Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini (love of friendship) Episode 3

ap is doing work in the kitchen,sujatha comes helped her.suddenly come one with a mask of a devil,ap&sujatha get’s scared&shouts loud by hearing his dp&rp comes out and lucky
says anu darling this is lucky sorry u r lucky,open ur eyes and see me.sujji aap bhi na.then they both look at him,he looks at them and asks them.
dp comes when did u came laksh and what happend?ap says we saw lizard&shouts.dp scolds them.he asks laksh to come with him.he pretends so traditional infront of him.then when dp leaves to office he starts dancing with everyone.

uttara asks bhai did u love anyone in mumbai?
laksh:no sis
uttara:what kind of qualities did u need?
everyone are eager in hearing it then laksh tells she should be traditional&also modern.she should give respect to me when infront everyone ,when alone should be girl of commanding me
everyone laughs and laksh to stop

next day:
ap went to laksh room and asks laksh to wake up,we should go to temple
laksh:wakes and says mom why should i go to temple,god gaves me everything he gaves me nice family&also he gaves health& think everyone is asking for something if
i also comes asks,when will god get rest?so,don’t disturb me i will not disturb me u go and goes to sleep.
ap holds laksh ears and makes him awake.

BY THE INSTRUCTION OF RAGINI’S DADI :everyone goes to temple
rag’s&lucky’s car came at once
they both stand side by side and walks
ragini to his mom
rag’s:mom what is this why dadi is instruct me to come to temple?i don’t have any wishes to ask i had everything,my family,friends,wealth&health
laksh:listen those words. and shocked because these are his sayings,she is the person just like mer

he watches ragini clearly
she is so beautiful no one can take their eyes after seeing her
ragini :mom i will come just now,she went to get her mobile in her car
laksh is recording temple from the temple with his videocam.suddenly he founds ragini.
then some boys came and stops ragini. janaki is waiting for ragini inside temple.
ragini:what do u want?
boys:u r looking so hot

boys starts misbehaving with them
ragini shows her karate skills she all of them.laksh is shocked she is so traditional,by seeing her everyone comes to conclusion that she is innocent she knows nothing but she (shocked)
janaki,dadi:ragini what happened
ragini:i don’t know dadimaa,she acts as obedient,someone comes&fight with them.she bends her head and made a innocent expression.
laksh laughs and says she is my girl,she is behaving&thinking just like me,i willnot leave her.

swasan in aerobics:
swara is coming out of aerobics.
sanskar starts implementing his plan.
sanskar comes to her and says i’m sorry swara ji
she sees him and moves
he asked her to stop please..
he tells that what happend yesterday.
she belives him and say sorry on behalf rag’s don’t take it heart.she thinks u r doing so…
sanskar:nevermind,i will not think bad about ragini bcz she don’t know anything,so u don’t worry
sanskar:can i also be u r frnd like ragini?
swara:no one will be like ragini to me,but we can be frnds
they both shakehands eachother
i had some work i had to leave and sanskar leaves.

preview:laksh meeting ragini&ragini sees swasan in movie


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