.
Swara:Thanks for saving my sisters life.I don’t know what would happen if u were not there!
Sansker:Relax swara.Nothing happened.
swara:I know nothing can happen when u r with me.
sansker :So much belief?Anyway i couldn’t see my friend in tension
Swara:You really came to my life as a life savour.
Saying this she hugged him.
Sansker was frozen by her action.He brushed his fingers through his hairs and then patted her shoulder.
Swara broke the hug and quickly gave peck on his cheek and ran from there to follow the others.Sansker was already frozen by the hug.Her this action made him completely blank.He stood there still.
“What was that?”He touched his cheek and said.
He came near the car.He still had hand on his cheek.Sujata sw him and found unusual.
Sujata:What happened beta?Why r u holding ur cheek?Kisine thappar mara hai kya??
Sansker:No..something more dangerous than that.
Saying this he sat inside the car.Sujata was confused.
All came to the rest house.Laksh again picked ragini to her room.On the way she kept asking did the boatman really gave her breath through mouth?Every time laksh told yes.But shr kept asking.Laksh placed her in the bed.
Laksh:Uff u talk too much.I think i have to consult doctor to check my ear.
Ragini gave him a death glare.Swara and sumi came inside the room and he went out.
Sumi:U get changed.Swara will help u.I am going to get warm milk.
Saying this she went out of the room.Swara helped her to change clothes.
After that they sat on the bed.Then ragini spoke
Ragini:Di..did i need artificial breath when i was unconscious?
Swara:Haan..Sansker was about to give u that.But laksh didn’t let him.
Ragini :Then who did that?
Ragini was shocked.She shouted”What!!!Laksh???”
Swara:hey..Easy..u needed that in that time.In fact u should see the anger in laksh’s eye when u fell.You know what..he was about to beat the boatman.
Ragini unknowingly touched her lips.

end of the episode.
precap:Engagement…shocked swara…another twist

guys what do u think what will happen when swara will come to know that he is getting married to laksh.Not sansker?What will be her reaction?And what is this new twist?Tell me through ur comments.
And i am writing another ff on swasan named swasan (love cures pain).Don’t forget to read that too.
Be happy.


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