Fan Fiction

Swaragini (love connection) part 32

hlw people..i am back with a new part here..pls don’t throw eggs after reading this.But i feel u will have an urge to throw them all over me after reading this part.Well let’s go with this.

Part 32

Sansker carried swara in his arm and placed her on the back seat of the car.Then he sat on the driver seat and started to drive.

“Nothing will happen to u”he keeps saying this looking at the back continuously.

He reached to the hospital and carried swara in his arm inside.His shirt was fully red with swara’s blood.

He holds her by her hand as she was taken to the ICU.

“Let go off her hand sir..we need to operate her.”the nurse said.

“I will go with her..i will not leave her alone.”sansker said as he didn’t leave her hand.

“U can’t go inside”the doctor declared.

Sansker left her hand and they took her to the ICU.He fell on the floor all devastated.He had nothing in mind what to do.Then he became aware of the situation and thought to call ragini first.

He took out the phn and dialed her number.

“Pick up the phone ragini!”

But ragini didn’t answered the call.Then he dialed laksh’s number.That was unreachable.He shove his hand through his hair in tension.Then he dialed adarsh’s number.

At last someone picked up the call.

“Hello sansker..what’s up?Tell me about the result”adarsh said in a delightful tone.

“Bhai…everything is gone…swara..”he couldn’t complete the sentence as his throat was blocked.

“What happened?Tell me”adarsh asked being tensed.

Sansker told him slowly what happened.

“We’re coming”adarsh said and hang up the phone.

Sansker sat there shedding tears,recalling all the moments with swara.Then her blooded body.He felt to kill himself as he couldn’t do anything in spite of being with her.

Raglak reached at GM.Sumi welcomed them warmly.Ragini hugged her.

Ragini:I missed u mom.

Sumi:I missed u too princess.

Urvashi was sick seeing the view.

Sumi:Only u came?Where is swara?

Ragini:She went home.As i came here to give u a good news,swara had to go home to give that news to all the members of our house.

Urvashi now fumed hearing this.

Urvashi:If one of u had to come here then why u came?Couldn’t u send swara?U can’t see her happy na?Always take her every right!U can’t stop snatcing everything from her right?

Ragini was shocked hearing this.

“It is nothing about snatching rights.Swara agreed for this.And now i think u r forgetting about ur rights.She has the right to come here as this is her house.But u have no right to say this things to my wife.”This time it is laksh who said all this.

He stood between urvashi and ragini being a wall between them,a protective wall for ragini.

Sumi released the growing tension between them.

Sumi:Di..i am glad that ragini came.And i will be thankful to u if u keep ur mouth shut for some time.

Then she looked towards raglak.
Sumi:Come inside.

Ragini:I am sorry mom..swara too wanted to come.But as i asked for it first so she agreed to go home.
Urvashi:Look..i said so..for her swara couldn’t come here.

Laksh opened his mouth to say something but ragini held his hand.Sumi gave urvashi an angry look.Then she looked to ragini.
Sumi:Don’t ever dare to say sorry for this.U don’t know how much happy i am after seeing u.

Ragini gave her a sad smile and looked around.

Ragini:Mom..where is papa,dada and dadi?

Sumi:Ur papa has gone to a business trip to mumbai.And ur dada dadi has gone to visit their guruji.None of them r coming back within a week.

Sumi:Now tell me the good news.
Ragini:Our result is out.And i have got the 3rd position in merit list.Swara has passed with 75% marks.And laksh is also…passed.

She told the last part with a chuckle which earned a groan from laksh.

Sumi:That’s really a good news.

Urvashi:Haan haan…don’t fly so high as u got 3rd position.Swara’s husband had been the topper i know.

Sumi:Di..if u can’t tell good then don’t tell swara..i want to talk to her.


She took out the phone to see 11 missed call from sansker.She was surprised.

Ragini:Laksh..did sansker call u??There is 11 missed call from him.What’s so urgent?

Laksh:My phone is switched off due to lack of charge.
Ragini:Mine was silent.I hope everything is fine.

She dialed sansker’s number.She was taken aback after hearing him and the phone fell from her hand.She was also falling but laksh holds her in time.

Sumi:What happened?


They all rushed to the hospital as fast as they could.Maheswari family was already present there.Uttara and adarsh was consoling sansker who was looking lifeless.Laksh ran to him and sansker started to cry like a kid hugging him.Laksh patted his back.

“Nothing will happen to her.Everything will be fine”All that he manages to say.But he was not so sure about his word.Not after seeing the amount of blood stained in sansker’s shirt.

Ap consoled the crying Sumi.Ragini saw all this from distance.She felt like she lost half of her soul,her angel,her swara.Urvashi came to her to spread salt over her wound.

Urvashi:U got what u wanted right?If u let swara come to GM,then the accident wouldn’t happen and swara would be fine.For u,ur sister is struggling between life and death.Why i am saying this to u?U r not even her sister.

She gave ragini the most disgusted look and walked past her.As she was standing alone,nobody came forward to defend her.Suddenly she felt guilty for all the bad things happening around her.

What urvashi said was right.If she told swara to go and see mom then may be this accident wouldn’t happen.Her breath stopped when she thought about her last word.She wasn’t her sister.What did she mean?

Parineeta came and touched her which broke all of her thoughts.

Pari:Are u allright?

Ragini:It’s all because of me bhabi..if i..
She says in between sobbing.
Pari:Hey..stop where u’s not ur fault.You have to be strong.Swara will be me.

Ragini cried holding her.She always found a elder sister in her.That feeling got strong now.She looked to laksh who was sitting there holding sansker.When their eyes met,he nodded at her and gave her the most assuring look like all will be okey.

Doctor came out of the OT and everyone gathered around him.

Sansker:How is my swara?
Doctor:Look..we can’t say anything now.There was a lot of blood loss.If she isn’t given blood within an hour,then we may be,wouldn’t be able to save her.

Sumi cried out loud hearing this.
Dp:Then arrange the blood.Don’t worry about money.
Sansker:Do whatever it takes to save her.She should be okey.

Doctor:The matter isn’t about money,and i can understand ur feelings mr.sansker..but she has a rare blood group that is O negative.And we don’t have blood available of that group here.U must arrange it.

All were taken aback.

Doctor:Her blood may match to one of her family member.

Sumi:Her blood groop match to her dad.But he is now in mumbai and it will take almost 4 hours to come here.

Adarsh:Then we should call blood bank.

He and laksh started to dial all possible sources they knew.They said all of their friends and relatives..but that blood group was really rare.There was no one available near.All became more tensed as the time was passing and they couldn’t manage blood.

Sansker was not in state to make a call.He sat there lifeless as all were busy to manage blood.Suddenly his phone rang.His face lit up as he thought that may be someone called to say that blood is arranged.But he was shocked to hear the other side.

“Mourning for the death of ur wife Mr Sansker Maheswari?Ohh i am missing the pale look on ur face sir!”the caller said laughing hysterically.

Sansker:Kavita?What r u saying?Swara is fighting for life now.

Kavita:That is exactly what i want.What do u think,the accident was normal?I planned for it.I gave money to the truck driver.And ur wife made it easy coming on the road herself.

Sansker was dazed after hearing this.

Sansker:What!!But why did u do that?What wrong has she done to u?

Kavita:She?No mr. sansker maheswari..she hasn’t done anything wrong.. but u did.But that poor girl is suffering because she is ur wife.

Sansker:What have i done?

Kavita:You really don’t know right? that is not u want to save her life?I know she needs blood of a rare group and i know someone who can help her.
Sansker:Who?Just tell me.

Kavita laughed which made sansker impatient.
Kavita:Not so soon sir..u have to make a deal with me.I want something in exchange.

Sansker:I will give whatever u say..just help her.

Kavita:Whatever??Think before u say.
Sansker:Nothing is more important to me than her life.

Kavita:Well i am not asking anything costly…just tell her that u love someone else and for that u want to divorce her, when she get her consciousness ..simple.


Kavita:Make decision before time runs out.

Then she cut the call.Sansker stood there still,finding no way out.What decision will he make?One side her life,and another side her love.She will be shattered if he does same thing which kavita asked.He was in a fix making the right choice and the time was passing like a heartless monster.

Precap:You will know that in next part!

Woah! i am really ready for the eggs and tomatoes here.Throw them by ur comments if u want.

By the way what u think about his decision?Don’t forget to share.And let me know u one thing..ur comments can make swara well soon 😉 .Otherwise..i don’t know!

Take care..bye.


Waiting for some miracle

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