Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini (love forever) Episode 18

Recap:swasan cute moment and raglak intimate is revealed that the guy who sent goons to kill ragini was sid.

If h have missed the previous epi then go to
Or go to google and search for swaragini love forever epi 17 telly updates….u will get it….

Today’s epi:

Laksh wakes up and sees ragini sleeping on his chest.he siles.ragini wakes up and smiles at him.he kisses her forehead.
Ragini gets uo
Laksh:what happened??
Ragini:laksh we did this before marriage
Laksh:its ok.i will marry u soon
She hugs him:plz never leave me

Swasan wait for raglak
Sanskar:have u called ragini
Swara doesnt reply
Swara ignores him
Sanslar:what happened??
Swara:as if u dnt know
Sanskar:that is why i m asking u
Sanskar understands that she is jealous and smiles
Sanskar:she is my cousin

Swara:she doesnt think u as her brother
Swara:jealous my foot
Sanskar:yiur foot is very cute
Swara gets sngry:sanskar!!!
Sanskar:ok ok dnt shout.
Swara:sanskar i just know that i love u nd u r mine.i wont give u to anybody
Sanskar gets emotional and caresses her face.she cries and hugs him
Swara:i ve found a family after do long and i love u.i dnt want to lose u plz
Sanskar:i wil never leave u

Sid sees them:u will have to leave her dude
Raglak reach there and swara ses lipstick mark on laksh’s cheek.she signs sanskar.
Sanskar:why r u so red lucky??
Swara:yeah like tomato nd ragini ur face is glowing too
Laksh:nothing like that

Swara in ragini’s ear:look at laksh’s cheek
Ragini is shocked and tries to tell laksh
Sanskar:dnt try to save him ragini.
Laksh:oh God wt happened??

Swara:seems like love blossomed badly as there is liostick mafk on ur cheek nd neck also.
Sanskar and swara burst out laugh while ragini and laksh are embarrassed.
Swara sees maya and an idea flashes through her mind.she smiles nd involves ragini in her plan.

Swara sits with ragini near maya after sometime nd starts talking to ragini
Swara:you know ragini someone told me a way to trap boys
Ragini:really swara??
Swara:yeah.i obeyed him nd look i got sanskar in my trap.
Maya listens them as she says sanskar.
Ragini:wt did u do???
Swara:in front of the person u want,u have to come wearing pandit clothes with some cow shit on ur cheeks and u have to take rounds of the big tree 150 times barefooted by loudly saying Hanuman Chalisa.

Maya is taken aback nd gets afraid thinking about her skin and dressing nd imagines people msking funshe comes yo senses and says i have to do iti will do it for sanskar as i want his property.

She leaves while swaragini have a hearty laugh.
At night all are sitting around bonfire.all play truth nd dare.
Its laksh’s turn.he choses truth nd all ask his love name.he looks at raginj who signs him no nd he promises to tell at right time as he wil have to obey his love.

Ragini choses truth nd swara asks is she is in love with someone.
Ragini looks at laksh nd says yes.i love him a lot.
Friends ask his name
Raginii:one question at one turn
Sanskar chises dare and all ask him to sing and dance with the girl whim he thinks is most beautiful

He stands up nd starts singing TUMHEN JO MAINE DEKHA TUMHEN JO MAINE JANA (from main hoon na movie)
He dances with swara and all enjoy.
Friends:so in ur eyes swara is mist beautiful
Swara shys

Maya comes and all are shocked…..


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